Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Data Accuracy

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Top Data Accuracy Quotes

Data Accuracy Quotes By Leroy Hood

An important finding is that by determining the genome sequences of an entire family, one can identify many DNA sequencing errors and thus greatly increase the accuracy of the data. This will ultimately help us understand the role of genetic variations in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. — Leroy Hood

Data Accuracy Quotes By Anonymous

Wit.ai, based in Palo Alto, California, is taking aim at the swiftly growing number of devices with small displays, or no screen at all, and at activities like driving and cooking, where you don't want to look at or touch a display. The company is offering its product free to those who agree to share their user data with the Wit.ai community. Collecting this data should help improve the accuracy of the system over time. "Everyone will benefit from that," cofounder and CEO Alex Lebrun says. — Anonymous

Data Accuracy Quotes By Aristophanes

Only by being suspended aloft, by dangling my mind in the heavens and mingling my rare thought with the ethereal air, could I ever achieve strict scientific accuracy in my survey of the vast empyrean. Had I pursued my inquiries from down there on the ground, my data would be worthless. The earth, you see, pulls down the delicate essence of thought to its own gross level. — Aristophanes

Data Accuracy Quotes By John Battelle

In the past, Google has used teams of humans to 'read' its street address images - in essence, to render images into actionable data. But using neural network technology, the company has trained computers to extract that data automatically - and with a level of accuracy that meets or beats human operators. — John Battelle

Data Accuracy Quotes By Walter Rodney

The truth is that any figure of Africans imported into the Americas which is narrowly based on the surviving records is bound to be low, because there were so many people at the time who had a vested interest in smuggling slaves (and withholding data. Nevertheless, if the low figure of ten million was accepted as basis for evaluating the impact of slaving on Africa as a whole, the conclusions that could legitimately be drawn would confound those who attempt to make light of the experience of the rape of Africans from 1445 to 1870. Pg. 96 — Walter Rodney

Data Accuracy Quotes By Kathryn Schulz

Unlike earlier thinkers, who had sought to improve their accuracy by getting rid of error, Laplace realized that you should try to get more error: aggregate enough flawed data, and you get a glimpse of the truth. "The genius of statistics, as Laplace defined it, was that it did not ignore errors; it quantified them," the writer Louis Menand observed. " ... The right answer is, in a sense, a function of the mistakes. — Kathryn Schulz

Data Accuracy Quotes By Clifford Stoll

The information highway is being sold to us as delivering information, but what it's really delivering is data ... Unlike data, information has utility, timeliness, accuracy, a pedigree ... Editors serve as barometers of quality, and most of an editor's time is spent saying no. — Clifford Stoll