Can't Change Destiny Quotes & Sayings
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Top Can't Change Destiny Quotes

The way two people can and everything place, find each other in a crowd, and change your life the lives of the people around them forever ... It makes you believe in fate. In fate love some extra authority. Some destined significance. Wow, very powerful. — Deb Caletti

1. Be honest with everyone.
2. Change before you have to.
3. Control your own destiny or someone else will.
4. Face reality as it is, not as it was ... or as you wish it to be.
5. Instill in others- faith, hope and self-confidence.
6. If you can't develop a competitive attitude or have a competitive advantage, don't try to compete. You'll lose.
7. Don't waste your time always looking for shortcuts.
8. Man-up when necessary.
9. Never lose faith in God.
10. Love. — Jose N. Harris

Even if we can't change the big picture, our choices can alter the details. That's how we rebel against destiny, — Rick Riordan

I am grieved at what you tell me," said Pellinore, "but I believe that God can change destiny. I must have faith in that. — John Steinbeck

As long as there is happiness, there will be sadness. As long as there is fortune, there will be misfortune.
... What's real is something that not even the strength of the Goddess can change. The only one who can change it is me. If I don't change my destiny, if I don't cut through the obstacles in my path, then no matter where I go, I'll always be standing in the same place, doing the same thing over and over again, for the rest of my life. — Miyuki Miyabe

Destiny isn't immutable. You can change your fate. But I'd say the only way to do it is with hard, intelligent work and long-term dedication to a goal. — Robert Paul Weston

You can't change your life. This mode in literature goes against the more middle-brown mode, which is about shaping your destiny, changing it. You can't change it, you just become passive in front of it. Even if we live in a godless universe, there are paths set, there are trajectories, like bumper cars just pulling those trajectories, colliding. — Tommy McCarthy

I don't quite know... but... something needs to change in my life. The incident earlier today... it's left me in a very odd mood. I'm not sure what needs to occur, or how, or when.. but I can feel it. It's almost... I feel so damned restless. I can't adequately explain it, even to you, because I'm not sure what I'm talking about. But... something's out there, and I need to be ready for it."
Alistair was still, expression strange and unreadable. "And are you?"
"Am I what?"
"Ready for change. And before you reply, let me caution you: fate, or destiny, or God, or whatever you call it, has an uncanny way of supplying what you ask for. But the strangest thing is, often we don't consider the ramifications of our request. There's an old saying that warns some things in life are not for the faint of heart. So, I'll ask again: are you ready for this... this change? Even if it turns your life completely and irrevocably upside down? — D.R. Ranshaw

There is an unseen life that dreams us; it knows our true direction and destiny. We can trust ourselves more than we realize, and we need have no fear of change. — John O'Donohue

If I can believe believe that the heavens have blessed me with a tiger-spirited daughter, then how can I doubt the existence of a Dragon Musado?" he said.
Kira didn't know how to react to her father's words.
"I believe that one person can change the world. Whether he is the Musado or a girl with a tiger spirit. The monks teach that we mere mortals cannot question fate. But I say that we control destiny by our every action. Our power lies in the choices we make." Her father placed his warm hand on her cheek. "In the choices you make. Remember, stay true to yourself and do what your heart tells you is right, and not what is easy. — Ellen Oh

A belief system usually evolves over time. It's something that we grow into, as our needs and goals develop and change. Even when we find a system of beliefs that works for us, we hone and fine-tune it, working our way deeper and deeper into its essential truth. Everything we experience, every thought we have, every desire, need, action, and reaction - everything we perceive with our senses goes into our personal databank and helps to create the belief systems that we hold now. Nothing is lost or forgotten in our lives.
You don't have to remain a victim of your conditioning, however. You can choose for yourself what you believe or don't believe, what you desire and don't desire. You can define your own parameters. Once you do that, you can start consciously creating your destiny according to your own vision. — Skye Alexander

Never forget: This very moment, we can change our lives. There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny. This second, we can turn the tables on Resistance. This second, we can sit down and do our work. — Steven Pressfield

