Famous Quotes & Sayings

Da Nang Quotes & Sayings

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Top Da Nang Quotes

Da Nang Quotes By Alice Duer Miller

Mother, what is a Feminist?"
"A feminist, my daughter,
Is any woman now who cares
To think about her own affairs
As men don't think she oughter. — Alice Duer Miller

Da Nang Quotes By Vince Vaughn

I have a little piece of advice for all the single guys out there, this is a piece of gold so please write this down. If you have the opportunity to star in a movie, do it. Seriously, I find it's a lot easier to meet girls. — Vince Vaughn

Da Nang Quotes By Osho

Why should one be a Christian? It is ugly. Be a christ if you can be, but don't be a Christian. Be a buddha if you have any respect for yourself, but don't be a Buddhist. The Buddhist believes. Buddha knows. — Osho

Da Nang Quotes By Alice Herz-Sommer

I felt that this is the only thing which helps me to have hope ... a sort of religion, actually. Music is God. — Alice Herz-Sommer

Da Nang Quotes By Basmah Bint Saud

Today in Saudi, women are either at the mercy of their husbands or at the mercy of judges who tend to side with the husbands. The only circumstance that a woman can ask for a divorce or a 'khali' is when her husband is in total agreement with her or if she comes from a very powerful family who decide to back her up. — Basmah Bint Saud

Da Nang Quotes By Steven Brust

There is no excuse for bad manners, except fast reflexes. — Steven Brust