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Quotes & Sayings About Complaining About Life

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Top Complaining About Life Quotes

Complaining About Life Quotes By Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.

As I sit here in my favorite chair, I'm reminded of a story that my father shared with me when I was a young boy. He said that a chicken and a hog were having conversation about breakfast.
The chicken was complaining because it must produce eggs for the farmer so that he can have eggs for breakfast, and the hog replied with tears in his eyes, that may be true, but I must give up my life so that he can have bacon.
My question to you is, what has someone given you in order for you to eat, and what are you willing to give up so that someone else may eat at the table of life? — Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.

Complaining About Life Quotes By Brene Brown

For me, and for many of us, our first waking thought of the day is "I didn't get enough sleep." The next one is "I don't have enough time." Whether true or not, that thought of not enough occurs to us automatically before we even think to question or examine it. We spend most of the hours and the days of our lives hearing, explaining, complaining, or worrying about what we don't have enough of ... Before we even sit up in bed, before our feet touch the floor, we're already inadequate, already behind, already losing, already lacking something. And by the time we go to bed at night, our minds are racing with a litany of what we didn't get, or didn't get done, that day. We go to sleep burdened by those thoughts and wake up to that reverie of lack ... This internal condition of scarcity, this mind-set of scarcity, lives at the very heart of our jealousies, our greed, our prejudice, and our arguments with life. — Brene Brown

Complaining About Life Quotes By Anne Zoelle

I replaced my lip with my thumb as my nervous chewing object. "I've taken over your workspace. Your hours. Your life."
"You've taken over the very heart of me. Blah, blah. What do you want to do about it?" He tilted his head and drew his ribbon through his fingers. "No, I'll tell you what I want. I wa-"
"I'm sorry!"
"Do you hear me complaining, Crown? Do you actually know me to do anything I don't want to do? — Anne Zoelle

Complaining About Life Quotes By Warren W. Wiersbe

In spite of his painful encounters with the world and its problems, Solomon does not recommend either pessimism or cynicism. Rather, he admonishes us to be realistic about life, accept God's gifts and enjoy them. He advises us to trust God and enjoy what we do have rather than complain about what we don't have. — Warren W. Wiersbe

Complaining About Life Quotes By Shelley Hitz

Ask God to help you see the times in your day when you are looking at your life as half-empty and complaining about the circumstances around you. When you realize this, ask God to help you give that concern to Him in prayer and instead find something to be thankful for at that time. Even if it is something we normally take for granted, like our eyesight, or ability to taste food, there is always something to be thankful for in all circumstances. — Shelley Hitz

Complaining About Life Quotes By Hal Elrod

While coming to grips with my new reality wasn't easy, and at times I couldn't help but wonder - why did this happen to me? - I had to take responsibility for getting my life back. Instead of complaining about how things should be, I embraced how things were. I stopped putting energy into wishing my life were any different - into wishing bad things didn't happen to me - and instead focused 100% on making the best of what I had. Since I couldn't change the past, I focused on moving forward. I dedicated my life to fulfilling my potential and achieving my dreams so I could discover how to empower others to do the same. — Hal Elrod

Complaining About Life Quotes By Aziz Ansari

So you're going to horrible places and meeting horrible people and you're complaining about it? Live your life like a decent person. Go to the grocery store, buy your own food, take care of yourself. If you live a responsible life, you'll run into responsible people," he said. — Aziz Ansari

Complaining About Life Quotes By Jennifer Weiner

But I'll tell you a secret. You know what boys like? A woman who's happy with herself. Who's not making herself miserable with the Jane Fonda videotapes and complaining all the time about whether this part or that one's too big. And you know what else they like? She leaned in close, whispering into her granddaughter's ear. Good food. — Jennifer Weiner

Complaining About Life Quotes By Jayson Engay

People keeps on complaining, but they're not doing anything about the things that they're complaining about. — Jayson Engay

Complaining About Life Quotes By Mokokoma Mokhonoana

People who complain about something that they cannot do anything about are as irritating as those who complain about something that they can do something about. — Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Complaining About Life Quotes By M.F. Moonzajer

