Famous Quotes & Sayings

Classic Jim Halpert Quotes & Sayings

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Top Classic Jim Halpert Quotes

Classic Jim Halpert Quotes By Desmond Tutu

Each one of us can be an oasis of peace. — Desmond Tutu

Classic Jim Halpert Quotes By Erin Summerill

My ma always used to say, It's a good thing to need others.' It's okay to need my help, Britta. I'm not gonna make you pay for it later. — Erin Summerill

Classic Jim Halpert Quotes By Jeff Bezos

When you receive criticism from well-meaning people, it pays to ask, 'Are they right?' And if they are, you need to adapt what they're doing. If they're not right, if you really have conviction that they're not right, you need to have that long-term willingness to be misunderstood. It's a key part of invention. — Jeff Bezos

Classic Jim Halpert Quotes By Emma Thompson

We need men and women to sit down and talk to each other about sex honestly and openly. That would help us fight Aids so immediately. But our lack of communication is hugely problematic. — Emma Thompson

Classic Jim Halpert Quotes By Debasish Mridha

What you love loves you back. — Debasish Mridha

Classic Jim Halpert Quotes By B. J. Daniels

His look turned serious again, and she realized that it was more dangerous than his grin. "I know you, Kat Hamilton. I'd like to say I know you inside and out. Maybe someday soon...."
She reached across him and opened his door. "In your dreams, Malone...."
"Sometime I'll have to tell you how those dreams ended. — B. J. Daniels

Classic Jim Halpert Quotes By Philippe Petit

It cannot be done all at once. To overpower vertigo - the keeper of the abyss- one must tame it, cautiously. — Philippe Petit