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China Where In Asia Quotes & Sayings

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Top China Where In Asia Quotes

China Where In Asia Quotes By Yuval Noah Harari

The global centre of power shifted to Europe only between 1750 and 1850, when Europeans humiliated the Asian powers in a series of wars and conquered large parts of Asia. By 1900 Europeans firmly controlled the world's economy and most of its territory. In 1950 western Europe and the United States together accounted for more than half of global production, whereas China's portion had been reduced to 5 per cent.4 — Yuval Noah Harari

China Where In Asia Quotes By William J. Clinton

The new century demands new partnerships for peace and security. The United Nations plays a crucial role, with allies sharing burdens America might otherwise bear alone. America needs a strong and effective U.N. I want to work with this new Congress to pay our dues and our debts. We must continue to support security and stability in Europe and Asia - expanding NATO and defining its new missions, maintaining our alliance with Japan, with Korea, with our other Asian allies, and engaging China. — William J. Clinton

China Where In Asia Quotes By Paul A. Cohen

It is a truism, easily forgotten, that the West, in its modern phase, has not stood still. Also easily forgotten is the fact that "the West" is a relative concept only. Without an "East" or a "non-West" to compare it with, it would quite simply not exist; there would be no word for it in our vocabulary. If the concept of the West did not exist, of course, the spatial variations within the geographical area now subsumed under "the West" would loom larger in our minds. The difference between France and America might seem just as great as those between China and the West. — Paul A. Cohen

China Where In Asia Quotes By Rebecca MacKinnon

For centuries, the Yangtze River - the longest in Asia - has played an important role in China's history, culture, and economy. The Yangtze is as quintessentially Chinese as the Nile is Egyptian or the Rhine is German. Many businesses use its name. — Rebecca MacKinnon

China Where In Asia Quotes By Peter Tieryas

Walking on water is easy if you know where to step. — Peter Tieryas

China Where In Asia Quotes By Hong Mei

Faxian and Xuanzang might have been the first Chinese to travel to India, but sometimes it felt like I was the first. — Hong Mei

China Where In Asia Quotes By Barbara Tuchman

Misgovernment is of four kinds, often in combination. They are: 1) tyranny or oppression, of which history provides so many well-known examples that they do not need citing; 2) excessive ambition, such as Athens' attempted conquest of Sicily in the Peloponnesian War, Philip II's of England via the Armada, Germany's twice-attempted rule of Europe by a self-conceived master race, Japan's bid for an empire of Asia; 3) incompetence or decadence, as in the case of the late Roman empire, the last Romanovs and the last imperial dynasty of China; and finally 4) folly or perversity. — Barbara Tuchman

China Where In Asia Quotes By Martin Jacques

The fact that the Bush administration, and those in Europe who have followed its 9/11-inspired agenda, somehow believe that the future of the world is being played out in the Middle East and Central Asia rather than East Asia has only served to accelerate China's rise and the U.S.'s decline. — Martin Jacques

China Where In Asia Quotes By Henry A. Kissinger

The position is that stability and peace in Asia depend on a cooperative relationship between China and the United States. — Henry A. Kissinger

China Where In Asia Quotes By Martin Jacques

Ever since the Meiji restoration in 1868, Japan has turned its back on Asia in general and China in particular: its pattern of aggression from 1895 onwards and the colonies that resulted were among the consequences. — Martin Jacques

China Where In Asia Quotes By Thorsten J. Pattberg

Sadly, Asia never cared, with the unenviable consequence that today's Zuckerberg's brand, Facebook, enjoys more copyright and legal protection than the entire intellectual output of China in the last 3,000 years. — Thorsten J. Pattberg

China Where In Asia Quotes By Irl M. Davis

Never Underestimate. Just as in any other negotiation, watching before acting is as important as listening before speaking. It's doubly important in China, however, where customs are time-honored and breaches of protocol not so quickly forgiven. — Irl M. Davis

China Where In Asia Quotes By Kevin Kwan

There's so much emphasis on the economic might of China, of Southeast Asia, Asian 'Super Tigers' and things like that. But nobody was really looking from the perspective of a family story, of these individuals. — Kevin Kwan

China Where In Asia Quotes By Yoshihiko Noda

China's development is an opportunity for the international community, for Japan and for the Asia-Pacific. — Yoshihiko Noda

China Where In Asia Quotes By Hermann E. Ott

Our resources will diminish in the coming decades at a time when hunger for energy grows dramatically in China and other parts of Asia. Eventually, it will just be impossible to fly - normal flights will become as expensive as flying with the Concorde. — Hermann E. Ott

China Where In Asia Quotes By Dennis C. Blair

I think you can go back in history and look at what the effect in Asia and the world was of a divided, fractured China from, you know, the opium wars through the Chinese civil war, and I don't think it was pretty for Asia or the world. — Dennis C. Blair