Once my brother was very angry on my parents and told them "You should have killed me when I was a child"
Interestingly I was present and told him "I don't think it is still too late" and I have never heard him complaining about life. — M.F. Moonzajer

Complaining About Life Quotes By Joyce Meyer

Embrace your life, count your blessings, and don't complain about what you don't have. — Joyce Meyer

Complaining About Life Quotes By Edward Docx

Half the world is screaming for water and freedom when the other half is ordering cocktails and complaining about the service. — Edward Docx

Complaining About Life Quotes By Alexander McCall Smith

[...]perhaps the secret of leading a life in which you would not always be worrying about things, or complaining about them, was to accept that there were people who just saw things differently from you and always would. Once you understood that, then you could accept the people themselves as they were and not try to change them. What was even more important, perhaps, was that you could love those people who looked at things so differently, because you realised that they were not trying to make life hard for you by being what they were, but were simply doing their best. Then, when you started to love them, love would do the work that it always did and it would begin to transform them and then they would end up seeing things in the same way that you did. — Alexander McCall Smith

Complaining About Life Quotes By Dixy Gandhi

What did you learn?"
"Letting go of my past, because it's all soot, nothing is left
of it, if I wandered there for long I would be running in circles
in the dark, no hope, no life. And if I chose to live in those
places rebuilt from ashes, I can never get rid of the darkness
which would prevail underneath."
"The present is my ray of hope. I could have stayed there,
complaining about the gloominess of the light, and regretting
not having turned a corner to explore a new horizon at the same
time I needed to respect that light because it was my savior from
the dark. I learnt it finally and that's why I reached here today
and found you — Dixy Gandhi

Complaining About Life Quotes By Maya Angelou

There were people who went to sleep last night,
poor and rich and white and black,
but they will never wake again.
And those dead folks would give anything at all
for just five minutes of this weather
or ten minutes of plowing.
So you watch yourself about complaining.
What you're supposed to do
when you don't like a thing is change it.
If you can't change it,
change the way you think about it. — Maya Angelou

Complaining About Life Quotes By Manoj Arora

With every breath you take, someone just took their last. Stop complaining about life. It has given you much more than what you appreciate. — Manoj Arora

Complaining About Life Quotes By William Hudson O'Hanlon

I heard a story about a woman who grew up in Texas. When she was having trouble in her life, she would visit her grandmother, who lived nearby and always had a kind word and some wisdom to pass on. One day she was complaining to her grandmother about some situation and her grandmother just turned to her, smiled sadly, and said, "Sometimes, darlin', you've just got to rise above yourself in this life." I've remembered that wise advice many times as I've faced trouble in my life. — William Hudson O'Hanlon

Complaining About Life Quotes By Susan Sarandon

I wouldn't want to be 20 now. I know so much more, and I'm much more comfortable in my skin, saggy as it is When I hear young girls complaining about superficial things You're at the peak of your physical beauty right now! Just enjoy it and stop worrying about your thighs being too big If you're upset with how you look at 25, life's going to be tough — Susan Sarandon

Complaining About Life Quotes By Chris Rock

You can never make a woman happy, it's impossible. I've never met a happy woman in my life. They're always complaining about something. — Chris Rock

Complaining About Life Quotes By Brandon Sanderson

I won't stand there and watch while men die behind me. We have to be better than that! We can't look away like the lighteyes, pretending we don't see. This man is one of us. Just like Dunny was.
"The lighteyes talk about honor. They spout empty claims about their nobility. Well, I've only known one man in my life who was a true man of honor. He was a surgeon who would help anyone, even those who hated him. Especially those who hated him. Well, we're going to show Gaz, and Sadeas, Hashal, and any other sodden fool who cares to watch, what he taught me. Now go to work and stop complaining! — Brandon Sanderson

