Famous Quotes & Sayings

Corrigiendolo Quotes & Sayings

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Top Corrigiendolo Quotes

Corrigiendolo Quotes By Jennifer Rardin

It must've been Albert's military background, because man, when he dropped a bomb the entire country shook. I was still jittery as a hurricane survivor in New Orleans, and I was sure that somewhere in Alaska some poor Inuit had just taken a tumble from his sled for the very same reason. — Jennifer Rardin

Corrigiendolo Quotes By Quinn Loftis

Jacque rolled her eyes. "Jen you were screaming at the top of your lungs that it wasn't fair that you had to give up your perky rack, and you were sick of your nipples feeling as though they had been stuck in a pencil sharpener while salt was poured on them."
"How do you even know that? I was at the Serbian pack mansion when I had my moment.," Jen growled.
"Your mate put you on speaker phone," Sally said trying not to laugh. — Quinn Loftis

Corrigiendolo Quotes By Rachel Cusk

Every time I write a book, I've probably taken five years off my life. — Rachel Cusk

Corrigiendolo Quotes By Aldous Huxley

But truth's a menace, science is a public danger. As — Aldous Huxley

Corrigiendolo Quotes By Anna Kournikova

When I play, I feel like I'm in a theatre, why should I look ugly then, because I'm a tennis-player? — Anna Kournikova

Corrigiendolo Quotes By Craig Horner

I remember I used to watch 'Buffy,' and I'd be like, 'Ah man, I would kill to be on 'Buffy,' to be part of that little crime-solving team fighting demons and monsters.' — Craig Horner

Corrigiendolo Quotes By Herman Koch

This was happening to me more often lately: suddenly, pieces of the puzzle were gone - bites out of time, empty moments during which my thoughts must have been elsewhere. — Herman Koch