Cron Quotes & Sayings
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Top Cron Quotes
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
Each thing you add to your story is a drop of paint falling into clear water; it spreads through and colors everything. — Lisa Cron
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
MYTH: Beautiful Writing Trumps All
REALITY: Storytelling Trumps Beautiful Writing, Every Time — Lisa Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
There is a law in physics that applies to the soul. No two objects can occupy the same space at the same time; one thing must displace another. If your heart's crammed tight with material things and a thirst for wealth, there's no space left for God. Francis wanted a void in his life that could only be filled with Jesus. Poverty wasn't a burden for him - it was a pathway to spiritual freedom. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
Miss Annie, is it wrong for me to believe it was Jesus who asked my forgiveness?" I asked her.
She frowned and shook her head, "Lord, what do they teach you at that school?" she said. Then she faced me head-on. "Did God humble himself by becoming a man?" she asked, every word spoken more loudly than the one before.
"Yes, ma'am," I said. I'd never used the word ma'am before, but it seemed an excellent time to start.
"Did he humble himself by dying on the cross to show us how much he loved us? she asked, waving her spatula at me.
My eyes widened and I nodded, yes.
Miss Annie's body relaxed, and she put her hand on her hip. "So why wouldn't Jesus humble himself and tell a boy he was sorry for letting him down if he knew it would heal his heart?" she asked.
"But if Jesus is perfect
Miss Annie ambled the five or six feet that separated us and took my hand. "Son," she said, rubbing my knuckles with her thumb, "love always stoops. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
Stories are about people who are uncomfortable. — Lisa Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
More often than not, Jesus comes to us incognito. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
First, if Francis were around today, he'd say our church community relies too much on words to tell others about our faith. For Francis, the gathered community was as potent a form of witness as words. He was convinced that how we live together is what attracts people to faith. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
Each scene in your story, ask yourself, If I cut it out, would anything that happens afterward change? — Lisa Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
Life always comes down to who's driving — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
Narrators are often unreliable, and part of the reader's pleasure is figuring out what's really true. The — Lisa Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
the object of all great art is beauty, and it makes us nostalgic for God. Whether we consider ourselves people of faith or not, art arouses in us what the pope calls a 'universal desire for redemption. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
Father Alexander Schmemann is an Orthodox scholar who wrote a book called For the Life of the World. He says the liturgy is a journey that proceeds from the kingdom of this world into a brief encounter with the kingdom of God, and then back out again to bear witness to it. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
His will to live was waning, and it made him almost transparent, as though rather than dying, he might just disappear one day, leaving behind only a vague scent of regret. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
A boy needs a father to show him how to be in the world. He needs to be given swagger, taught how to read a map so that he can recognize the roads that lead to life and the paths that lead to death, how to know what love requires, and where to find steel in the heart when life makes demands on us that are greater than we think we can endure. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
..."love always stoops. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
You cherry-pick events that are relevant to the story question and construct a gauntlet of challenge (read: the plot) that will force the protagonist to put his money where his mouth is. Think baptism by ever-escalating fire. — Lisa Cron
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
Elmore Leonard famously said that a story is real life with the boring parts left out. — Lisa Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
Francis taught me that if we spent less time worrying about how to share our faith with someone on an airplane and more time thinking about how to live radically generous lives, more people would start taking our message seriously. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
In short, when we read a story, we really do slip into the protagonist's skin, feeling what she feels, experiencing what she experiences. And what we feel is based, 100 percent, on one thing: her goal, which then defines how she evaluates everything the other characters do. If we don't know what she wants, we have no idea how, or why, what she does helps her achieve it. As Pinker is quick to point out, without a goal, everything is meaningless.6 It — Lisa Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
I'm beginning to see that there's a difference between art that trusts beauty's simple power to point people to God and Christian art that's consciously propagandistic. My Uncle Kenny, with whom I spent most of my time in Italy, said something profound