Complaining About Life Quotes By Michelle Franklin

Everyone is a raconteur without realizing it. We speak to our friends, we speak to our doctors and therapists about the nothing-meaning nonsense that goes on in our lives, but the difference in telling a story and complaining about the ills of one's life is in the delivery. We can talk about how someone slighted you at work, or we can talk about how that person looked when they promptly fell down the stairs a moment after disdaining you. There, you see, is the difference: people will often notice the main but not the nuance; they will notice the face of the person yelling at them and the pitch of their shouts, but will not notice the comfort that the ululations of agony and twisted limbs lying on the bottom stile can promise. — Michelle Franklin

Complaining About Life Quotes By Mitch Albom

One afternoon, I am complaining about the confusion of my age, what is expected of me versus what I want for myself. — Mitch Albom

Complaining About Life Quotes By Sai Marie Johnson

When I see people complaining about their lives, who have yet to have the epiphany of realizing that if you want something better you first got to get off your ass and quit complaining. Life isn't easy but worth it when you actually apply yourself. You will fail, as a humbling experience, but your triumph and victory are certain when you have a little ambition. — Sai Marie Johnson

Complaining About Life Quotes By Michelle Tea

One of the most powerful things I'd learned since getting sober is to love and accept life on life's terms. Alcoholics have a hard time doing this; we're little id-driven crybabies, guzzling and complaining about how nothing in this life goes the way we think it should. Accepting and even embracing the world as it is can be radical, and it can have powerful, positive results. — Michelle Tea

Complaining About Life Quotes By Rita Dove

There are times in life when, instead of complaining, you do something about your complaints. — Rita Dove

Complaining About Life Quotes By Anthony Marais

It's not words, but years we should be editing. Remember: time spent on bad art is a form of redundancy, doing the same thing twice is a form of tautology, and wasting precious moments complaining about life is a form of pleonasm. We should all learn to live our lives concisely. — Anthony Marais

Complaining About Life Quotes By Bojana Novakovic

One actor in my life is enough, and that's me. With actors, it's too easy to go into this world of complaining. Someone will always be better, richer, more loved, do more work. Those dynamics don't interest me. The friends I hang out with, we create our own work rather than complain about acting. — Bojana Novakovic

Complaining About Life Quotes By Richard Carlson

One of the mistakes many of us make is that we feel sorry for ourselves, or for others, thinking that life should be fair, or that someday it will be. It's not and it won't. When we make this mistake we tend to spend a lot of time wallowing and/or complaining about what's wrong with life. "It's not fair," we complain, not realizing that, perhaps, it was never intended to be. — Richard Carlson

Complaining About Life Quotes By Frank J. Fleming

So you should be grateful about most everything, because, being an American, you live a very privileged life. There's just a tiny amount of room for complaining, because there are a few legitimate things worth complaining about. Like, let's say you watched a show about people who crashed on an island, and it was full of interesting mysteries, and you kept watching for six seasons, hoping to find answers to all the mysteries - but then in the finale they totally didn't answer anything and acted like it was the characters and their resolutions I was supposed to care about - like Jack's constant whining should have been my focus rather than the smoke monster or the mysterious hatch. That's awful. That's worth complaining about . . . even years later. — Frank J. Fleming

Complaining About Life Quotes By Romana Kryzanowska

You apply Pilates in everyday life, like how you sit, how you walk. You've heard a lot of people complain about back problems; it is because these people walk incorrectly with the last vertebra of their tailbone. They stick it out instead of pulling it in and down. — Romana Kryzanowska

Complaining About Life Quotes By David P. Murray

Whatever you will complete or not today, rest in the only work that will never need to be done again. Rest in the fact that Jesus has done the most impossible job in the world, done it perfectly, and made it available. Take it. Enjoy it. Build your life on it. Let it change your whole view of your life and work. Use His work to put your work into perspective. Believe His work is counted as yours. Despite all that you fear and dread about the next ten hours - a critical boss, a vicious competitor, a looming deadline, a complaining customer, an impossible sales target, unrelenting children, monotonous drudge - you have Christ's perfect work credited to your account. — David P. Murray

