Famous Quotes & Sayings

Coaches Kids Quotes & Sayings

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Top Coaches Kids Quotes

Coaches Kids Quotes By Pat Gillick

At the high school level, the coaches get these kids in revenue-driven sports and take them away from baseball. There's so much pressure on these kids to even play spring football. We need to get the African-American players back in the game, which I think would make it not only a better game, but more exciting and entertaining for everyone. — Pat Gillick

Coaches Kids Quotes By Steve Carell

I had a lot of coaches growing up that were very hard on the kids in the name of building character, but it could have the opposite effect on kids. — Steve Carell

Coaches Kids Quotes By Charles R. Sledge Jr.

Athletes are born winners, there not born loosers, and the sooner you understand this, the faster you can take on a winning attitude and become sucessful in life. — Charles R. Sledge Jr.

Coaches Kids Quotes By Jeff Lindsay

Was insanity really easier to accept than unconsciousness? — Jeff Lindsay

Coaches Kids Quotes By Bobby Knight

We talk in coaching about "winners" - kids, and I've had a lot of them, who just will not allow themselves or their team to lose. Coaches call that a will to win. I don't. I think that puts the emphasis in the wrong place. Everybody has a will to win. What's far more important is having the will to prepare to win. — Bobby Knight

Coaches Kids Quotes By Bobby Orr

You hear peewee coaches teaching the 'trap'. What the heck are we doing teaching the 'trap'? Let the kids go, let them have fun; that's how you improve. — Bobby Orr

Coaches Kids Quotes By Adam Sandler

God gave me some weird, beautiful scent that makes men and women go crazy. People compare it to Carvel. It is a whale of a smell. — Adam Sandler

Coaches Kids Quotes By Phil Vischer

The messages our kids receive from teachers, coaches
and even, with the best intentions, from us - can push them toward pride or despair ... toward self-righteousness or self-hatred. — Phil Vischer

Coaches Kids Quotes By Fiorello H. La Guardia

Politics is very much like taxes - everybody is against them, or everybody is for them as long as they don't apply to him — Fiorello H. La Guardia

Coaches Kids Quotes By Brandi Chastain

And then ultimately what I tell the kids is: coaches can give you information, they can give you guidelines, and they can put you in a position. But the only person who can truly make you better is you. — Brandi Chastain

Coaches Kids Quotes By Ray Lewis

Some of these kids are spending more time with the coaches than they are with their parents. The coach is supposed to be raising these kids, not belittling them and talking to them like the world is coming to an end. — Ray Lewis

Coaches Kids Quotes By Narayan Liu

There is no elegance in this existence, nor grace in our lives. There is nothing poetic about feasting on blood that spills from torn flesh... — Narayan Liu

Coaches Kids Quotes By Hugh Howey

And I suppose my view is shaped by the portholes around me. Eight people probably died from slipping in their showers in the time it took me to have this thought right here of them slipping in their showers. But it's more than the deaths I saw; it's the destruction. The noise with which we go seems to make it count for more. I think of my buddies who checked out via hand grenade versus those who died from MRSA back in the VA. We barely notice the latter. They're statistics. Go quietly, and you're a number. Go in spectacular fashion, and you're a name. — Hugh Howey

Coaches Kids Quotes By Tracy Cutchlow

Our influence on the way our kids turn out is limited. We're competing, of course, with genetics, peers, culture, and the other adults (nannies, teachers, grandparents, coaches) in our children's lives. Parents can claim maybe 20 percent to 50 percent of the influence, researchers say. — Tracy Cutchlow

Coaches Kids Quotes By Shigeru Miyamoto

I am not Link, but I do know him! Even after 18 years, the Legend of Zelda never stops changing and this game is no different. We are now taking you to a world where Link has grown up
a world where he will act different and look different. In order to grow, Link must not stand still and neither will I. — Shigeru Miyamoto

Coaches Kids Quotes By Lionel Richie

No one can deny, this love I have inside, and I'll give it all to you, my endless love. — Lionel Richie

Coaches Kids Quotes By John Madden

As I look back now on my coaching career, I think of my family, I think of the days that we spent together. I say this to coaches everywhere: If you ever have a chance to take your kids with you, take them. Don't miss that opportunity. Because when it's all over and done with, when you look back, those are going to be your fondest memories. — John Madden

Coaches Kids Quotes By Chris Hadfield

Sometimes when people find out I'm an astronaut, they ask, "So what do you do when you're not flying in space? — Chris Hadfield

Coaches Kids Quotes By Ray Lewis

We're in a tough place in this world. There are a lot of kids giving up very early. Scripture says it takes a village to raise one child, and that's what these coaches are going to have to go back and understand. — Ray Lewis

Coaches Kids Quotes By DeLoss Dodds

If you win all the time, it's not good for the coaches or the kids. — DeLoss Dodds

