Famous Quotes & Sayings

Chewies For Kids Quotes & Sayings

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Top Chewies For Kids Quotes

Chewies For Kids Quotes By Gilbert K. Chesterton

For they (capitalists) hold as their chief heresy, in a coarser form, the fundamental falsehood that things are not made to be used but made to be sold. All the collapse of their commercial system in their own time has been due to that fallacy of forcing things on a market where there was no market; of continually increasing the power of supply without increasing the power of demand; of briefly, of always considering the man who sells the potato and never considering the man who eats it. — Gilbert K. Chesterton

Chewies For Kids Quotes By Joe Jamail

The trick is to learn to contain one's ego, not conceal it. — Joe Jamail

Chewies For Kids Quotes By Salman Rushdie

Do jungle animals understand the true nature of the trees among which they have their daily being? In the parent-forest, amid those mighty trunks, we shelter and play; but whether the trees are healthy or corroded, whether they harbour demons or good spirites, we cannot say. Nor do we know the greatest secret of all: that one day we, too, will become as arboreal as they. And the trees, whose leaves we eat, whose bark we gnaw, remember sadly that they were animals once, they climbed like squirrels and bounded like deer, until one day they paused, and their legs grew down into the earth and stuck there, spreading, and vegetation sprouted from their swaying heads. They remember this as a fact; but the lived reality of their fauna years, the how-it-felt of that chaotic freedom is beyond recapture. They remember it as a rustle in their leaves. — Salman Rushdie

Chewies For Kids Quotes By Victor Hugo

The man is placed where the Earth ends, the woman, where the heaven starts. — Victor Hugo

Chewies For Kids Quotes By Robert Frost

I often say of George Washington that he was one of the few in the whole history of the world who was not carried away by power. — Robert Frost

Chewies For Kids Quotes By Soroosh Shahrivar

There are no such things as accidents. Only fate redesigned. — Soroosh Shahrivar