Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Dark Fairies

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Top Dark Fairies Quotes

Dark Fairies Quotes By Joshua Gaylord

The snow came after two o' clock. It fell faintly in the cones of lamplight, descending like fleets or fairies through the cold sky. I was awake - the only one in town, I was sure - and I was sure those miniature fallen sylphs were for me and my personal delectation. They came for me, because nature likes a saint. They settled on my window sill, they collected on the dark grass of my lawn, they danced and whirled in the wind gusts before my eyes. I put my hand to the windowpane to greet it, the first snow. By the time I woke in the morning, I saw that after the snow had come to me, it had visited everyone. — Joshua Gaylord

Dark Fairies Quotes By T.J. Klune

Another fairy flew up, carrying a spear and wearing a helmet and not much else. I thought about asking why he had armor on his head and not his balls, but I didn't think that was proper etiquette while being held prisoner by the Dark Woods fairies. — T.J. Klune

Dark Fairies Quotes By Julie Berry

La luna hung beautifully bright over the horizon, in a sky still dark. Cold breezes blew over the river and ruffled the tall grasses along the bank, making them rustle and chatter. In their waving fronds I sensed small animals stirring. The pure song of a nightingale, a rossinhol, rang across the water, ending in a trill. It was an hour for sprites and fairies. What magic might lurk among the riverbank grasses? Anything was possible just before dawn. — Julie Berry

Dark Fairies Quotes By T.J. Klune

So, funny story. There are fairies? In the Dark Woods. And I might have pissed off their king."
There was silence. Then, "Of course you did. — T.J. Klune

Dark Fairies Quotes By Red Tash

I envisioned him tied in a chair, an iron arrow pointed at his brow. Ah, the power of positive thinking. — Red Tash

Dark Fairies Quotes By F.R. Maher

The word 'fairy' conjures up images of cute little creatures, so I don't use it. I use 'metahominids' from the Greek for 'other' and 'men.' They aren't cute - this is no fairy story. — F.R. Maher

Dark Fairies Quotes By Karen Pryor

As he [Sir Malcolm Sargeant, conductor of the London Philharmonic] stood in waist deep in the shallows of Whaler's Cove, the littler spinners came drifting over, sleek and dainty, gazing at him curiously with their soft dark eyes. Malcolm was a tactful, graceful man in his movements, and so the spinners were not afraid of him. In moments, he had them all pressing around him, swimming into his arms, and begging him to swim away with them. He looked up, suffused with delight, and remarked to me, 'It's like finding out there really are fairies at the bottom of the garden! — Karen Pryor

Dark Fairies Quotes By Patricia Hagan

A full moon sprinkled the black ocean with diamonds, and she could imagine fairies dancing in the silver foam that laced the huge, dark waves. — Patricia Hagan

Dark Fairies Quotes By Destinee Hardwick

The first rule in the book of love is acceptance. — Destinee Hardwick

Dark Fairies Quotes By Judy Allen

Few humans see fairies or hear their music, but many find fairy rings of dark grass, scattered with toadstools, left by their dancing feet. — Judy Allen

Dark Fairies Quotes By Brynn Myers

You still smell like a human. They hate humans."
I closed my eyes and cried some more. It was my fault. You did this, Novaleigh. You killed an entire village of fairies. — Brynn Myers