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Quotes & Sayings About Climate Change Al Gore

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Top Climate Change Al Gore Quotes

Climate Change Al Gore Quotes By Al Gore

We are running out of time, we must have a planetary solution to a planetary crisis. — Al Gore

Climate Change Al Gore Quotes By Lindsey Graham

I believe climate change is real, but I reject the cap and trade solution of John - of, you know, of Al Gore. He's made a religion. It's a problem. — Lindsey Graham

Climate Change Al Gore Quotes By Al Gore

We're putting 70 million tonnes of pollution into the atmosphere every day, trapping an enormous amount of extra heat from the sun inside the earth's atmosphere. It's threatening to push the planet past a tipping point beyond which climate change would be difficult to stop — Al Gore

Climate Change Al Gore Quotes By Al Gore

The United States is the only nation that can lead the world toward a solution on climate change. — Al Gore

Climate Change Al Gore Quotes By Greg Gutfeld

Al Gore completely lied about climate change in an effort to make a lot of money. — Greg Gutfeld

Climate Change Al Gore Quotes By Robert Bryce

On the science of global climate change, I'm an agnostic. I've seen Al Gore's movie, and I've read reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I've also listened to the 'skeptics.' I don't know who's right. — Robert Bryce

Climate Change Al Gore Quotes By Al Gore

The truth is that climate change is presenting the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. — Al Gore

Climate Change Al Gore Quotes By Sarah Palin

The response to my op-ed by global warming alarmists has been interesting. Former Vice President Al Gore has called me a "denier" and informs us that climate change is "a principle in physics. It's like gravity. It exists." Perhaps he's right. Climate change is like gravity - a naturally occurring phenomenon that existed long before, and will exist long after, any governmental attempts to affect it. — Sarah Palin

Climate Change Al Gore Quotes By Al Gore

Each and every one of us can make changes in the way we live our lives and become part of the solution [to climate change] — Al Gore

Climate Change Al Gore Quotes By Al Gore

As human beings, we are vulnerable to confusing the unprecedented with the improbable. In our everyday experience, if something has never happened before, we are generally safe in assuming it is not going to happen in the future, but the exceptions can kill you and climate change is one of those exceptions. — Al Gore

Climate Change Al Gore Quotes By Al Gore

The truth is that we're at a critical juncture in the history of our species and if we don't act soon, we could inhabit a world we don't recognize anymore. But the most important truth is that we are capable of stopping climate change before the worst of its consequences are locked in. The solutions exist - all we need is the will to do something about it. — Al Gore

Climate Change Al Gore Quotes By Al Gore

This is by far the most serious crisis civilisation has ever faced. — Al Gore

Climate Change Al Gore Quotes By Donald J. Boudreaux

So confident am I that the number of deaths from violent storms will continue to decline that I challenge Mr. McKibben - or Al Gore, Paul Krugman, or any other climate-change doomsayer - to put his wealth where his words are. I'll bet $10,000 that the average annual number of Americans killed by tornadoes, floods and hurricanes will fall over the next 20 years. Specifically, I'll bet that the average annual number of Americans killed by these violent weather events from 2011 through 2030 will be lower than it was from 1991 through 2010. — Donald J. Boudreaux