Famous Quotes & Sayings

Clocked Menu Quotes & Sayings

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Top Clocked Menu Quotes

Clocked Menu Quotes By Louisa May Alcott

When I had the youth I had no money, now I have the money I have no time, and when I get the time, if I ever do, I shall have no health to enjoy life. — Louisa May Alcott

Clocked Menu Quotes By Hugh Masekela

I've got to where am in life not because of something I brought to the world but through something I found - the wealth of African culture. — Hugh Masekela

Clocked Menu Quotes By Barbara Brookes

Twenty two year old Connie Jones, who had boarded in the home of charismatic Methodist and pacifist Ormond Burton, was a member of the No More War movement and the Christian Pacifist Society. She first attended the Friday night public meetings at which the pacifists argued their case in 1941. She stepped onto the podium, stating, "the Lord Jesus Christ tells us to love one another," and was promptly arrested by Wellington's chief inspector of police. Charged with obstruction under the Emergency Regulations, she was sentenced to three months' hard labour with harsh conditions at the Point Halswell Reformatory - an experience that did nothing to dampen her commitment to pacifism. — Barbara Brookes

Clocked Menu Quotes By Genie Francis

I have never, ever, had an acting partnership that was a safe, as full, and as exciting as the one I had with Tony. I didn't want to go through life without having a chance to taste it again. — Genie Francis

Clocked Menu Quotes By Julie Delpy

I didn't really fit with other kids. I had problems in school all my life and problems with authority. But my parents never did drugs or anything. They just believed in freedom in the best sense of the word. — Julie Delpy

Clocked Menu Quotes By Zoe Cruz

Who am I kidding? This isn't a fairy tale. It's my life. — Zoe Cruz

Clocked Menu Quotes By Dan Millman

My parents were only one part of my lineage. I also met a number of mentors, one of whom I nicknamed "Socrates" after the ancient Greek, and wrote about in my first book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior. That book emerged in 1980, as a result of travels around the world and decades of preparation, eventually leading to 15 other books written over the years, culminating in my newest offering, The Four Purposes of Life. — Dan Millman

Clocked Menu Quotes By Kate Meader

Admit you're jealous, Emma."
"Never," she said defiantly.
"Just your nipples then. They're pouting. — Kate Meader

Clocked Menu Quotes By Matthew Quick

How do you measure suffering? I mean, the fact that I live in a democratic country doesn't guarantee my life will be problem-free. Far from it. I understand that I am relatively privileged from a socioeconomical viewpoint, but so was Hamlet - so are a lot of miserable people. I bet there are people in Iran who are happier than I am - who wish to keep living there regardless of who is in charge politically, while I'm miserable here in this supposedly free country and just want out of this life at any cost. — Matthew Quick

Clocked Menu Quotes By Richard Cezar

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. Was war just a power game for an elite few? Did the loss of human lives really matter to them, or was it just a way to keep score? In reading their own staff-authored speeches over and over again, had they deluded themselves, believing that any action they took was in the cause of freedom and thereby righteous? — Richard Cezar

Clocked Menu Quotes By Anand J.

At 18, if I am mature enough to vote a leader for the nation's betterment, why am I ineligible to choose what I shall study for my own betterment? — Anand J.

Clocked Menu Quotes By Ash Maurya

Customers don't care about your solution. They care about their problems. - Dave McClure, 500 Startups — Ash Maurya

Clocked Menu Quotes By Jeff Sessions

Iraq assumes responsibility for its own future ... They have got to step up. — Jeff Sessions

Clocked Menu Quotes By Samuel Beckett

At last I began to think, that is to say to listen harder. — Samuel Beckett

Clocked Menu Quotes By Seth Klarman

You need to balance arrogance and humilitywhen you buy anything, it's an arrogant act. You are saying the markets are gyrating and somebody wants to sell this to me and I know more than everybody else so I am going to stand here and buy it. I am going to pay an 1/8th more than the next guy wants to pay and buy it. That's arrogant. And you need the humility to say 'but I might be wrong.' And you have to do that on everything — Seth Klarman