that you can make art about the Light, or you can make art that shows what the Light reveals about the world. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
Beauty can break a heart and make it think about something more spiritual than the mindless routine we go through day after day to get by. Francis was a singer, a poet, an actor. He knew that the imagination was a stealth way into people's souls, a way to get all of us to think about God. For him, beauty was its own apologetic. That's why a church should care about the arts. They inspire all of us to think about the eternal. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
When the church first began, it was a pacifistic movement known for its outspoken criticism of any form of bloodshed or violence. After Constantine legalized Christianity, 'just war' theory emerged, which meant that Christians could participate in wars if certain criteria were satisfied. By the year 1100, Christians were launching Crusades and telling the faithful that killing Muslims would secure them a spot in heaven! What happened? Somewhere along the way we forgot that Jesus intended the Sermon on the Mount to be an actual, concrete program for living. He wanted us to actually live it, not just admire it as a nice but unrealistic ideal. I mean, what would happen if Christians dedicated themselves to peacemaking with the same discipline and focus that armies do for war? What difference could it make? We have to revisit the early church's teachings about reconciliation, peacemaking, and the Sermon on the Mount and ask ourselves if we're living them out or tiptoeing around them. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
What draws us into a story and keeps us there is the firing of our dopamine neurons, signaling that intriguing information is on the way. — Lisa Cron
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
Before there were books, we read each other. — Lisa Cron
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
If I ask you to think about something, you can decide not to. But if I make you feel something? Now I have your attention. — Lisa Cron
![Cron Quotes By Rick Yancey Cron Quotes By Rick Yancey](
Why do men pray to God, Kendall? I've never understood it. God loves us. We are his cron, like my spider; we are his beloved. ... Yet when faced with mortal danger, we pray to him to spare us! Shouldn't we pray instead to the one who would destroy us, who has sought our destruction from the very beginning? — Rick Yancey
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
To be the altar boy at the first Mass of the day was a sacred initiation rite. It was like being hazed at a fraternity, only more Catholic. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
There is a big difference in life between a jump and a fall. A jump is about courage and faith, something the world is in short supply of these days. A fall is, well, a fall. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
I carry an invisible box of jerseys with me that say "Team Ian" on the front. My goal is to convince everyone I meet to become my fan and prove it by putting on my "Team Ian" jersey. If they do, then for at least ten minutes I feel like I've won their approval and love. If I have a run of people who don't put it on, I can fall into a rut I have visited so often I should have it decorated and furnished. For me, life is like one long job interview in which I'm trying to impress everyone I meet enough to hire me. The routine is exhausting, mostly for everyone else.
I confessed this nutty practice to my spiritual director. He smiled, put his arm around my shoulder, and said, "I never trust a man without a limp. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
And while in the olden days, disgruntled readers suffered pretty much in silence, now there's Amazon. The last thing you want are myriad scathing reviews that potential readers find helpful. — Lisa Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
It's like what Gandhi said: The world is so hungry for God that God could only come as a piece of bread. We so long for joy that God even risked coming into the world in the form of intoxication, that risky thing called wine. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By KC Craichy Cron Quotes By KC Craichy](
1. Eating fewer calories while maintaining optimal levels of all essential nutrients - CRON. 2. Eating and supplementing with generous amounts of broad- spectrum antioxidants. 3. Eating low glycemic impact foods and minimizing sugar. 4. Eating high quality foundational and fuel fats and supplementing with antioxidant essential fatty acids. — KC Craichy
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
Stories not only give us a much needed practice on figuring out what makes people tick, they give us insight into how we tick. — Lisa Cron
![Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron Cron Quotes By Ian Morgan Cron](
She taught me how to ride the Dragon Coaster and what to do when you're flung into the mouth of whatever it is you think will kill you. Throw up your arms and laugh until you come out the other side. — Ian Morgan Cron
![Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron Cron Quotes By Lisa Cron](
You slogged from the terrifying emptiness of the blank page to the two most beautiful words in a writer's vocabulary: The End. — Lisa Cron