Famous Quotes & Sayings

Crueller Quotes & Sayings

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Top Crueller Quotes

Crueller Quotes By Ann Brashares

Desire was just the dumbest thing. You wanted what you wanted until it was yours. Then you didn't want it anymore. You took what you had for granted until it was no longer yours. This, it seemed to her, was one of the crueller paradoxes of human nature. — Ann Brashares

Crueller Quotes By Chelsea Cain

If Gretchen had been feeling charitable she would have let me die ... I wanted to die. I was ready to die. If she had put a scalpel in my hand, I would have stabbed myself in the neck and happily bled to death right there in her basement. She didn't do me any favours by not killing me. Gretchen enjoys people's pain. And she just found a way to prolong my pain and her pleasure. Believe me, it was the cruellest thing she could have done to me. If she could have thought of something crueller she would have done it. Gretchen doesn't show people mercy. — Chelsea Cain

Crueller Quotes By Yuval Noah Harari

Domesticated chickens and cattle may well be an evolutionary success story, but they are also among the most miserable creatures that ever lived. The domestication of animals was founded on a series of brutal practices that only became crueller with the passing of the centuries. — Yuval Noah Harari

Crueller Quotes By Psyche Roxas-Mendoza

Only two things in man's consciousness defy discussion: faith and one's marriage. — Psyche Roxas-Mendoza

Crueller Quotes By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

It's the moon that makes it so still, weaving some mystery. — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Crueller Quotes By Roger Von Oech

When everyone thinks alike, no one is doing very much thinking. — Roger Von Oech

Crueller Quotes By Jack Ma

Today is cruel. Tomorrow is crueller. And the day after tomorrow is beautiful. — Jack Ma

Crueller Quotes By Simon Barnes

Sven must have neglected to pay tribute to one of those strict Nordic gods. But instead of cursing Eriksson himself, Thor has done a still crueller thing and cursed the England strikers. I can only assume that Eriksson was never informed of this curse, otherwise he might have more than a 17-year-old up his sleeve. — Simon Barnes

Crueller Quotes By Ian Cawsey

I think that everybody has acknowledged that, in controlling foxes, hunting is hardly used as a method at all. To say that other ways of killing foxes, such as shooting, are crueller is to accuse all those people who work in the countryside of being more cruel than they need to be. In all the time that I have lived in and represented the countryside, I have seen no evidence that those people have that view. — Ian Cawsey

Crueller Quotes By Zig Ziglar

I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can't truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles. — Zig Ziglar

Crueller Quotes By Bill Dedman

She desired not only the dolls and dollhouses but also the accessories that gave the appearance of daily life. For a breakfast scene, she cabled Au Nain Bleu asking for tiny French breads: croissants, brioches, madeleines, mille-feuilles, and turnovers. But she wasn't done. In a May 7,1956, cable to store, she wrote:
For the lovely pastry shop please send
the following: waffles, babas,
tartelettes, crepes, tartines, palm-
iers, galettes, cups of milk, tea and
coffee with milk, small butter jars,
fake jam and honey, small boxes of
chocolate, candies and candied fruits,
and small forks. Thank you. — Bill Dedman

Crueller Quotes By Doreen Virtue

Always speak and think kindly about yourself, because your soul needs your love and approval. — Doreen Virtue

Crueller Quotes By Truman Capote

Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act. — Truman Capote

Crueller Quotes By Sarah Dobbs

Yugi's eyebrow is black and sparse. From the marks on the woman's skin, Yugi can see all the places he has been. His fingerprints blur the white column of her throat with red. His right hand trembles. He clutches his wrist to still the shakes. It's not nerves. It's adrenalin. Still, he needs a moment. The women here were far less savvy, much more grotesque in a warped sort of way. And yet they were somehow innocent. It was almost crueller. — Sarah Dobbs

Crueller Quotes By Cassandra Kemper

You know ... it always seems obvious to outsiders when someone is doing something wrong, but when your mind is in the midst of evil, it is easy to be manipulated by crueller instincts. — Cassandra Kemper

Crueller Quotes By Ruby Wax

The essence of neuroplasticity is that what you practise you'll cultivate. If you are cruel and spiteful, you'll become expert at getting even crueller and more spiteful. If you practise being compassionate, you'll become more compassionate. That's how our brains work; the way we think or feel determines our wiring and what chemicals are coursing through our veins. If — Ruby Wax

Crueller Quotes By Clive Barker

Sometimes nature is even crueller than politics. — Clive Barker

Crueller Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

No, bwother, I have gwown moustaches myself, — Leo Tolstoy

Crueller Quotes By Katherine Cecil Thurston

Failure may be cruel, but success is crueller still. The gods are usurers, you know; they lend to mortals, but they exact a desperate interest. — Katherine Cecil Thurston

Crueller Quotes By Alan Moore

Love. His love for Cathy and the kids. That had been one of his protective mantras, he was certain, except love just made things crueller, gave you so much more to lose. — Alan Moore

Crueller Quotes By Patti Smith

I think some of that hopelessness of my generation got passed on to later generations - the sense of uselessness. — Patti Smith

Crueller Quotes By Amanda Palmer

Nothing is crueller than children who come from good homes. — Amanda Palmer

Crueller Quotes By Marcel Theroux

The years have taught me not to wonder too much at the dark things men do. Strange how it is that men never act crueller than when they're fighting for the sake of an idea. We've been killing since Cain over who stands closer to god. It seems to me that cruelty is just in the way of things. You drive yourself mad if you take it all personal. Those who hurt you don't have the power over you they would like. That's why they do what they do. And I'm not going to give them the power now. But it was a cruel thing that they did, and when they had finished hurting me, a splinter of loneliness seemed to break off and stay inside me forever. — Marcel Theroux

Crueller Quotes By Ray Bradbury

The great thing about my life is that everything I've done is a result of what I was when I was 12 or 13, — Ray Bradbury

Crueller Quotes By Nikki Sex

Evil deeds and lies - kept hidden - ruin lives. Secrets give evil the power to grow. — Nikki Sex

Crueller Quotes By Kin Hubbard

The only time some fellows are seen with their wives is after they're indicted. — Kin Hubbard