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Change Your Personality Quotes & Sayings

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Top Change Your Personality Quotes

Change Your Personality Quotes By Peter Drucker

An employer has no business with a man's personality. Employment is a specific contract calling for a specific performance. Any attempt to go beyond that is usurpation. It is immoral as well as an illegal intrusion of privacy. It is abuse of power. An employee owes no "loyalty," he owes no "love" and no "attitudes"-he owes performance and nothing else. The task is not to change personality, but to enable a person to achieve and to perform. — Peter Drucker

Change Your Personality Quotes By Norah Vincent

That was the crux. You. Only you could work on you. Nobody could force you, and if you weren't ready, then you weren't ready, and no amount of open-armed encouragement was going to change that. — Norah Vincent

Change Your Personality Quotes By David Arnold

But that's the personality of change, isn't it? When it's slow, it's called growth; when it's fast, it's change. — David Arnold

Change Your Personality Quotes By Laurie Penny

There comes a time when you have to decide whether to change yourself to fit the story, or change the story itself. The decision gets a little easier if you understand that refusing to shape your life and personality to the contours of an unjust world is the best way to start creating a new one. There — Laurie Penny

Change Your Personality Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster

A willingness to let go of an old self and allow creative thoughts to remake a person into a better version of oneself requires an act of courage. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Change Your Personality Quotes By Jenna Dewan

Your surroundings may change but your essence and your personality pretty much stay the same. — Jenna Dewan

Change Your Personality Quotes By Mesa Selimovic

I developed in thousands of changes, and it always seemed to me that all of my former self disappeared with each new change, that it was lost in the mists of time that had passed and were now insignificant. But then, again and again, unexpectedly, I would find traces of everything that had been, like uncovered artifacts, like my own fossil strata; although they were old and unsightly, they became dear and beautiful. That rediscovered, recovered part of me, which was more than a memory, was beautified and returned from unreachable distances by time, which joined me with it. Thus, it had a twofold existence, as a part of my present personality, and as a memory. As the present, and as a beginning. — Mesa Selimovic

Change Your Personality Quotes By Judith Fertig

Maggie and I were delighted. It was now Jett's turn to go to the dark side. "I've never seen such a bunch of doom cookies," she said, wiping down the tables.
"Doom cookies. You know, people who pretend to be something they're not, like girls in my class who pretend to be bad-ass but go home and read The Little House on the Prairie in their Disney princess bedrooms."
"Who were the Pie Night people pretending to be? I don't quite follow."
"They're pretending to be bad-ass pie bakers," Jett trilled in a church-lady falsetto, " 'Oh, leaf lard is the best.' 'No, I swear by a mixture of Crisco and butter.' When was the last time they actually baked a pie? If they did, they wouldn't be gorging themselves here on Pie Night. They probably don't even own a rolling pin." Jett sniffed. And then she added, diplomatically, "But your pie was good. — Judith Fertig

Change Your Personality Quotes By Steve Goodier

Just about ANY personality trait or skill can be learned: simply find it in someone you know and copy it. Then watch what happens. — Steve Goodier

Change Your Personality Quotes By Nicholas Wade

The king and queen were usually present, and the king or the dauphin would light a pyre. The cats were then tumbled into the flames from an overhead basket, and the crowd reveled in their cries. "Certainly this is not really a worse spectacle than the burning of heretics, or the torturings and public executions of every kind," Elias writes. "It only appears worse because the joy in torturing living creatures shows itself so nakedly and purposelessly, without any excuse before reason. The revulsion aroused in us by the mere report of the institution, a reaction which must be taken as 'normal' for the present-day standard of affect control, demonstrates once again the long term change of personality structure." 15 Elias argued that — Nicholas Wade

