Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Combat Engineers

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Top Combat Engineers Quotes

Combat Engineers Quotes By Judy Woodruff

I think we have reached such saturation levels, the money at this point doesn't swing election. — Judy Woodruff

Combat Engineers Quotes By Peter Drucker

Success always obsoletes the very behavior that achieved it. — Peter Drucker

Combat Engineers Quotes By Nassim Nicholas Taleb

The first heuristic addresses the asymmetry in rewards and punishment, or transfer of fragility between individuals. Ralph Nader has a simple rule: people voting for war need to have at least one descendant (child or grandchild) exposed to combat. For the Romans, engineers needed to spend some time under the bridge they built - something that should be required of financial engineers today. The English went further and had the families of the engineers spend time with them under the bridge after it was built. — Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Combat Engineers Quotes By Brian J. Clarke

The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a bit longer. (US Army Combat Engineers saying.) — Brian J. Clarke

Combat Engineers Quotes By Joan Baez

I would say that I'm a nonviolent soldier. In place of weapons of violence, you have to use your mind, your heart, your sense of humor, every faculty available to you ... because no one has the right to take the life of another human being. — Joan Baez

Combat Engineers Quotes By Mel Brooks

I was out in the combat engineers. We would throw up bridges in advance of the infantry but mainly we would just throw up. — Mel Brooks

Combat Engineers Quotes By Frances Varian

The better I understood my education, the angrier I became that most working-class and poor people are denied one. Why are the children of doctors, lawyers, and engineers taught the mysteries of existence while the children of janitors and waitresses are taught fear? I developed a preoccupation with my own inadequacies, aided by a few professors of elitism. To combat my growing anxiety, I began to envision myself a class spy. I would soak up all of the information they could give me and run reconnaissance for my team. — Frances Varian

Combat Engineers Quotes By Josh Lieb

It's interesting, on your second day of existence, to realize that your father is going to blame all the future failures of his life on you. — Josh Lieb

Combat Engineers Quotes By Michael Chabon

One night the month before, back on the other side of the Belgian border, Aughenbaugh had delivered a lecture on the etymology of the word war. He said that he had looked it up and it came from an ancient Indo-European root signifying confusion. That was a foxhole night, bitter cold. The 5th Panzer Army was making its last great push west. You had to hand it to those Indo-Europeans, my grandfather thought, rolling through Vellinghausen. Confusion shown on the faces of the townspeople. War confused civilians every bit as surely as it did the armies who got lost in its fogs. It confounded conquest with liberation, anger with heartache, hunger with gratitude, hatred with awe. The 53rd Combat Engineers looked pretty confused, too. They were milling around at the edge of town, contemplating the long stretch of road between and beautiful downtown Berlin, trying to figure out if they ought to mine it or clear it of mines. — Michael Chabon

Combat Engineers Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Keep seeking,keep believing and keep praying. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Combat Engineers Quotes By Christopher Moore

Lucien, women are wondrous, mysterious, and magical creatures, who should be treated not only with respect but with reverence, perhaps even awe. Now go sweep the steps. — Christopher Moore

Combat Engineers Quotes By Mikheil Saakashvili

We have not created any sort of democratic test for any nation. — Mikheil Saakashvili