Complaining About Life Quotes By Stephen Hawking

It is a waste of time to be angry about my disability. One has to get on with life and I haven't done badly. People won't have time for you if you are always angry or complaining. - Stephen Hawking — Stephen Hawking

Complaining About Life Quotes By Habeeb Akande

Life is like a rollercoaster with highs and lows. So quit complaining about it and enjoy the ride! — Habeeb Akande

Complaining About Life Quotes By Fred Melamed

I don't really know of the Jewish tradition of comedy, only the Jewish tradition of not keeping your mouth shut. Complaining about all that is hard, unfair or ridiculous in life-having strong feelings, and not being able to suppress them. That, to me, is Jewish. — Fred Melamed

Complaining About Life Quotes By Kurt Cobain

There are a lot of things I wish I would have done, instead of just sitting around and complaining about having a boring life. — Kurt Cobain

Complaining About Life Quotes By Jared C. Wilson

For believers in Christ, affliction often has a softening effect on the heart. This is why cancer patients are posting uplifting thoughts in my Facebook newsfeed and teenagers are complaining about their phones not working right. Suffering is when life gets real. Our interests are narrowed. Our attention is grabbed. What really matters? The — Jared C. Wilson

Complaining About Life Quotes By Nicholas Sparks

Life was messy. Always had been and always would be and that was just the way it was, so why bother complaining? You either did something about it or you didn't, and then you lived with the choice you made. — Nicholas Sparks

Complaining About Life Quotes By Kurt Cobain

I really haven't had that exciting of a life. There are a lot of things I wish I would have done, instead of just sitting around and complaining about having a boring life. So I pretty much like to make it up. I'd rather tell a story about somebody else. — Kurt Cobain

Complaining About Life Quotes By Sherilyn Fenn

I think there's an anxiety in life where we automatically tend to look to the next thing or we're complaining about the past. Worrying is not going to make it happen or not happen. — Sherilyn Fenn

Complaining About Life Quotes By Maddy Malhotra

We are stuck in the maize that we created. Most people keep complaining about being stuck rather than finding the way out, and they call themselves unlucky! — Maddy Malhotra

Complaining About Life Quotes By Gordon B. Hinckley

To you wives who are constantly complaining and see only the dark side of life, and feel that you are unloved and unwanted, look into your own hearts and minds. If there is something wrong, turn about. Put a smile on your faces. Make yourselves more attractive. Brighten your outlook. — Gordon B. Hinckley

Complaining About Life Quotes By Hermann Hesse

He saw mankind going trough life in a childlike or animallike manner, which he loved and also despised at the same time. He saw them toiling, saw them suffering, and becoming gray for the sake of things which seemed to him to entirely unworthy of this price, for money, for little pleasures, for being slightly honoured, he saw them scolding and insulting each other, he saw them complaining about pain at which a Samana would only smile, and suffering because of deprivations which a Samana would not feel — Hermann Hesse

Complaining About Life Quotes By Anthony Jeselnik

I'm a comedian and there are a lot of things I'm still learning. I love one liners because I love smart jokes. I also don't like complaining about society or whining about my life on stage. — Anthony Jeselnik

Complaining About Life Quotes By Nhat Hanh

Impermanence is very important, crucial for life. That is why instead of complaining about impermanence you have to say "Long live impermanence!" — Nhat Hanh

Complaining About Life Quotes By Michelle Sagara

Complaining about life's little miseries was one of the few conversational luxuries people were allowed, and at the moment, Kaylin couldn't put herself behind complaint. — Michelle Sagara

Complaining About Life Quotes By Louise Hay

If we give out thoughts of grouchiness and complaining, etc., we'll find more to complain about. If we send out love and affirm 'life loves me', then we are drawing experiences to ourselves that prove it's true. — Louise Hay

Complaining About Life Quotes By Criss Jami

The most judgmental people are often those who complain most about being judged. The ones not complaining will look as though they're the ones doing the judging. — Criss Jami