Change Your Personality Quotes By Asrarabdulghani

Destinations are nothing but geographic borders set by humans throughout history and subject to change. Opposite to the places we designed in our hearts for special people we choose; such destinations are set by the soul and can never be diminished by time. When given such a majestic position; cities are just names with population and time is just a number the universe follows and days are a system of order. Therefore, that person is with you to the extent that he/she become a subconscious part of your personality and any form of limitation seems irrelevant. — Asrarabdulghani

Change Your Personality Quotes By Leonard Sax

Quoting an experienced school counselor: "You can't change a bully into a flower child, but you can change him into a knight. — Leonard Sax

Change Your Personality Quotes By Andrew Luck

I think in any situation, so much of effective leadership is when it comes from your own personality. And I feel very fortunate to be comfortable in the Colts locker room, where people can be who they are, and they don't have to change it when they show up to work that day. — Andrew Luck

Change Your Personality Quotes By Erich Fromm

In the sphere of human relations, faith is an indispensable quality of any significant friendship or love. "Having faith" in another person means to be certain of the reliability and unchangeability of his fundamental attitudes, of the core of his personality, of his love. By this I do not mean that a person may not change his opinions, but that his basic motivations remain the same; that, for instance, his respect for life and human dignity is part of himself, not subject to change. — Erich Fromm

Change Your Personality Quotes By Jean-Jacques Rousseau

There are times when I am so unlike myself that I might be taken for someone else of an entirely opposite character. — Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Change Your Personality Quotes By D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

But observe that [Peter] never ceases to be a bold man; he does not become nervous and diffident. No, he does not change in that way. The essential personality remains; and yet he is 'poor in spirit' at the same time. — D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Change Your Personality Quotes By David Richo

Our identity is like a kaleidoscope. With each turn we reset it not to a former or final state but to a new one that reflects the here-and-now positions of the pieces we have to work with. The design is always new because the shifts are continual. That is what makes kaleidoscopes, and us, so appealing and beautiful. — David Richo

Change Your Personality Quotes By Cindy Vine

Gandhi once said, you are the change you want to see in the world. But I have to ask, how do you bring about the change in you? Because it stands to reason, first you have to change before you can change the world. Your beliefs have to change, because your beliefs influence your behavior and your daily interactions with others. Changing oneself is not easy. First, you have to admit that there are parts of you which need changing. Many of us do not want to admit that we are less than perfect, that we might have facets of our personality which needs change. Change is hard, so most of us give up before we start. But if things aren't right in our lives, we need to look at what part of us we can change to make it right. — Cindy Vine

Change Your Personality Quotes By A.S.A Harrison

Basic personality traits develop early in life and over time become inviolable, hardwired. Most people learn little from experience, rarely thinking of adjusting their behavior, see problems as emanating from those around them, and keep on doing what they do in spite of everything, for better or worse. — A.S.A Harrison

Change Your Personality Quotes By Maxwell Maltz

The 'self-image' is the key to human personality and human behavior. Change the self image and you change the personality and the behavior. — Maxwell Maltz

Change Your Personality Quotes By Gillian Flynn

I was pretending, the way I often did, pretending to have a personality. I can't help it, it's what I've always done: The way some women change fashion regularly, I change personalities. What persona feels good, what's coveted, what's au courant? I think most people do this, they just don't admit it, or else they settle on one persona because they are too lazy or stupid to pull a switch. — Gillian Flynn

Change Your Personality Quotes By Wilferd Peterson

Prayer does not change God, it changes us. It deepens insight, increases intuitive perception, expands consciousness. It transforms personality. — Wilferd Peterson

Change Your Personality Quotes By Billy Graham

I am becoming aware of the truth that people change people as much as ideas change people.The power of personality is strong ... often personality is greater than the idea. — Billy Graham

Change Your Personality Quotes By Jonathan Haidt

Work on your strengths, not your weaknesses. How many of your New Year's resolutions have been about fixing a flaw? And how many of those resolutions have you made several years in a row? It's difficult to change any aspect of your personality by sheer force of will, and if it is a weakness you choose to work on, you probably won't enjoy the process. If you don't find pleasure or reinforcement along the way, then - unless you have the willpower of Ben Franklin - you'll soon give up. But you don't really have to be good at everything. Life offers so many chances to use one tool instead of another, and often you can use a strength to get around a weakness. — Jonathan Haidt

Change Your Personality Quotes By Joan D. Vinge

We are all born with a unique genetic blueprint, which lays out the basic characteristics of our personality as well as our physical health and appearance ... And yet, we all know that life experiences do change us. — Joan D. Vinge

Change Your Personality Quotes By Theodore H. White

The development of an image is a mysterious thing: once a public figure has been cast in a public role, it is almost impossible for him to change the character. It is as if someone has assembled personality traits into a convenient pattern, no writer ever re-examines it: it is easier to use the accepted pattern. — Theodore H. White

Change Your Personality Quotes By Simon Travaglia

What I think we fear is rapid, pronounced, and uncontrollable changes to ourselves, and because of this we have a form of personality inertia - something that resists rapid change. — Simon Travaglia

Change Your Personality Quotes By Mel Gibson

Change is always proceeded by a little pain. Some people can change and they don't have to go through so many painful things. But I think that I'm of a personality that I'm a little stubborn, so it's always tough for me. — Mel Gibson

Change Your Personality Quotes By Jane Roberts

Personally, I am convinced the human personality does survive the change which we call death. Although we have no scientific evidence of this at present, there is no reason to suppose it will always be lacking. — Jane Roberts

Change Your Personality Quotes By Andrew Luck

I think there's a lot to be learned from your teammates and older guys around you. And there are many ways to lead. You don't have to change your personality to be a leader. — Andrew Luck

Change Your Personality Quotes By Gail Sheehy

Speed as a drug disorganizes the personality; speed as the goal of information dissemination commits a subtler crime. People are mainlining our words. We rarely read of the rational alternatives, only of the commands that all must change or else. This is a prescription for public panic. — Gail Sheehy

Change Your Personality Quotes By Robin Hobb

As dye soaks fibres, drawn into them to change their colour forever, so does a memory, stinging or sweet, change the fibre of a man's character. — Robin Hobb

Change Your Personality Quotes By Andrew Mason

I think if there's any difference between me and a traditional CEO, it's that I've been unwilling to change myself or shape my personality around what's expected. — Andrew Mason

Change Your Personality Quotes By Nebo D. Lukovich

Many people achieved important goals in their lives, but hardly any of them seemed any happier for it. Even worse, some complained that other areas of their lives had suffered along the way. The reason is simple: they didn't change the framework components of their personality - beliefs, decisions, and other subconscious structures that are typically negatively-oriented. Those basic structures had been triggered by the fulfillment of the goal and were subsequently creating a mess in people's lives. — Nebo D. Lukovich

Change Your Personality Quotes By Marilyn Monroe

Change is actually what you need to avoid.
Assimilation is much more joyful than conformity,
when you try to change you try to fit yourself to other people's standards.
You deny your own values and opinions, and you adopt a personality that isn't you.
And most likely you will be more uncomfortable even though it may seem like you fit in more, i would suggest you not to change. Just be yourself, the way you are.
Because that's what makes you different and distinguishable and unique from every other individual. — Marilyn Monroe

Change Your Personality Quotes By Robert Greene

The most effective attitude to adopt is one of supreme acceptance. The world is full of people with different characters and temperaments. We all have a dark side, a tendency to manipulate, and aggressive desires. The most dangerous types are those who repress their desires or deny the existence of them, often acting them out in the most underhanded ways. Some people have dark qualities that are especially pronounced. You cannot change such people at their core, but must merely avoid becoming their victim. You are an observer of the human comedy, and by being as tolerant as possible, you gain a much greater ability to understand people and to influence their behavior when necessary — Robert Greene

Change Your Personality Quotes By Christine Feehan

Of course I can do this. I'm pregnant, not brain-damaged. My condition doesn't change my personality. — Christine Feehan

Change Your Personality Quotes By Mengistu Haile Mariam

After Mengistu consolidated his power in 1978, his personality gradually began to change. His ability to listen and his patience faded away. We could now see these qualities were pretences only; he had been putting on his best behavior in his bid for support. — Mengistu Haile Mariam

Change Your Personality Quotes By Euginia Herlihy

I'm a very quiet person[introvert] but I love myself, I love my personality and I wouldn't change it for any gold or silver because I know God doesn't make a mistake. — Euginia Herlihy

Change Your Personality Quotes By Phil Mitchell

Being molded into something God wants you to be is such a moving force that your whole personality would change. Joy, peace, strength, compassion, the light, the road ... all would touch your life like a moving orchestra. Breathing life into your soul. — Phil Mitchell

Change Your Personality Quotes By Neale Donald Walsch

I recognize thart even you, yourself, will change. Your ideals will change, your tastes will change, your desires will change. Your whole understandings of who you are had better change, because if it doesn't change, you've become a very static personality over a great many years, and nothing would displease me more. And so I recognize that the process of evolution will produce changes in you. — Neale Donald Walsch

Change Your Personality Quotes By Jean Nidetch

Weight loss can change your whole character. That always amazed me: Shedding pounds does change your personality. It changes your philosophy of life because you recognize that you are capable of using your mind to change your body. — Jean Nidetch

Change Your Personality Quotes By Sloane Crosley

On occasion, it occurs to adults that they are allowed to do all the things that being a child prevented them from doing. But those desires change when you're not looking. There was a time when your favorite color transferred from purple to blue to whatever shade it is when you realize having a favorite color is a trite personality crutch, an unstable cultivation of quirk and a possible cry for help. You just don't notice the time of your own metamorphosis. Until you do. Every once in a while time dissolves and you remember what you liked as a kid. You jump on your hotel bed, order dessert first, decide to put every piece of jewelry you own on your body and leave the house. Why? Because you can. Because you're the boss. Because ... Ooooh. Shiny. — Sloane Crosley

Change Your Personality Quotes By Mary C. Lamia

Accept that what you see is what you'll get. Once your relationship becomes firmly established, your partner's personality and the way in which [he or] she treats you will most likely be what your future together will look like. Staying with a partner whom you hope will change usually results in disappointment. — Mary C. Lamia

Change Your Personality Quotes By Mary Woronov

Costumes are so much better than clothes. They're like drugs, they change your personality. — Mary Woronov

Change Your Personality Quotes By Travis Bradberry

Personality traits form at an early age and are fixed by early adulthood. Many important things about you change over the course of your lifetime, but your personality isn't one of them. — Travis Bradberry

Change Your Personality Quotes By Michael Barbarulo

Self- examination is essential if you want to heal and become whole. Through self-examination the Holy Spirit will show you what you need to change or deal with. Taking responsibility for your hurt and pain will lead to internal changes, character growth and needed personality changes. — Michael Barbarulo

Change Your Personality Quotes By Anna Torv

Becoming a mother doesn't always change every aspect of your personality. — Anna Torv

Change Your Personality Quotes By Stanislav Grof

LSD is a unique and powerful tool for the exploration of the human mind and human nature. Psychedelic experiences mediate access to deep realms of the psyche that have not yet been discovered and acknowledged by mainstream psychology and psychiatry. They also reveal new possibilities and mechanisms of therapeutic change and personality transformation. — Stanislav Grof

Change Your Personality Quotes By N.E. Conneely

Elron: These were happy woods. The entire place was happy from the house to the gardens to the woods. But this one little garden had something extra. It was excited. Something odd for plants and trees. They were prone to joy, happiness, sorrow and tranquility but not something as active as excitement. Someone had spent a lot of time here and a bit of their personality had seeped into the place. That someone was excited about life and probably young. Strange. Few youth of any race knew enough to transmit their feelings. The trees whispered about a person, moving and bending with change. The plants gossiped about tenderness shown them but the air breathed words of rage and despair in my ear. The plants didn't know gender but I got the impression of a woman, a young woman. The altar indicated she was a witch. A good witch. — N.E. Conneely

Change Your Personality Quotes By Glen Duncan

It's just what you're stuck with, the lousy furniture you can't change. The educated me knows hell's nothing, a fiction I happened to inherit. The other me knows I'm going there. There must be a dozen mes these days, taking turns looking the other way."
"It's the postmodern solution," I said. "Controlled multiple personality disorder. Pick a fiction and allocate it an aspect of yourself. — Glen Duncan

Change Your Personality Quotes By Damon Lindelof

I would say that my fatal flaw, as a human being, is that I need people to like me, and if they don't like me, I will obsess over it - and try to change my personality until they like me - even if they don't like me for reasons that have nothing to do with me, and even if they're strangers. — Damon Lindelof

Change Your Personality Quotes By Oscar Wilde

that. As long as I live, the personality of Dorian Gray will dominate me. You can't feel what I feel. You change — Oscar Wilde

Change Your Personality Quotes By Halsey

I want any kid who listens to my music to see that I am confident with all elements of my personality that I can't change. — Halsey

Change Your Personality Quotes By Roberto Hogue

Remember, changing someone's hang-ups is an easier task if stays in the realm of sex because the carrot at the end of this trip is - SEX! It's not so easy to change other aspects of a man's personality because the rewards aren't as apparent and you can't exactly screw the stupid out of someone. — Roberto Hogue

Change Your Personality Quotes By Chris Cooper

You look at a herd of cattle and well, they all look the same ... but they know. They all have an individual personality, and those personalities change from day to day. They can have their grumpy days and their happy days and their serene days. But it's unpredictable. You can't be off in outer space when you're dealing with animals. — Chris Cooper

Change Your Personality Quotes By Maria Montessori

The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth. — Maria Montessori

Change Your Personality Quotes By Deyth Banger

Every pill change your personality, as much you take as more you become different character. — Deyth Banger

Change Your Personality Quotes By Stephen Chbosky

It's sweet and everything, but it's like you're not even there sometimes. It's great that you can listen and be a shoulder to someone, but what about when someone doesn't need a shoulder? What if they need the arms or something like that? You can't just sit there and put everybody's lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love. You just can't. You have to do things."
"Like what?" I asked. My mouth was dry.
"I don't know. Like take their hands when the slow song comes up for a change. Or be the one who asks someone for a date. Or tell people what you need. Or what you want. — Stephen Chbosky

Change Your Personality Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster

Self-realization is largely a matter of achieving a person's formative personality definition. People whom lack self-realization oftentimes fail to integrate their desired personality traits into all phases of their life including social life, family life, and work life. In order to achieve satisfaction with oneself, a person must know what they wish for, know how to go about achieving their goals, be capable of recognizing where they now stand, and understand how they must change in order to attain their ultimate visage. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Change Your Personality Quotes By Rosabeth Moss Kanter

In most important ways, leaders of the future will need the traits and capabilities of leaders throughout history: an eye for change and a steadying hand to provide both vision and reassurance that change can be mastered, a voice that articulates the will of the group and shapes it to constructive ends, and an ability to inspire by force of personality while making others feel empowered to increase and use their own abilities. — Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Change Your Personality Quotes By Nikki Rowe

I loved her, for she was beauty dressed in a selfless personality and the skin of unconditional love. A voice of truthful melody and eyes holding a vision so large, maybe, just maybe she was born to change the world. — Nikki Rowe

Change Your Personality Quotes By Oprah Winfrey

I believe your personality is formed at a very early age. Fame can magnify that personality, for good or bad, but it can't change it. So when people say to me, 'Don't change,' I'm thinking, To what? To who? Who else would I be? — Oprah Winfrey

Change Your Personality Quotes By Hilary Mantel

I was (an am) unsure about how I am related to my old self, or to myself from year to year. The hormonal profile of an individual determines much of the manifest personality. If you skew the endocrine system,you loose the pathways to the self. When endocrine patterns change it alters the way you think and feel. One shift in the pattern tends to trip another. — Hilary Mantel

Change Your Personality Quotes By Howard Thurman

It's a wondrous thing, that a decision to act releases energy in the personality. For days on end a person may drift along without much energy. Having no particular sense of direction and having no will to change. Then, something happens to alter the pattern. It may be something very simple and inconsequential in itself. But it stabs awake, it alarms, it disturbs. In a flash, one gets a vivid picture of oneself, and it passes. The result is decision. Sharp, defenitive decision. In the wake of the decision, yes, even as a part of the decision itself, energy is released. The act of decision sweeps all before it, and the life of the individual maybe changed forever. — Howard Thurman

Change Your Personality Quotes By John Berendt

For me, Savannah's resistance to change was its saving grace. The city looked inward, sealed off from the noises and distractions of the world at large. It grew inward, too, and in such a way that its people flourished like hothouse plants tended by an indulgent gardener. The ordinary became extraordinary. Eccentrics thrived. Every nuance and quirk of personality achieved greater brilliance in that lush enclosure than would have been possible anywhere else in the world. — John Berendt

Change Your Personality Quotes By Nirmala Srivastava

Man in his madness doesn't realize that God has made him from amoeba to this stage for some purpose. There is a big purpose behind it. And the purpose is that now you have to know your Spirit, by which you enter into the Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God. How? What is your passport? Is your Spirit. Because when the Spirit starts shining within you, you start transforming. You start transforming into a new being - into a new personality with a new awareness and you are a different person. Your priorities change. — Nirmala Srivastava

Change Your Personality Quotes By Frank Miller

It's one thing to be sitting at a drawing board, alone in your home and coming up with a fantasy character, and drawing her whichever way you feel like drawing, then dealing with a real performer. All of a sudden, things change. It's amazing, in working with actors, how much I learn from them and how many new lines will come to mind because of their personality or their strengths. — Frank Miller

Change Your Personality Quotes By Maxwell Maltz

One of the reasons it has seemed so difficult for a person to change his habits, his personality, or his way of life, has been that heretofore nearly all efforts at change have been directed to the circumference of the self, so to speak, rather than to the center. — Maxwell Maltz

Change Your Personality Quotes By Steven Morrissey

Well, I think the way you feel as a teenager stays with you, forever. I really believe that. And we try to change and we hope that we change, but we don't really in big ways, in serious ways. I think the personality is formed at that time, for the good and for the bad ... We all want to grow up and move on and appear to be different to people. And we want people to see us in a different way. But, I don't know, I think the personality is very, very strongly cemented, and we just bear whatever shortcomings we have and learn to live with it. — Steven Morrissey

Change Your Personality Quotes By Elias Canetti

No mind ever grew fat on a diet of novels. The pleasure which they occasionally offer is far too heavily paid for: they undermine the finest characters. They teach us to think ourselves into other men's places. Thus we acquire a taste for change. The personality becomes dissolved in pleasing figments of imagination. The reader learns to understand every point of view. Willingly he yields himself to the pursuit of other people's goals and loses sight of his own. Novels are so many wedges which the novelist, an actor with his pen, inserts into the closed personality of the reader. The better he calculates the size of the wedge and the strength of the resistance, so much the more completely does he crack open the personality of the victim. Novels should be prohibited by the State. — Elias Canetti

