Famous Quotes & Sayings

Craps Game Quotes & Sayings

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Top Craps Game Quotes

Craps Game Quotes By Jonathan Carroll

She became my favorite scar. — Jonathan Carroll

Craps Game Quotes By Rajneesh

Our whole attitude about life is money-oriented. And money is one of the most uncreative things one can become interested in. Our whole approach is power-oriented and power is destructive, not creative. A man who is after money will become destructive, because money has to be robbed, exploited; it has to be taken away from many people, only then can you have it. Power simply means you have to make many people impotent, you have to destroy them - only then will you be powerful, can you be powerful. — Rajneesh

Craps Game Quotes By Taylor Stevens

This doll-guy situation is an extreme of what I deal with in everyday life, where men believe that what they want I want, and they project that on to me and then blame me, curse me, when I don't respond the way they've fantasized, like it's some personal attack on them, like they're entitled to something. Doll guy and dog guy and rape guy, the dangerous ones, they just go a step further and take it anyway. Then they blame you and the way you look for what they did. What's worse is that a lot of the time, society blames you, too. — Taylor Stevens

Craps Game Quotes By Karel Capek

It's not possible to search for God using the methods of a detective ... There is no way. You can only wait till God's axe severs your roots: then you will understand that you are here only through a miracle, and you will remain fixed forever in wonderment and equilibrium. — Karel Capek

Craps Game Quotes By Patrick Kavanagh

On the stem of memory imaginations blossom. — Patrick Kavanagh

Craps Game Quotes By Wilford Brimley

I've always played cards. I can't remember when there wasn't a gambling game going on somewhere, even if it was a craps game in a wheelbarrow on the backside of the racetrack. — Wilford Brimley

Craps Game Quotes By Lawrence Durrell

It is hard to fight with one's heart's desires; whatever it wishes to get, it purchases at the cost of the soul. — Lawrence Durrell

Craps Game Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Beyond the subtle physical body, is the causal body, the part of your being that lives from one lifetime to another. — Frederick Lenz

Craps Game Quotes By Joan Didion

Many people I know in Los Angeles believe that the Sixties ended abruptly on August 9, 1969, ended at the exact moment when word of the murders on Cielo Drive traveled like brushfire through the community, and in a sense this is true. The tension broke that day. The paranoia was fulfilled. — Joan Didion

Craps Game Quotes By James Kipling

contacted my boss for help and he was able to open the door. The door to the bathroom was locked — James Kipling

Craps Game Quotes By Pierce Brown

I am Ares! I am a murderer too!...And what do we do with to murderers? — Pierce Brown

Craps Game Quotes By Libba Bray

Ain't that the way of the world, now? Good luck turns bad. Bad luck turns good. Just a big rolling craps game played between this world and the next, and we the dice getting tossed around. — Libba Bray

Craps Game Quotes By Octavia Butler

I'm literate, and the idea of leaving children illiterate is criminal. — Octavia Butler

Craps Game Quotes By Leonardo Da Vinci

If you put on more garments, the cold cannot reach you. Similarly, increase your patience and concentration and even great injuries cannot vex your mind. — Leonardo Da Vinci

Craps Game Quotes By Graham Parke

We played for about half an hour before I realized we were actually playing two different games. What I'd thought of as ludo was actually a game called gin rummy, and what Warren was playing seemed to be a mixture of craps and table tennis. Once we started playing by one consistent set of rules, though, the fun was really over. — Graham Parke

Craps Game Quotes By Anonymous

Warning, brave traveler - here be implementation details! — Anonymous

Craps Game Quotes By Kirk Kerkorian

Life is a big craps game. I've got to tell you, it's all been fun. — Kirk Kerkorian

Craps Game Quotes By Akira Toriyama

The method of producing comics in Japan is very hectic, but it's also rewarding because it's possible to do both the story and art all by yourself. In this way, it's possibly to bring out one's individuality. If this idea appeals to you, I call on you to try drawing your own manga. — Akira Toriyama

Craps Game Quotes By Chang-rae Lee

I don't feel uncomfortable in America, but every once in a while, I'm reminded that people don't see me the way I see me. It doesn't change my life, but it gives me a consciousness about it. — Chang-rae Lee