China Where In Asia Quotes By Martin Winterkorn

VW's future is increasingly being decided in China, Russia, India, the Americas and Southeast Asia. This is where we will generate most of our growth in future. — Martin Winterkorn

China Where In Asia Quotes By Hu Jintao

China pays a great deal of attention to the Korean nuclear issue. We stand for achieving denuclearization of the peninsula in a peaceful way through dialogue and consultation to maintain peace and stability of the peninsula and Northeast Asia. — Hu Jintao

China Where In Asia Quotes By Jon Feltheimer

I don't think it's fair to pinpoint Asia in terms of piracy. It's a worldwide problem. With 'The Expendables 3,' piracy extended everywhere, and over 10 percent of it was in the United States. So I don't want to put my hands over my eyes. It's a shame there is no DVD business in a lot of Asia, certainly China and India. — Jon Feltheimer

China Where In Asia Quotes By Charles Duhigg

There are supply chains that exist in China and Asia now which the U.S. simply can't replicate. — Charles Duhigg

China Where In Asia Quotes By Paul Robeson

Vast quantities of U.S. bombers, tanks and guns have been sent against Ho Chi Minh and his freedom-fighters; and now we are told that soon it will be 'advisable' to send America GI's into Indo-China in order that the tin, rubber and tungsten of Southeast Asia be kept by the "free world"-meaning white Imperialism . — Paul Robeson

China Where In Asia Quotes By Jenny Shipley

When I hear people flatteringly say, 'You're an expert on East Asia ... ' I'm certainly an observer of East Asia, and central Asia, and ASEAN, and to a lesser extent South Asia and the Gulf, but there's always something behind the wall in China. — Jenny Shipley

China Where In Asia Quotes By Noam Chomsky

So is America over? A long time ago we "lost" China, we've lost Southeast Asia, we've lost South America. Maybe we'll lose the Middle East and North African countries. Is America over? It's a kind of paranoia, but it's the paranoia of the superrich and superpowerful. If you don't have everything, it's a disaster. — Noam Chomsky

China Where In Asia Quotes By Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

I expect more people from China and Asia to end up in the NBA. — Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

China Where In Asia Quotes By Larry Herzberg

When given the chance to see China off the beaten track, definitely take it. — Larry Herzberg

China Where In Asia Quotes By Oscar Arias

India, Pakistan, China, Singapore and South Korea are heavily investing in nuclear arms. Since 21st century is the century of Asia, Asian countries should be the first ones to drop this arms race. — Oscar Arias

China Where In Asia Quotes By Sri Mulyani Indrawati

Between 1995 and 2009, Western Europe's entrepreneurs created jobs faster than the U.S. did, and European economies exported more than the BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China. Eastern Europe's productivity increased more rapidly than East Asia's. — Sri Mulyani Indrawati

China Where In Asia Quotes By Donald Anderson McGavran

While such numbers must always be regarded as broad estimates, one study has shown that each day sees some 78,000 new Christians worldwide and each week some 1,000 new churches are established in Asia, Africa, and Latin America (Wagner 1983:20-21). Since those figures were published it became known that in China alone the decade of the 1980s saw up to 20,000 new Christians per day. — Donald Anderson McGavran

China Where In Asia Quotes By Martin Jacques

The era when the United States was the dominant global power is steadily coming to an end, and it must find a way of acknowledging this and framing its ambitions and interests accordingly. Instead of claiming the right to continuing primacy in east Asia, for example, it should seek to share that primacy with China. — Martin Jacques

China Where In Asia Quotes By Henry A. Kissinger

I don't think that that's a desirable option for us. Besides, it wouldn't work, because there are too many other countries that are willing to work economically with China. But I don't think the basic relationship depends on economics. It depends on a political understanding of what is required for peace in Asia. — Henry A. Kissinger

China Where In Asia Quotes By Yuval Noah Harari

In 1775 Asia accounted for 80 per cent of the world economy. The combined economies of India and China alone represented two-thirds of global production. In comparison, Europe was an economic dwarf. — Yuval Noah Harari

China Where In Asia Quotes By Peter Uihlein

The European Tour plays all over the world: from the U.K. to China, from Korea to South Africa, and from the Middle East to southeast Asia. — Peter Uihlein

China Where In Asia Quotes By Kim Clijsters

Obviously over the years, it's been America, it's been Europe. It's all been very kind of divided between those two continents. It's nice to kind of see that Asia is starting - and especially China - starting to get recognized in this sport, too. — Kim Clijsters

China Where In Asia Quotes By Sellapan Ramanathan

You are slowly developing some multinationals of your own. We certainly hope that some of them will look in this direction when they look for opportunities because the progress of Southeast Asia is important to China, just as China's progress is important to us. — Sellapan Ramanathan