Famous Quotes & Sayings

Dartmouth Alumni Quotes & Sayings

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Top Dartmouth Alumni Quotes

Dartmouth Alumni Quotes By Ian Gomez

My mom's family is Russian Jewish, and my dad's Puerto Rico Catholic, so it's kind of a weird mix. — Ian Gomez

Dartmouth Alumni Quotes By Author Cole Hart

Know where you wanna go. Then get there. Start with small goals and they'll build your foundation for the bigger ones. — Author Cole Hart

Dartmouth Alumni Quotes By Bruce Catton

The enduring realization that when a great challenge comes, the most ordinary people can show that they value something more than they value their own lives. When the last of the veterans had gone, and the sorrows and bitterness which the war created had at last worn away, this memory remained. — Bruce Catton

Dartmouth Alumni Quotes By Reza Aslan

Whereas a religion of many gods posits many myths to describe the human condition, a religion of one god tends to be monomythic; it not only rejects all other gods, it rejects all other explanations for God. — Reza Aslan

Dartmouth Alumni Quotes By Ernest Rutherford

Every good laboratory consists of first rate men working in great harmony to insure the progress of science; but down at the end of the hall is an unsociable, wrong-headed fellow working on unprofitable lines, and in his hands lies the hope of discovery. — Ernest Rutherford

Dartmouth Alumni Quotes By Shakti Gawain

Work and play can be the same. When you are following your energy and doing what you want to do all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves. Work is no longer what you have to do, and play what you want to do. When you are doing what you love, you may work harder and produce more than ever before, because you are having fun. — Shakti Gawain

Dartmouth Alumni Quotes By Louis Gossett Jr.

I was at Woodstock. In the mud. — Louis Gossett Jr.

Dartmouth Alumni Quotes By Friedrich Schiller

Around, around, Companions all, take your ground, And name the bell with joy profound! CONCORDIA is the word we've found Most meet to express the harmonious sound, That calls to those in friendship bound. — Friedrich Schiller

Dartmouth Alumni Quotes By Joss Stirling

Like Belgian chocolate - absolutely sinful and completely irresistible'. — Joss Stirling

Dartmouth Alumni Quotes By Ivanka Trump

Quality for me is key, and this stands true in every facet of my business from real estate, hotels, and fashion. — Ivanka Trump

Dartmouth Alumni Quotes By Edwin Gaustad

Most of the founding fathers, sympathetic with and influenced by the European Enlightenment, saw religion - natural religion, that is - as a potential good, but with equal clarity they saw the religions of existing institutions and religions based on a fixed scriptural revelation as meddlesome, wrong-headed and hopelessly obsolete. — Edwin Gaustad