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Collaborates Quotes & Sayings

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Top Collaborates Quotes

Collaborates Quotes By Amit Ray

Collaboration has no hierarchy. The Sun collaborates with soil to bring flowers on the earth. — Amit Ray

Collaborates Quotes By Michael A. Stackpole

Higher ebook prices only benefit one group: publishers. — Michael A. Stackpole

Collaborates Quotes By Evan Peters

On the X-Men films, people are always throwing out ideas and trying to get the shot to look the best and make the most sense, and to get it done efficiently. Everybody collaborates and everybody is very open to new ideas. — Evan Peters

Collaborates Quotes By Julie Klausner

I would love to interview Michael McKean and his wife, who wrote the songs for 'A Mighty Wind,' which is my favorite Christopher Guest movie. I'm just a sucker for any funny guy that has a wife who is intelligent and that he collaborates with. — Julie Klausner

Collaborates Quotes By Isaac Asimov

Victories over ingrained patterns of thought are not won in a day or a year. — Isaac Asimov

Collaborates Quotes By David Grossman

The primary urge that motivates and engenders writing ... is the writer's desire to invent and tell a story, and to know himself. But the more I write, the more I feel the force of the other urge, which collaborates with and completes the first one: the desire to know the Other from within him. To feel what it means to be another person. To be able to touch, if only for a moment, the blaze that burns within another human being. — David Grossman

Collaborates Quotes By Byron Katie

The only time we suffer is when we believe a thought that argues with what is. When the mind is perfectly clear, what is is what we want. — Byron Katie

Collaborates Quotes By Miguel De Unamuno

My religion is to seek for truth in life and for life in truth, even knowing that I shall not find them while I live. — Miguel De Unamuno

Collaborates Quotes By Alexander Wang

Everyone always asks me who my muse is, or who's the girl I have in mind, which is such a hard question for me to answer because I feel like it's a sensibility that varies for each individual. — Alexander Wang

Collaborates Quotes By Harold Rosenberg

For the artist, fulfillment of self consists not in marching in the ranks of the liberators but in being entered in the roll of the Masters. The artist tends to find himself in the position of a deserter from his social group or, at best, one who collaborates, with secret reservations. — Harold Rosenberg

Collaborates Quotes By Michael Atiyah

I'm not the sort of person who does my mathematics writing on paper. I do that at the last stage of the game. I do my mathematics in my head. I sit down for a hard day's work and I write nothing all day. I just think. And I walk up and down because that helps keep me awake, it keeps the blood circulating, and I think and think. — Michael Atiyah

Collaborates Quotes By Todd Park

Government is truly beginning to embrace the power of innovation for the people and by the people, the idea that if government collaborates openly with and unleashes the ingenuity of the public, it will get much more done, much faster and at much lower cost than if government acted alone. — Todd Park

Collaborates Quotes By Lascelles Abercrombie

The epic poet collaborates with the spirit of his time in the composition of his work. That is, if he is successful; the time may refuse to work with him, but he may not refuse to work with his time. — Lascelles Abercrombie

Collaborates Quotes By Moshe Katsav

The Security Council decided to deal with Iran's nuclear intentions. The international community will not be willing to tolerate an Iran with a nuclear capability and an Iran that collaborates with terrorist organizations. — Moshe Katsav

Collaborates Quotes By Jaclyn Moriarty

It's a vicious cycle. It's like a washing machine with the lid jammed down. -Christina Kratovac (pg 53)
Jaclyn Moriarty

Collaborates Quotes By Amit Ray

Small mind competes, big mind collaborates and great mind encompasses. — Amit Ray

Collaborates Quotes By Marilyn Manson

If God does exist, it's in music and in art, I think there's more spiritually in what I do than in a lot of religious groups judging, especially in the way they've treated me in the past couple of years. I've grown tired of talking about religion. It's time for me to move on. I'm trying to redefine the idea of spirituality and make it now such a bad word for myself, because I find that I sound really stupid saying it sometimes — Marilyn Manson

Collaborates Quotes By Edgar Degas

It is all very well to copy what one sees, but it is far better to draw what one now only sees in one's memory. That is a transformation in which imagination collaborates with memory. — Edgar Degas

Collaborates Quotes By Alphonse De Lamartine

Photography is better than art. It is a solar phenomenon in which the artist collaborates with the sun. — Alphonse De Lamartine

Collaborates Quotes By Jodi Picoult

Waste cilake," Sioux for "I love you, — Jodi Picoult

Collaborates Quotes By Willard Van Orman Quine

Creatures inveterately wrong in their inductions have a pathetic but praise-worthy tendency to die before reproducing their kind. — Willard Van Orman Quine