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Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes & Sayings

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Top Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Jonathan Rottenberg

When I noticed other people, I wondered what it was like to be alive. They did not know, could not know, how I felt inside. My shell still passed for normal. I felt like I should scream for help, someone should help, but I knew that the time for screaming had passed. Best to just keep on walking, walking dead, one of the few things I could still do. So I kept walking. — Jonathan Rottenberg

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Anonymous

And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. But better than both is the one who has never been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 4:2-3) — Anonymous

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Douglas Coupland

After you're dead and buried and floating around whatever place we go to, what's going to be your best memory of earth? What one moment for you defines what it's like to be alive on this planet. What's your takeaway? Fake yuppie experiences that you had to spend money on, like white water rafting or elephant rides in Thailand don't count. I want to hear some small moment from your life that proves you're really alive. — Douglas Coupland

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Emmanuel Carrere

Isn't it better to die while you're alive than to live the life of a dead person? — Emmanuel Carrere

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Michael Chabon

You never would get through to the end of being a father, no matter where you stored your mind or how many steps in the series you followed. Nit even if you died. Alive or dead a thousand miles distant, you were always going to be on the hook for work that was neither a procedure nor a series of steps but, rather, something that demanded your full, constant attention without necessarily calling you to do, perform, or say anything at all. — Michael Chabon

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Dalton Trumbo

Did anybody ever come back from the dead any single one of the millions who got killed did any one of them ever come back and say by god i'm glad i'm dead because death is always better than dishonor? did they say i'm glad i died to make the world safe for democracy? did they say i like death better than losing liberty? did any of them ever say it's good to think i got my guts blown out for the honor of my country? did any of them ever say look at me i'm dead but i died for decency and that's better than being alive? did any of them ever say here i am i've been rotting for two years in a foreign grave but it's wonderful to die for your native land? did any of them say hurray i died for womanhood and i'm happy see how i sing even though my mouth is choked with worms? — Dalton Trumbo

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Paullina Simons

He's not dead. He is still alive, and while he is alive, he is mine. — Paullina Simons

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Alexander Haig

I'm the only American alive or dead who presided unhappily over the removal of a vice president and a president. — Alexander Haig

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By George R R Martin

I swear to you, I was never so alive as when I was winning this throne, or so dead as now that I've won it. — George R R Martin

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Tahereh Mafi

Winston points at my face. His eyes are a little unfocused, and he has to blink a few times before saying, I like you. It's pretty nice you're not dead. — Tahereh Mafi

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Annie Dillard

Possibly everyone now dead considered his own death as a freak accident, a mistake. Some bad luck caused it. Every enterprising man jack of them, and every sunlit vigorous woman and child, too, who had seemed so alive and pleased, was cold as a meat hook, and new chattering people trampled their bones unregarding, and rubbed their hands together and got to work improving their prospects till their own feet slipped and they went under themselves ... Every place was a tilting edge. — Annie Dillard

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Hamza Yusuf

People say to you, 'you've changed', or something like that. Well, I hope, for the sake of God, that I have changed, because I don't want to be the same person all my life. I want to be growing, I want to be expanding. I want to be changing. Because animate things change, inanimate things don't change. Dead things don't change. And the heart should be alive, it should be changing, it should be moving, it should be growing and its knowledge should be expanding. — Hamza Yusuf

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Josef Sudek

Everything around us, dead or alive, in the eyes of a crazy photographer mysteriously takes on many variations, so that a seemingly dead object comes to life through light or by its surroundings ... To capture some of this - I suppose that's lyricism. — Josef Sudek

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Daniel Waters

What is it like ... what is it like to be dead?' Evan looked at him with his dull, unblinking blue eyes, ' I don't know, what is it like ... to be alive? — Daniel Waters

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Elle Fanning

We're constantly taking pictures of ourselves. It's a bit scary, because images are essentially dead, so we judge beauty on something that isn't alive. — Elle Fanning