Complaining About Life Quotes By Dara Horn

Do you think I'm deaf?" the deaf beggar asked. "I'm not deaf at all. It's just that it isn't worth hearing a whole world full of people complaining about what they lack." He told the story of a wealthy country where people believed they were living 'the good life.' The country had a garden of riches, of so many sights and smells and sounds that the people in the country literally lost their senses, spoiled by everything they had already seen and heard and smelled and tasted and touched, until the beggar taught them how to use their senses again. — Dara Horn

Complaining About Life Quotes By Henry Rollins

Life is full of choices, if you have the guts to go for it. That's why I get immediately bored with anyone's complaining about how boring their life is, or how bad their town is. Fucking leave and go somewhere else. Or don't. — Henry Rollins

Complaining About Life Quotes By Andy Rooney

I've done a lot of complaining here, but of all the things I've complained about, I can't complain about my life. — Andy Rooney

Complaining About Life Quotes By Rhonda Byrne

Everything that surrounds you right now in your life, including the things you're complaining about, you've attracted. — Rhonda Byrne

Complaining About Life Quotes By Elisabeth Elliot

It is always possible to be thankful for what is given rather than to complain about what is not given. One or the other becomes a habit of life. — Elisabeth Elliot

Complaining About Life Quotes By Tracey Edmonds

Happy Monday! Don't victimize yourself and let life pass you by as you sit around and complain about problems. Be empowered and create solutions. You can! — Tracey Edmonds

Complaining About Life Quotes By Benjamin Hoff

And if clever rabbit doesn't quite have what it takes, abrasive Eeyore certainly doesn't either. Why not? Because of what we could call the Eeyore Attitude. You might say the while rabbit's little routine is that of knowledge for the sake of being clever, and while Owl's is that of knowledge for the sake of appearing wise, Eeyore's is knowledge for the sake of complaining about something. As anyone who doesn't have it can see, the Eeyore attitude gets in the way of things like wisdom and happiness, and pretty much prevents any sort of real accomplishment in life. — Benjamin Hoff

Complaining About Life Quotes By Joel Osteen

MAY 31 The Power of Your Words Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. PROVERBS 18:21 NASB OUR WORDS have tremendous power and are similar to seeds. By speaking them aloud, they are planted in our subconscious minds, take root, grow, and produce fruit of the same kind. Whether we speak positive or negative words, we will reap exactly what we sow. That's why we need to be extremely careful what we think and say. The Bible compares the tongue to the small rudder of a huge ship, which controls the ship's direction (see James 3:4). Similarly, your tongue will control the direction of your life. You create an environment for either good or evil with your words, and if you're always murmuring, complaining, and talking about how bad life is treating you, you're going to live in a pretty miserable world. Use your words to change your negative situations and fill them with life. — Joel Osteen

Complaining About Life Quotes By Derrick Rose

I live a great life. I can't complain. I'm healthy, my family's good and there's nothing I can really complain about. — Derrick Rose

Complaining About Life Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Women often forget that the man she is complaining about is a creation of a mother like her. — Debasish Mridha

Complaining About Life Quotes By Elton John

He [Ryan White] had a kind of angelic aura about him. And his family, too, it's like, they are going through all this suffering, and I'm living this "Life of Riley" and I'm complaining about everything, and they are living this horrific life and complaining about nothing. — Elton John

Complaining About Life Quotes By Lisa Williams

It's really easy to complain. If you're not careful, then you end up complaining about your whole life. Concentrating on the good things is really good. Catch people doing good. — Lisa Williams

Complaining About Life Quotes By Robert Kiyosaki

Complaining about your current position in life is worthless. Have a spine and do something about it instead. — Robert Kiyosaki

Complaining About Life Quotes By William Gibson

Arleigh said Rez was back at his own hotel now, but that he'd come later to spend some time with her and thank her for all she'd done. That made Chia feel strange. Now she'd seen him in real life, somehow that had taken over from all the other ways she'd known him before, and she felt kind of funny about him. Confused. Like all of this had pegged him in realtime for her, and she kept thinking of her mother complaining that Lo and Rez were nearly as old as she was. And — William Gibson

