Famous Quotes & Sayings

Daughterless Gene Quotes & Sayings

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Top Daughterless Gene Quotes

Daughterless Gene Quotes By Jack Kerouac

Whatever anyone does,/ anyone says, in the/ past, now, everything, let/ it bounce off the rock/ of yr gladness (yr mirror) — Jack Kerouac

Daughterless Gene Quotes By Chuck Bednarik

And you get into that sort of cannibalistic feeling - all you want to do is go out there and, like I say, kill somebody. I'm going to get him. I'm going to kill'em. Not like you are going to put them into the ground after, but you just want to kill a guy. — Chuck Bednarik

Daughterless Gene Quotes By John Galt

If enjoyment is a value, why is it moral when experienced by others, but immoral when experienced by you? ... Why is it immoral for your to desire, but moral for others to do so? Why is it immoral to produce a value and keep it, but moral to give it away? — John Galt

Daughterless Gene Quotes By Marianne Williamson

miracle is a shift in thinking, a shift from fear to love. — Marianne Williamson

Daughterless Gene Quotes By Rob Sheffield

Singing what's in your heart? Naming the things you love and loathe? You can get hurt that way. Hell, you will get hurt that way. But you'll get hurt trying to hide away in all that silence and leave your life unsung. There's no future without tears. Are you really setting your hopes on not getting hurt at all? You think that's an option? You clearly aren't listening to enough Morrissey songs. — Rob Sheffield

Daughterless Gene Quotes By John Lahr

Writers don't always know what they mean - that's why they write. Their work stands in for them. On the page, the reader meets the authoritative, perfected self; in life, the writer is lumbered with the uncertain, imperfect one. — John Lahr

Daughterless Gene Quotes By Rachel Hawthorne

Hey, ya'll,can we go?" Leah asked. "The cute guys are gonna be taken by the time we get there."
"No,they won't be," Sam said,"Because you'll be ariving with them. — Rachel Hawthorne