Yes, all you need do is to change your orientation and have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that He can make you whole, change your status, and add value to your destiny. — Jaachynma N.E. Agu

Man alone of all the creatures of earth can change his own pattern. Man alone is the architect of his own destiny. — William James

Even very little things can change your destiny and throw you to a different path, to a different fate; you must never forget that even very little things have great powers! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

We all have received the divine injunction: 'Follow thou me.' It guided Peter. It motivated Paul. It can determine our personal destiny. Can we make the decision to follow in righteousness and truth the Redeemer of the world? With his help, a rebellious boy can become an obedient man, a wayward girl can cast aside the old self and begin anew. Indeed, the gospel of Jesus Christ can change lives. — Thomas S. Monson

We human beings are only a part of something very much larger. When we walk along, we may crush a beetle or simply cause a change in the air so that a fly ends up where it might never have gone otherwise. And if we think of the same example but with ourselves in the role of the insect, and the larger universe in the role we've just played, it's perfectly clear that we're affected every day by forces over which we have no more control than the poor beetle has over our gigantic foot as it descends upon it. What are we to do? We must use whatever methods we can to understand the movement of the universe around us and time our actions so that we are not fighting the currents, but moving with them. — Arthur Golden

A great human revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, can even enable a change in the destiny of all humankind. — Daisaku Ikeda

You can't change where you come from, but you can change where you go from here. Just like a book. If you don't like the ending, you can make up a new one. — Sarah Addison Allen

That a man can change himself ... and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the power of right thought.(Christian D. Larson) — Rhonda Byrne

You can't change destinies already written, that only happens in fairy tales. — Katie McGarry

Destroy the seed and the plant will never grow. Man alone, of all creatures of earth, can change his thought pattern and become the architect of his destiny. — Spencer W. Kimball

We, the people. Manifest Destiny. Conceived in liberty. Fear itself. Ask not. Morning in America. United we stand. Yes, we can. In times of great change and tumult, presidents seek to inspire beleaguered Americans by reminding them of their national identity. — Ron Fournier

If you have a strong mind and plant in it a firm resolve, you can change your destiny. — Paramahansa Yogananda

We are responsible for everything that happens in this world. We are warriors of light, and with the strength of our love and of our will we can change our destiny and that of many other people. — Paulo Coelho

When a legislator succeeds, after persevering efforts, in exercising an indirect influence upon the destiny of nations, his genius is lauded by mankind, whilst, in point of fact, the geographical position of the country which he is unable to change, a social condition which arose without his co-operation, manners and opinions which he cannot trace to their source, and an origin with which he is unacquainted, exercise so irresistible an influence over the courses of society that he is himself borne away by the current, after an ineffectual resistance. Like the navigator, he may direct the vessel which bears him along, but he can neither change its structure, nor raise the winds, nor lull the waters which swell beneath him. — Alexis De Tocqueville

Your choices are really very limited. They are limited by your level of awareness. If you can change your level of awareness radically, then you can change your destiny. — Frederick Lenz

I had always wanted to love Eve as Denny loved her, but I never had because I was afraid. She was my rain. She was my unpredictable element. She was my fear. But a racer should not be afraid of the rain; a racer should embrace the rain. I, alone, could manifest a change around me. By changing my mood, my energy, I allowed Eve to regard me differently. And while I cannot say that I am a master of my own destiny, I can say that I have experienced a glimpse of mastery, and I know what I have to work toward. — Garth Stein

I believe that you control your destiny, that you can be what you want to be. You can also stop and say, 'No, I won't do it, I won't behave his way anymore. I'm lonely and I need people around me, maybe I have to change my methods of behaving,' and then you do it. — Leo Buscaglia

An idea can change your fate in a wonderful way but you must first let the idea to touch your mind and your heart! No closed book can ever be your hero! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Nothing is certain," he murmured. "The future is constantly changing, and no one can predict what happens next. We have the power to change our destiny, because fate is not set in stone, and we are always free to make a choice. — Julie Kagawa

