Famous Quotes & Sayings

Christe Quotes & Sayings

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Top Christe Quotes

Christe Quotes By Ian Christe

The youngest metal kids are less impressed by tradition, so you get metal that encompasses everything. It's not a defining kind of lifestyle and look. — Ian Christe

Christe Quotes By George Gascoigne

The Raynbowe bending in the skye,Bedeckte with sundrye hewes,Is lyke the seate of God on hye,And seemes to tell these newes:That as thereby he promised,To drowne the worlde no more,So by the bloud whiche Christe hath shead,He will oure health restore. — George Gascoigne

Christe Quotes By Ian Christe

Being in New York, a lot of people I knew were top-notch copy editors or photo retouchers, so I had a good community around me that knew how to do the specialized stuff. — Ian Christe

Christe Quotes By Ian Christe

The positive side about dealing with the logistics of moving books around is that it's better than a gym! — Ian Christe

Christe Quotes By Magda Szabo

Once again her face changed. She was like someone standing in strong sunlight on a mountain top, looking back down the valley from which she had emerged and trembling with the memory still in her bones of the length and nature of the road she had travelled, the glaciers and forded rivers, the weariness and danger, and conscious of how far she still had to go. — Magda Szabo

Christe Quotes By Ian Christe

It's important to over-deliver on the quality of the books as far as depth and content. It's not worth it to cut out 50 pages just because it would be a little bit cheaper. — Ian Christe

Christe Quotes By Sylvia Plath

I had hoped to make her strong and healthy, and now she may be too weak herself after this slow death, like my father's slow long death, to come to me. and I am here, futile, cut off from the ritual of family love and neighborhood and from giving strength and love to my dear brave grandmother's dying whom I loved above thought. and my mother will go, and there is the terror of having no parents, no older seasoned beings, to advise and love me in this world. — Sylvia Plath

Christe Quotes By Publilius Syrus

Lovers know what they want, but not what they need. — Publilius Syrus

Christe Quotes By Ian Christe

I've already worked on at least a dozen dream books. I'm definitely not starving for something, like, "Agh, if only!" It's the opposite. — Ian Christe

Christe Quotes By Ian Christe

I'm still trying to find the perfect Nirvana song that's an example of that, but you do hear a lot of their songs start with an extremely emotional death grunts ... — Ian Christe

Christe Quotes By Ian Christe

That's certainly the roots of heavy metal. That whole sense of revolution and wanting to be powerful is definetly a puberty thing. Fans don't have to be offended by that. Everybody goes through it. That's why heavy metal is so powerful. — Ian Christe

Christe Quotes By Ian Christe

The dream book is always the next book. — Ian Christe

Christe Quotes By Ian Christe

The thing that was much harder than I expected was figuring out what to do with 20 tons of books. That led to a lot of trying to move freight with a pallet jack - literally trying to shove a one-ton cube of books into a tiny space. — Ian Christe

Christe Quotes By Ian Christe

It's not even so much about publicity, it's more just letting people know that things are available, because books aren't a flash in the pan thing. It's more like: "It took 20 years for this book to be done and now it'll be on a shelf for 20 years until the right person finds it." — Ian Christe

Christe Quotes By Brian Aldiss

The feat represents immense achievement for the neotenic ape, species Homo sapiens. But behind this lie twooldattributesoftheapetribalismandinquisitiveness. — Brian Aldiss

Christe Quotes By Murasaki Shikibu

The memories of long love gather like drifting snow, poignant as the mandarin ducks who float side by side in sleep. — Murasaki Shikibu