Complaining About Life Quotes By N.D. Wilson

Lay your life down. Your heartbeats cannot be hoarded. Your reservoir of breaths is draining away. You have hands, blister them while you can. You have bones, make them strain-they can carry nothing in the grave. You have lungs, let them spill with laughter. With an average life expectancy of 78.2 years in the US (subtracting eight hours a day for sleep), I have around 250,00 conscious hours remaining to me in which I could be smiling or scowling, rejoicing in my life, in this race, in this story, or moaning and complaining about my troubles. I can be giving my fingers, my back, my mind, my words, my breaths, to my wife and my children and my neighbors, or I can grasp after the vapor and the vanity for myself, dragging my feet, afraid to die and therefore afraid to live. And, like Adam, I will still die in the end. — N.D. Wilson

Complaining About Life Quotes By Luvvie Ajayi

Some well-meaning folks think if we stop talking about racism, it'll magically disappear, like the smell of an errant fart. But like a fart, people might try to be polite and ignore it, but everyone knows it's there. Avoidance has never been a great tactic in solving any problem. For most situations in life, not addressing what's going wrong only makes matters worse. It's like someone breaks your arm, and the person who slammed the baseball bat into it is saying, 'The only reason it won't heal is because you keep complaining that it hurts.' How about you get me a cast so the bone can set straight again? America does not want to put the effort into providing this cast. This is why we must talk about race, and we must do it openly. — Luvvie Ajayi

Complaining About Life Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

Before complaining about your burden of life, you must first try to see what other people's burden of life is! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Complaining About Life Quotes By Brittainy C. Cherry

Loved me. How over the top and dramatic can one person get? I mean, hell. Lust at seventeen, sure. Sex buddies at eighteen, shit yeah. But love? Love doesn't enter anyone's life until you turn forty-two, add fifty pounds to your body, and start complaining about the younger generations. Once someone can put up with your forty-two-year-old annoying ass and nasty farts, you know that's real love. — Brittainy C. Cherry

Complaining About Life Quotes By Zoe Cassavetes

I'm not complaining about my life; every moment of it has been fantastic, and I'm so lucky. — Zoe Cassavetes

Complaining About Life Quotes By Marc Cherry

A lot of the women I know, that's what they're complaining about - either the man in their life or the lack of a man in their life. — Marc Cherry

Complaining About Life Quotes By Pema Chodron

Joy has to do with seeing how big, how completely unobstructed, and how precious things are. Resenting what happens to you and complaining about your life are like refusing to smell the wild roses when you go for a morning walk, or like being so blind that you don't see a huge black raven when it lands in the tree that you're sitting under. We can get so caught up in our own personal pain or worries that we don't notice that the wind has come up or that somebody has put flowers on the diningroom table or that when we walked out in the morning, the flags weren't up, and that when we came back, they were flying. — Pema Chodron

Complaining About Life Quotes By Anatole France

Of all earthly creatures, humans alone have the power to choose. One must never lose time in vainly regretting the past nor in complaining about the changes which cause us discomfort, for change is the very essence of life. — Anatole France

Complaining About Life Quotes By Hal Elrod

Instead of complaining about how things should be, I embraced how things were. I stopped putting energy into wishing my life were any different - into wishing bad things didn't happen to me - and instead focused 100% on making the best of what I had. Since I — Hal Elrod

Complaining About Life Quotes By Rhonda Byrne

If you are complaining about things in your life, you are on the complaining frequency, and you are not in a position to attract what you want.
Get on to the frequency of good with your thoughts and words. Firstly you will feel good, and secondly you will be on the frequency of receiving more good. — Rhonda Byrne