We have a need to control our destiny, but destiny is uncontrollable. We struggle against this paradox and embrace the journey. For those who are determined to be the masters of their own fate, they can change everything. They can push against the rules of the universe and strive to turn chaotic fate into order. They will look out at the heavens and shout I am in control, and the earth will shake underfoot. — Logan Kain

If you employed study, thinking, and planning time daily, you could develop and use the power that can change the course of your destiny. — W. Clement Stone

Don't confuse poor decision-making with destiny. Own your mistakes. It's ok; we all make them. Learn from them so they can empower you! — Steve Maraboli

I mean, I think we're put here on earth to make your own destiny, to begin with. I don't think there's anything you can do this way or that way to change anything. — Waylon Jennings

The courage of one can change the course of all. — Ogwo David Emenike

Ash pulled me closer, his eyes gentle as they gazed into mine. "Meghan, I'm going to tell you something someone once told me, when I was afraid of what was to come." He lowered his head, soft strands of his hair brushing my skin. "Nothing is certain," he murmured. "The future is constantly changing, and no one can predict what will happen next. We have the power to change our destiny, because fate is not set in stone, and we are always free to make a choice." His fingers came up to brush my hair back, tucking it behind one ear. "A very powerful seer told me that, once. And she was right. That's why I'm not afraid of the oracle's prophecy, or the future. We are only slaves to fate if we let it control us. There is always a choice. — Julie Kagawa

Positivity can be a negative," I tell her, "if it's used to diminish events that should be cause for concern. Saying 'bad things happen to good people' or "God doesn't give anyone more than they can handle', for instance, isn't necessarily helpful to the person to whom something bad happened
it is much more beneficial to those who wish to be dismissive- who don't really care to think about the why or how or who. And if we cease to see the real human part in events
if instead, we relegate human experiences to some sort of mystical concept like karma, destiny or everything happens for a reason, and consider more realistic views to be negative
then we diminish compassion and empathy, as well as the possibility of positive change. — Jane Devin

The course of history is determined not by battles, by sieges, or usurpation, but by the individuals. The strongest army is, at its most basic level, a collection of individuals. Their decisions, their passions, their foolishness, and their dreams shape the years to come. If there is any lesson to be learned from history, it is that all too often the fate of armies, of cities, of entire realms rests upon the actions of one person's decision, good or bad, right or wrong, big or small, can unwittingly change the world.
But history can be quite the slattern. One never knows who that person is, where he might be, or what decision he might male.
It is almost enough to make me believe in destiny. — Jim Butcher

You can't go back, Ever. You can't change the past. It just is ... This is our destiny. Not yours. — Alyson Noel

No amount of guilt can change the past, and no amount of worrying can change the future. Go easy on yourself, for the outcome of all affairs is determined by Allaah's decree.
If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come your way, but if it is yours by destiny, from it you cannot flee. — Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab

People can waste a large amount of their time trying to be accepted by people. Sometimes, God meant for you not to fit. You never know, you may hold the unique perspective that when voiced or demonstrated will change generations. — Shannon L. Alder

It's never too late to change your mind and be who you were meant to be. Our minds can be really powerful things, and they can come up with a million reasons as to why you can't make a change. Our minds can say that it's not logical, or it's been like this for too long, or it's too hard, or what are people going to think. But sometimes it's more important to live from your gut and from your heart than from your head... It's okay to decide that being happy is worth more than getting the law degree, or marrying your high-school sweetheart because they were nice enough, or being an actor because you think you're incapable of doing anything else. It's never too late to take charge of your destiny and make a different contribution to the world. — Lisa Jakub

Yes, but perhaps he did have something to do with it." (In such arguments Stenham often found himself unexpectedly extolling the bourgeois virtues.) "If he was good himself, and worked hard - "
"Never!" cried Amar, his eyes blazing. "You're a Nazarene, a Christian. That's why you talk that way. If you were a Moslem and said such things, you'd be killed or struck blind here, this minute. Christians have good hearts, but they don't know anything. They think they can change what has been written. They're afraid to die because they don't understand what death is for. And if you're afraid to die, then you don't know what life is for. How can you live? — Paul Bowles

You can't change your past but you can change you destiny but deciding for Christ. — Billy Graham