Change Your Personality Quotes By Adam Ross

I'm interested in the limits of personality, in the possibility of change, and the saving power of art. Do powerful works of art raise our consciousness to such a degree that we refrain from sliding into moral hazard? Do we take note? Or are we doomed to repetition? — Adam Ross

Change Your Personality Quotes By Rossana Condoleo

Q: Have you been released or are you still a Beta version?
A: No official release of myself will ever follow!
Q: Then, you are not!
A: I — Rossana Condoleo

Change Your Personality Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

God isn't interested in watching you enact some performance of personality in order to comply with some crackpot notion you have about how a spiritual person looks or behaves. We all seem to get this idea that, in order to be sacred, we have to make some massive, dramatic change of character, that we have to renounce our individuality. — Elizabeth Gilbert

Change Your Personality Quotes By Steven Biko

It becomes more necessary to see the truth as it is if you realize that the only vehicle for change are these people who have lost their personality. — Steven Biko

Change Your Personality Quotes By Carolyn Bramhall

It felt increasingly, as I became more whole, that I had made it all up, and that I was a phoney. I had to come to some place of acceptance. If I made it all up, then I am an unspeakably evil person, leading so many wonderful, intelligent people astray. What a scheming mind I must have. I knowledge will be hard too live with. But harder still is the thought that perhaps, just perhaps it is all true; that I really was horribly, ritualistically abused in a satanic setting, over and over again and as a result my mind fragmented. The implications of that are completely overwhelming. It was me, my body, that they did those things to. No, I would rather believe I am an evil and deceitful person. At least the I can change, and say sorry, and live a better life from now on. — Carolyn Bramhall

Change Your Personality Quotes By Rory Miller

Why is a caterpillar wrapped in silk while it changes into a butterfly? So the other caterpillars can't hear the screams. Change hurts — Rory Miller

Change Your Personality Quotes By Natasha Friend

When you see a small change in your life it means its a huge change in personality and your trait — Natasha Friend

Change Your Personality Quotes By Taylor Swift

Mom is a planner, an organizer. She's very strong and practical. She's the person that'll tell me if I ever start to change my personality. The balance of the two of them created my personality. — Taylor Swift

Change Your Personality Quotes By Mel Gibson

Change is always preceded by a little pain. Some people can change and they don't have to go through so many painful things. But I think that I'm of a personality that I'm a little stubborn, so it's tough for me. — Mel Gibson

Change Your Personality Quotes By Tony Horwitz

Egyptians undergo an odd personality change behind the wheel of a car. In every other setting, aggression and impatience are frowned upon. The unofficial Egyptian anthem "Bokra, Insha'allah, Malesh" (Tomorrow, God Willing, Never Mind) isn't just an excuse for laziness. In a society requiring millennial patience, it is also a social code dictating that no one make too much of a fuss about things. But put an Egyptian in the driver's seat and he shows all the calm and consideration of a hooded swordsman delivering Islamic justice. — Tony Horwitz

Change Your Personality Quotes By Jacob Bronowski

The creative personality is always one that looks on the world as fit for change and on himself as an instrument for change. Otherwise, what are you creating for? If the world is perfectly all right the way it is, you have no place in it. The creative personality thinks of the world as a canvas for change and of himself as a divine agent of change. — Jacob Bronowski

Change Your Personality Quotes By Janet Evanovich

You don't know. You've never been married and divorced. Everything is insurmountable when you're married. The fact that you want to talk at the breakfast table and he insists on reading his paper is insurmountable. Leaving the seat up on the toilet is insurmountable. Getting peanut butter in the jelly jar is insurmountable. People don't change just because they're married. All those little habits and personality quirks that you previously thought were trivial become the bane of your existence. And the major problems, like different outlooks on life, are crushing. — Janet Evanovich

Change Your Personality Quotes By Matt Kenseth

With my personality, I generally don't like change a lot. I reflect back on things quicker than I should at times. So it seems like it's gone by really quick. The older you get, the faster it seems to go by. — Matt Kenseth