Complaining About Life Quotes By Alexander Stone

It is has been a long time since I have written one of my statuses about life. I have been very busy trying to promote my Fan page, Friends and services, and my books. However, I can tell you all one thing for certain. I am not a Quitter. I will not stop writing books. I will not stop pushing myself to succeed. I will not stop being who I am.
I am a winner. Winning is an attitude. You take the good with the bad and you keep on going. It gets hard, you get tired and sometimes burnt out but you keep on going anyway, because you can.
Winners have setbacks, but winners learn tighten their belts and go on. Winner look at what has gone wrong and instead of complaining they find ways of doing it better. Winners know that Rome was not built in a day and take every day as it comes.
Winners do not whine, they roar. — Alexander Stone

Complaining About Life Quotes By Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Instead of complaining about problems in your stomach, mind what goes into your stomach to cause the problems in your stomach. — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Complaining About Life Quotes By Eckhart Tolle

See if you can catch yourself complaining, in either speech or thought, about a situation you find yourself in, what other people do or say, your surroundings, your life situation, even the weather. To complain is always nonacceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself into a victim. When you speak out, you are in your power. So change the situation by taking action or by speaking out if necessary or possible; leave the situation or accept it. All else is madness. — Eckhart Tolle

Complaining About Life Quotes By Iyanla Vanzant

No whining, no complaining about anyone. Everybody in your life has come to teach you lessons. — Iyanla Vanzant

Complaining About Life Quotes By Guy Finley

Most people would rather complain about some painful life pattern than dare to meet the level of their own consciousness responsible for its repeated appearance ... and therein do the work needed to change it once and for all. — Guy Finley

Complaining About Life Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster

Life flows at ease whenever a person ceases complaining about the past, worrying about the future, lives in the now without resisting pain, and accepts the moral sublimity of living in a state of grace. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Complaining About Life Quotes By John Flanagan

Many rulers would have spent the morning complaining loudly about the cold and the discomfort, as if their complaints would actually serve to alleviate the situation and as if their attendants should be able to do something about it. Not the emperor. He accepted the situation knowing that he could do nothing to change the weather. Best to endure it without making life more difficult for those around him. — John Flanagan

Complaining About Life Quotes By J.D. Vance

If you believe that hard work pays off, then you work hard; if you think it's hard to get ahead even when you try, then why try at all? Similarly, when people do fail, this mind-set allows them to look outward. I once ran into an old acquaintance at a Middletown bar who told me that he had recently quit his job because he was sick of waking up early. I later saw him complaining on Facebook about the "Obama economy" and how it had affected his life. I don't doubt that the Obama economy has affected many, but this man is assuredly not among them. His status in life is directly attributable to the choices he's made, and his life will improve only through better decisions. But for him to make better choices, he needs to live in an environment that forces him to ask tough questions about himself. There is a cultural movement in the white working class to blame problems on society or the government, and that movement gains adherents by the day. — J.D. Vance

Complaining About Life Quotes By Rhonda Byrne

If you are complaining, the law of attraction will powerfully bring into your life more situations for you to complain about. — Rhonda Byrne

Complaining About Life Quotes By Randy Pausch

Too many people go through life complaining about their problems. I've always believed that if you took one tenth the enrgy you put into complaining and applied it to solving the problem, you'd be surprised by how well things can work out. — Randy Pausch

Complaining About Life Quotes By Og Mandino

My days of whining and complaining about others have come to an end. Nothing is easier than fault finding. All it will do is discolor my personality so that none will want to associate with me. That was my old life. No more. — Og Mandino

Complaining About Life Quotes By Rebecca McNutt

People never like pollution, it has become very wrong to like pollution at all. But just like there are good and bad things about people, there are good and bad things about pollution. If people were pollution we would get rid of anyone who was different, anyone who was considered an inconvenience ... but we'd be getting rid of a life, a lot of lives ... because we didn't like them. If pollution was a person would we still be trying to get rid of it? Would we have environmentalists still complaining and protesting and trying to get rid of all pollution? — Rebecca McNutt

Complaining About Life Quotes By Danielle LaPorte

The surest sign that you're working with the life-affirming kind of discipline, rather than the spirit-depressing kind, is that you don't complain very much about doing what it takes. — Danielle LaPorte