Famous Quotes & Sayings

Conniptions Meme Quotes & Sayings

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Top Conniptions Meme Quotes

Conniptions Meme Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

He made a commitment, Eena."
"And you believe this commitment," she spoke the word detestably, "is more important than true love?"
"No," she stubbornly disagreed.
"Yes," Ian insisted as he put his finger to her lips, preventing her from arguing any further. "Love grows and wanes, Eena, but honor, duty, and commitment, those things are constant and stable. They define who you are."
"They define who you are?" she repeated. "You mean miserable?"
"Content," he retorted.
"Lonely," she argued.
"Faithful," he insisted, his eyes widening to emphasize the importance of the word.
"Empty, regretful, and ... "
"Hopeful," Ian whispered in her ear.
This word caught her off guard. At present, hope was probably all any of them could cling to. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Conniptions Meme Quotes By Tupac Shakur

Can you imagine what it's like for you to be who I am, who I was, and for them to say that I raped a woman? And for the whole world to actually be entertaining the thought that you raped a woman. That's hell. — Tupac Shakur

Conniptions Meme Quotes By Various

have notissed, a short time since, a venerable lookin' ex-Statesman, dressed — Various

Conniptions Meme Quotes By William Shakespeare

For you, in my respect, are all the world.
Then how can it be said I am alone
When all the world is here to look on me? — William Shakespeare

Conniptions Meme Quotes By Anonymous

What's "right" in language comprehension: ERPs reveal right hemisphere language capabilities" published in Language and Linguistics Compass (2008; Volume 2, pages 1-17). — Anonymous