Coaches Kids Quotes By Gordon Gee

Everyone wrote our obituary but us and the coaches and the kids who stayed with us. The obit was, 'Vanderbilt will have to leave the Southeastern Conference. All the coaches are leaving, and all the students are transferring.' — Gordon Gee

Coaches Kids Quotes By Peter Jacobsen

The only reason these kids keep score in these games is for the parents and coaches satisfaction. Who cares? They're 10 years old. — Peter Jacobsen

Coaches Kids Quotes By Brad Garrett

Without having some kind of parameters placed on a coach, the reality is they could all have a different vision of what a kid's limit is in the heat, ... The policy itself that was adopted by the OSAA executive board gives the coaches some parameters as to how to structure their practices and guidelines to follow. — Brad Garrett

Coaches Kids Quotes By George Karl

I think we, as pro coaches, should have a consciousness towards having an image and a role model mentality for kids. — George Karl

Coaches Kids Quotes By Bud Grant

I happened to be in a position in Superior where I could play three sports, and when I came to Minnesota, I had the understanding they would allow me to play three sports. Kids now don't have the same amount of time. You have coaches that think baseball is 10 months a year. Hockey is 11 or 12 months a year. — Bud Grant

Coaches Kids Quotes By Bear Bryant

The old lessons (work, self-discipline, sacrifice, teamwork, fighting to achieve) aren't being taught by many people other than football coaches these days. The football coach has a captive audience and can teach these lessons because the communication lines between himself and his players are more wide open than between kids and parents. We better teach these lessons or else the country's future population will be made up of a majority of crooks, drug addicts, or people on relief. — Bear Bryant

Coaches Kids Quotes By Ray Lewis

Parents needs to spend more time with who they're trusting their kids with. That's one of the nuggets going forward. Find out who these coaches are. Figure out their environment and what kind of problems they have, and see if you want your child involved with that. — Ray Lewis

Coaches Kids Quotes By Michael Jordan

My attitude going into training camp as a rookie was to impress. I wanted to impress my teammates, my coaches, the owners, everybody. I wanted them to say, ?This kid is special. This kid has the right mind, the right skills, the right motivation?. — Michael Jordan

Coaches Kids Quotes By Thomas Bernhard

You are never truly together with one you love until the person in question is dead and actually inside you. — Thomas Bernhard

Coaches Kids Quotes By John Williams

Some kids, for some reason, it just doesn't click in the classroom as they need it to. We have college coaches talk to them, former high school athletes, motivational speakers, teachers, principals. — John Williams

Coaches Kids Quotes By Buzz Osborne

I've been a list maker for years, even before I was a musician. I was always writing things down and kept long lists of things that would make good album titles and things like that. I'm constantly thinking in terms of songwriting. — Buzz Osborne

Coaches Kids Quotes By Francois Hollande

To resolve the climate crisis, good will, statements of intent are not enough. We are at breaking point. — Francois Hollande

Coaches Kids Quotes By Donna Shalala

It's coaches. It's people that are involved in kids' lives at every level, and it's supporting their parents. Their parents need better jobs. So that they can help them with their homework and don't have to work two jobs. — Donna Shalala

Coaches Kids Quotes By Ray Lewis

Parents may be always working, parents may be in and out. When you're dropping them off with coaches, the first thing kids should be coming back and saying is, 'Mom, guess what I learned today? Guess what coach taught me today?' — Ray Lewis

Coaches Kids Quotes By Charlemagne Palestine

I never became primarily a musician! I've always been a wanderer and I'm always bored. — Charlemagne Palestine

Coaches Kids Quotes By Helen LaKelly Hunt

Think of the hero's journey as perceived by Joseph Campbell. The mythical hero, usually an unlikely male, undertakes a physical journey to an unknown land. One the way, he is faced with a series of challenges that he can meet only through his superior physical strength and cunning. If he succeeds in getting through all the barriers, he wins the prize, which he can then take home for the benefit of his people.

Although this model has some application to the experience of women, it is not adequate to describe what a woman must do in order to live beyond the stultifying expectations of the culture in which she's raised. If she has small children, she can't take a trip or move to a new place, and very rarely is she called upon to beat down her opponent with force. Instead, her journey is an inner one where the demons are her demons of the self. Her task as the heroine is to return from her inner journey and share her knowledge, wisdom, and energy with the people around her. — Helen LaKelly Hunt

Coaches Kids Quotes By Sarah-Kate Lynch

Not for us the difficult poses, not for us the no-pain-no-gain, OK? Because to be truly happy you do not need to be a pretzel, you just need to walk without creaking. — Sarah-Kate Lynch

Coaches Kids Quotes By Rachel Hauck

Alone was the loneliest place on earth — Rachel Hauck