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Shannon A. Thompson

I couldn't help but feel as if everyone had lied about everything. We all had secrets. We all had a dark side to our innocent cover. I wondered what we would be like, if we had been completely honest with each other in the first place. Maybe more people would be alive, but then again, more people could be dead. — Shannon A. Thompson

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Pedro Okoro

You were not mass-produced like a Toyota. You are an original. Not a copy! You were handcrafted and handmade by God, who took his time to create you, making you "wonderfully complex." You're unique. You're special. You're one of a kind. There is no one else quite like you, dead or alive, in the whole world. Nor will there ever be. — Pedro Okoro

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Robin Wasserman

Since I was dead - or worse than dead, buried alive in a body that might as well be a coffin except it denied me the pleasure of suffocation - I figured I should be allowed to grieve. — Robin Wasserman

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By William Wordsworth

Such seem'd this Man, not all alive nor dead, Nor all asleep; in his extreme old age: His body was bent double, feet and head Coming together in their pilgrimage; As if some dire constraint of pain, or rage Of sickness felt by him in times long past, A more than human weight upon his frame had cast. — William Wordsworth

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Karen Marie Moning

Och, Christ, woman," he hissed. Devouring the space between them in two strides, he cupped her jaw with one big hand, tipped her face up, and claimed her mouth in a kiss. Once, twice, three times. Then he drew back and glared down at her. "I thought you were dead. I couldn't fucking get out of there and I thought of a thousand things I'd done wrong and imagined a million deaths for you. Kiss me, Jessica. Show me you're alive. — Karen Marie Moning

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Whatever distinguishes one lump of flesh from another when we're alive, we're all the same once we're dead. Just used-up shells. — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Claudia Gray

Apparently, when people travel between dimensions, their physical forms are "no longer observable," which is a quantum mechanics thing, and explaining it involves this whole story about a cat that's in a box and is simultaneously alive and dead until you open the box, and it gets seriously complicated. Never ask a physicist about that cat. — Claudia Gray

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Diane Carey

A ship doesn't look quite the same from inside, does it? A wise sailor,' Robert said, fanning his arms, 'will one time stand upon the shore and watch his ship sail by, that he shall from then on appreciate not being left behind.' He grinned and added, 'Eh?'

George gave him a little grimace. 'Who's that? Melville? Or C.S. Forrester?'

It's me!' Robert complained. "Can't I be profound now and again?'

Hell, no.'

Why not?'

Because you're still alive. Gotta be dead to be profound.'

You're unchivalrous, George. — Diane Carey

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Watchman Nee

Henceforth we are dead to everything pertaining to ourselves and alive to His Spirit alone. This requires our exercising faith. — Watchman Nee

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Antonia Fraser

Darnley, who, like Banquo's ghost, seemed to play a much more effective part in Scottish politics once he was dead than when he was alive. — Antonia Fraser

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Margaret Atwood

Glenn used to say the reason you can't really imagine yourself being dead was that as soon as you say, 'I'll be dead,' you've said the word I, and so you're still alive inside the sentence. And that's how people got the idea of the immortality of the soul - it was a consequence of grammar. — Margaret Atwood

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Mark Harmon

Hang onto your sense of humor. I picture my obituary : The sexiest man alive is now dead. — Mark Harmon

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Derek Landy

Kenspeckle was your friend."
"When all this is over, we'll see who's alive and who's dead and then I'll cry, OK? ... Clarabelle's going to feel so bad when this is done with. — Derek Landy

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Thomm Quackenbush

Being certain one is alive isn't something to which one pays mind. If you could ask the question, you were fine. If you could not, hopefully you had a cozy coffin. — Thomm Quackenbush

Dead Or Alive 2 Quotes By Alister MacKenzie

Golf is a game, and talk and discussion is all to the interests of the game. Anything that keeps the game alive and prevents us being bored with it is an advantage. Anything that makes us think about it, talk about it, and dream about it is all to the good and prevents the game becoming dead. — Alister MacKenzie