I think women need to be kinder to other women. I think once we realize that, shoulder to shoulder, walking in the same direction, we're the greatest force of nature ... our destiny can change. — Lynn Tilton

Life is a journey. It is not about where you are going or where you end up, it is about what takes you there. You can plan the path you take, but life has a way of throwing obstacles into your path that make you change course. It is not "divine intervention" or "destiny"; it is the reality of being a human being. — Courtney Lynn

Every individual suffers from the fear of failure, but you can change your destiny only when you overcome it. — Anupam Kher

You can slow it down but you can't change destiny. — Hafsa Shah

We can change by changing our attitudes and patterns of behavior. In so doing, we change our destiny. — Isabel M. Hickey

The power to see change in your life can be found in the words you speak. You have the power to set the destiny for your life by what comes out of your mouth. — Joel Osteen good decision can totally change the trajectory of our lives. And that one good decision will lead to better decisions. But it starts by making the right decision when no one is looking.
There is a past cause and future effect to every decision that goes way beyond what is discernible in the here and now. Decisions have long and often complex genealogies. And every decision is a genesis moment that has the potential to radically alter not just our destiny but the course of human history as well. — Mark Batterson

Every man engaged in war tells himself he can alter what has been written, that it is he, not God, who is the maker of destiny, free to change what is meant to be. — Alice Hoffman

The body is the inescapable factor, you see. You can keep in good shape for what you are, but radical change is impossible. Health isn't making everybody into a Greek ideal; it's living out the destiny of the body. — Robertson Davies

I have noticed that even those who assert that everything is predestined and that we can change nothing about it still look both ways before they cross the street — Stephen Hawking

Man can change his destiny-not by wishing for it, but by working for it. — Chinmayananda Saraswati

One hello can change a day. One hug can change a life. One hope can change a destiny. — Lynda Cheldelin Fell

All night I dreamt of bonfires and burn piles
and ghosts of men, and spirits
behind those birds of flame.
I cannot tell anymore when a door opens or closes,
I can only hear the frame saying, Walk through. — Ada Limon

We all have a past. We all have a future. But all we really have is right now. You can change your destiny in one moment, if only you refuse to do what you once did. — Bonnie Hearn Hill

The calm and tolerant atmosphere that prevailed during the elections depicts the type of South Africa we can build. It set the tone for the future. We might have our differences, but we are one people with a common destiny in our rich variety of culture, race and tradition. — Nelson Mandela

No matter how pathetic or pitiful, every human is fated to have one moment in their lives in which they can change their own destiny. — Takayuki Yamaguchi

Vegetarian food leaves a deep impression on our nature. If the whole world adopts vegetarianism, it can change the destiny of humankind. — Albert Einstein

You have a great destiny before you. This is your moment! I truly believe that one virtuous young woman, led by the Spirit, can change the world. — Elaine S. Dalton

It has been said that marriages are arranged by Heaven, that destiny will bring even the most distantly separated people together, that all is settled before birth, and no matter how much we wander from our paths, no matter how our fortunes change - for good or bad - all we can do is accomplish the decree of fate. This, in the end, is our blessing and our heartbreak. — Lisa See

Life's situations are like a set of cards in your hands.
You cannot change the cards, but you can surely play with them in your own unique way. — Manoj Arora

Mastery is a blind alley. Since, moreover, he cannot renounce mastery and
become a slave again, the eternal destiny of masters is to live unsatisfied or to be killed. The master
serves no other purpose in history than to arouse servile consciousness, the only form of consciousness
that really creates history. The slave, in fact, is not bound to his condition, but wants to change it. Thus,
unlike his master, he can improve himself, and what is called history is nothing but the effects of his long
efforts to obtain real freedom. Already, by work, by his transformation of the natural world into a
technical world, he manages to escape from the nature which was the basis of his slavery in that he did
not know how to raise himself above it by accepting death. — Albert Camus

But circumstances change. Small causes lead to large effects. New paths are added.
And all anyone can do ... is choose. — Kelseyleigh Reber

Can our actions change our destiny? Or are they like sand piled against the breakage in a dam, merely delaying the inevitable? — Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

