Famous Quotes & Sayings

Cleone Quotes & Sayings

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Top Cleone Quotes

Cleone Quotes By Sarah Blake

Most people he knew, his wife included, wouldn't make it through an hour on the promise of four sentences. But Frankie Bard was like a camel. She could hold her words for days
as long as she could watch the goings-on. — Sarah Blake

Cleone Quotes By Rhonda Byrne

All stress begins with one negative thought. — Rhonda Byrne

Cleone Quotes By Aphra Behn

Love's a thin Diet, nor will keep out Cold. — Aphra Behn

Cleone Quotes By Werner Von Braun

Nature does not know extinction, only transformation — Werner Von Braun

Cleone Quotes By Donald Miller

When one of my friends becomes a Christian, which happens about every 10 years because I am a sheep about sharing my faith, the experience is euphoric. I see in their eyes the trueness of the story. — Donald Miller

Cleone Quotes By Georgette Heyer

I am selfish, father? Because I will not become the thing I despise?"
"And narrow, Philips, to despise what you do not know."
"I am to be a painted popinjay! I tell you, sir, Cleone may take me as I am!"
"Or leave you as you are," said Sir Maurice gently. — Georgette Heyer

Cleone Quotes By Nora Roberts

Let's go have lotsa drunk sex before it hits."
"'Kay. Drunk sex for everybody! — Nora Roberts

Cleone Quotes By Robert Burns

But of all Nonsense, Religious Nonsense is the most nonsensical; so enough, & more than enough of it - Only, by the bye, will you, or can you tell me, my dear Cunningham, why a religioso turn of mind has always a tendency to narrow and illiberalise the heart? — Robert Burns

Cleone Quotes By Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Most of all, I think it was the novels that saved me from submission. I was young, but the first tiny, meek beginnings of my rebellion had already clicked into place. — Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Cleone Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Love is a magnetic force, you can't see it, but it can pull you toward the beloved. — Debasish Mridha

Cleone Quotes By Elizabeth Berg

The owner was this very thin woman who looked sort of bitchy, which, think about it, most very thin women do-even when they smile, it's like grimacing. Fat people are often miserable too, but at least they LOOK jolly even though it's really mostly them apologizing, like, "Sorry, sorry, sorry I'm offending your idea of bodily aesthetics," "Sorry I'm clogging my arteries and giving the thumbs-up to diabetes. — Elizabeth Berg

Cleone Quotes By Gail Carson Levine

That's funny, you're funny. I like you, I'm quite taken by you. — Gail Carson Levine

Cleone Quotes By Georgette Heyer

He bowed, still holding her hand, and then, without a word, released it, and marched out, very dignified. It was another fine tragic effect, but Cleone, when the door closed behind him, broke into an hysterical laugh. She was rather amazed, and a little apprehensive. — Georgette Heyer