If one man or woman is willing to obey God, it can change the destiny of millions. — D.C. Talk

Every person and everything can change the destiny of every other person and every other thing, in a good or in a bad way! We are all destiny makers; everything is a destiny maker! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

No single man can change the destiny of the world because the world cannot transform itself on its own. The world can only transform itself collectively. — David Ssembajjo

Everything that happens is supposed to be And it's all pre-determined, can't change your destiny Guess I'll just keep moving, someday maybe I'll get to where I'm going — Conor Oberst

They often say, "What's the point in astrology if you can't change your
destiny?". Well, it's true that you can't change your destiny, but still it helps
knowing about gravity. — Kedar Joshi

The thing about fate, Magnus: even if we can't change the big picture, our choices can alter the details.That's how we rebel against destiny, how we make our mark. What will you choose to do? — Rick Riordan

The reward centers of the brain
where the pleasure of those high-calorie foods registers
also respond to other substances that bring about pleasure ... But those reward centers also respond to other gratifying things, like watching a sunset or experiencing a loving touch ... So while you may not be able to change the wiring in your brain, you can "feed" those reward centers other pleasures ... Biology isn't destiny when you have effective strategies ... — Bob Greene

We can't change our destiny only the course it takes to get there. — Nina Norstrom

In you is a formidable force that can bring the desired change you want in the world. Stop waiting for the perfect time, go to work now! — Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

What we call our destiny is truly our character and that character can be altered. The knowledge that we are responsible for our actions and attitudes does not need to be discouraging, because it also means that we are free to change this destiny. One is not in bondage to the past, which has shaped our feelings, to race, inheritance, background. All this can be altered if we have the courage to examine how it formed us. We can alter the chemistry provided we have the courage to dissect the elements. — Anais Nin

Will you not see?" she cried. "You are not as other men are. Why need you bow to a Fate? Can you not change it? — Jane Gaskell

If habits, lifestyles, or personalities are fruits, then the thoughts, words, or actions are seeds. Change your seeds and the fruits will change accordingly. This can a flow like this. Thoughts -> Words -> Actions -> Habits -> Character -> Destiny. — Ilchi Lee

You can change things, you can make things better. — Jeff Bridges

I don't think that a leader can control, to any great extent, his destiny. Very seldom can he step in and change the situation if the forces of history are running in another direction. — Richard M. Nixon

Destiny is as it is. Nothing can change it. Accept it before it ruins you. — J.L. Sheppard

One dream can change your destiny. — Lynda Cheldelin Fell

I have an arrow living inside my chest that shoots straight toward you - even though I know the sky is falling for us. Even though I know all we're destined for is dust. I can't make it change course. It leads me to you every time I've tried to turn away — Emalynne Wilder

Can I possibly not understand myself that I'm a lost man? But
why can't I resurrect? Yes! it only takes being calculating and patient at least once in your life and
that's all! It only takes being steadfast at least once, and in an hour I can change my whole destiny! — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

If it is our destiny to be hit by the train, we will be hit by the train. The only thing we can change is how the train turns us into a hamburger. — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Once a person has the formula,anything can be changed, even the future. Through determination, a man can discover how to completely change his destiny. There's thoughts--which are not yours, but come from elsewhere--and there gaps between thoughts. When you get into that gap between thoughts, you have the opportunity to completely reshuffle your life. This may sound impossible to you now, but try not to let your ignorance get in the way of understanding. I have just told you something of priceless value. — Richard Rose

Just as one decision can change your destiny, so can one prayer. If you were to map out your spiritual history, you would find countless answers to prayer at key intersections along the way. Before you were even born, even named, many of you had parents and grandparents who prayed for you. At critical ages and stages, family and friends interceded on your behalf. And thousands of complete strangers have prayed for you in ways you aren't even aware of. The sum total of those prayers is your prayer genealogy. — Mark Batterson

No amount of worrying can change the future. Go easy on yourself, for the outcome of all affairs is determined by God's decree. If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come your way, but if it is yours by destiny, from you it cannot flee. — Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab