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Cannot Express With Words Quotes & Sayings

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Top Cannot Express With Words Quotes

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Robert De Niro

You don't need words to express feelings. — Robert De Niro

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By John Bunyan

It is not the mouth that is the main thing to be looked at in prayer, but whether the heart is so full of affection and earnestness in prayer with God, that it is impossible to express their sense and desire; for then a man desires indeed, when his desires are so strong, many, and mighty, that all the words, tears, and groans that can come from the heart, cannot utter them. — John Bunyan

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Suzanne Collins

If your parent is deployed and you are that young, you spend the whole time wondering where they are and waiting for them to come home. As time passes and the absence is longer and longer, you become more and more concerned - but you don't really have the words to express your concern. There's only this continued absence. — Suzanne Collins

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

I saw that all who do not profess an identical faith with themselves are considered by the Orthodox to be heretics, just as the Catholics and others consider the Orthodox to be heretics. And i saw that the Orthodox (though they try to hide this) regard with hostility all who do not express their faith by the same external symbols and words as themselves; and this is naturally so; first, because the assertion that you are in falsehood and I am in truth, is the most cruel thing one man can say to another; and secondly, because a man loving his children and brothers cannot help being hostile to those who wish to pervert his children and brothers to a false belief. And that hostility is increased in proportion to one's greater knowledge of theology. And to me who considered that truth lay in union by love, it became self-evident that theology was itself destroying what it ought to produce. — Leo Tolstoy

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Andre Bjerke

A silent figure is the dancer, true but still, words become dance, and all things there express'd. — Andre Bjerke

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Jonathan Swift

and the first words I learnt, were to express my desire "that he would please give me my liberty;" which I every day repeated on my knees. His — Jonathan Swift

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Robert Louis Stevenson

Although I express myself with some degree of pleasantry, the purport of my words is entirely serious. — Robert Louis Stevenson

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Adrian Grenier

Music is a language of emotion. I'm passionate about it because I think it's the most direct way to connect to the things that are ineffable. Words just aren't necessary a good enough opportunity to express. Words are maybe less than accessible at expressing. — Adrian Grenier

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By R.L. Merrill

physical expressions of love were often more important than words because you can't fake a touch. Your intentions are clear. Even if you're having sex with someone, it's clear whether it's fucking or making love. It's the truest way you can express yourself. — R.L. Merrill

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

Human character evermore publishes itself. The most fugitive deed and word, the intimated purpose, express character. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Shunryu Suzuki

Zen is not some fancy, special art of living. Our teaching is just to live, always in reality, in its exact sense. To make our effort, moment after moment, is our way. In an exact sense, the only thing we actually can study in our life is that on which we are working in each moment. We cannot even study Buddha's words."
"So we should be concentrated with our full mind and body on what we do; and we should be faithful, subjectively and objectively, to ourselves, and especially to our feelings. Even when you do not feel so well, it is better to express how you feel without any particular attachment or intention. So you may say, "Oh, I am sorry, I do not feel well. — Shunryu Suzuki

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Marthe Bibesco

Words express only the feelings we know already. — Marthe Bibesco

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Matthew Quick

Why are you giving this to me?""well, for a lot of reasons. most of which i can't really explain properly. that's why people give presents, right? because they don't know how to express themselves in words, so you give gifts to symbolically explain your feelings. — Matthew Quick

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert Of Cherbury

In oratory affectation must be avoided; it being better for a man by a native and clear eloquence to express himself than by those words which may smell either of the lamp or inkhorn. — Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert Of Cherbury

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Jane Chen

I love classical music and have been playing violin since I was seven. Music helps me to express feelings in a way words often cannot. — Jane Chen

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Claes Oldenburg

Painting, especially much better than words, allows oneself to express the various stages of thought, including the deeper levels, the underground stages of the mental process. — Claes Oldenburg

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Leonardo Da Vinci

I am fully conscious that, not being a literary man , certain presumptuous persons will think that they may reasonably blame me; alleging that I am not a man of letters. Foolish folks! do they not know that I might retort as Marius did to the Roman Patricians by saying: That they, who deck themselves out in the labours of others will not allow me my own. They will say that I, having no literary skill, cannot properly express that which I desire to treat of, but they do not know that my subjects are to be dealt with by experience rather than by words; and experience has been the mistress of those who wrote well. And so, as mistress, I will cite her in all cases. — Leonardo Da Vinci

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Isaac Bashevis Singer

But my gloom did not lessen. I knew that I'd had a bad dream, and I stood in the dark trying to recollect it. The second I closed my eyes, I was with the dead. They did things words cannot express. They spoke madness. ("Hanka") — Isaac Bashevis Singer

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Adriana Trigiani

All the things I thought I was - simple and plain and sometime funny - are very small words. They do not begin to describe me. They do not begin to express what is inside of me. I have value, and I have worth. I cannot be replaced like old shoes or taken for granted like tap water. — Adriana Trigiani

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Colleen Hoover

But for the first time, I don't feel like the English language has developed enough letters in the alphabet to adequately express the words I want to say to you. — Colleen Hoover

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Becca Ritchie

I flicked over his rook, his bishop, and protected my queen.
I mouth, Don't fuck with with me. These five people mean more to me than words can express. I've never once felt like I had a real family.
But with them-I know I do. — Becca Ritchie

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Ellen Miller

He paid me to discover ways to express the unnameable; to get to the bottom of an utterance; to find words for the things for which there were no words yet, thereby bringing them into existence, committing them to paper, projecting them into the future. The work was part drudgery, part deity. — Ellen Miller

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Diadochos Of Photiki

The reason that we have both good and wicked thoughts together is not, as some suppose, because the Holy Spirit and the devil dwell together in our intellect, but because we have not yet consciously experienced the goodness of the Lord. As I have said before, grace at first conceals its presence in those who have been baptized, waiting to see which way the soul inclines; but when the whole man has turned toward the Lord, it then reveals to the heart its presence there with a feeling words cannot express. — Diadochos Of Photiki

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By John Lennon

I still don't know how to express the really delicate personal stuff. People think that Plastic Ono is very personal, but there are some subtleties of emotions which I cannot seem to express in pop music, and it frustrates me. Maybe that's why I still search for other ways of expressing myself. Song writing is a limiting experience in some ways - writing down words that have to rhyme. — John Lennon

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Austin Phelps

The feeling which will become spontaneous with a Christian, under the influence of such a trust, is this: 'I come to my devotions this morning, on an errand of real life. This is no romance and no farce. I do not come here to go through a form of words. I have no hopeless desires to express. I have an object to gain. I have an end to accomplish. This is a business in which I am about to engage. — Austin Phelps

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Stephen King

Two pages of the passive voice - just about any business document ever written, in other words, not to mention reams of bad fiction - make me want to scream. It's weak, it's circuitous, and it's frequently tortuous, as well. How about this: My first kiss will always be recalled by me as how my romance with Shayna was begun. Oh, man - who farted, right? A simpler way to express this idea - sweeter and more forceful, as well - might be this: My romance with Shayna began with our first kiss. I'll never forget it. I'm not in love with this because it uses with twice in four words, but at least we're out of that awful passive voice. — Stephen King

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By John Stott

Never use a gallon of words to express a spoonful of thought. Our unadorned word should be enough. — John Stott

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Nicole Deese

Words cannot express the love I have for you, or the hope I have for your future, but they would only fail in comparison to those God has already written for you ... He is faithful. Let Him restore you in His perfect timing and in His perfect way. — Nicole Deese

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Bradley Joseph

Music allows a person to express their deepest thoughts, thoughts that cannot be expressed with just words. I am often asked how I begin a song or develop a melody from nothing. That is the spiritual aspect of creating. Finding something deep within yourself that can only be created by you. — Bradley Joseph

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Ezra Taft Benson

There are only two whom we are commanded to love with all our hearts-the Lord our God, and our wives!
"What does it mean to love someone with all our hearts? It means with all our emotional feelings and our devotion. Surely when you love your wife with all your heart, you cannot demean her, criticize her, find fault with her, nor abuse her by words, sullen behavior, or actions.
"What does it mean to 'cleave unto her'? It means to stay close to her, to be loyal to her, to strengthen her, to communicate with her, and to express your love for her — Ezra Taft Benson

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By China Mieville

I was too abstract. I was not worthy of respect. There ... was a madness ... I was mad. I committed a heinous act, a heinous act ... " His words broke down into avian moans. "What did you do?" Isaac steeled himself to hear of some atrocity. "This language cannot express my crime. In my tongue ... " Yagharek stopped for a moment. "I will try to translate. In my tongue they said ... they were right ... I was guilty of choice-theft ... choice-theft in the second degree ... with utter disrespect. — China Mieville

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Leonardo Da Vinci

They will say that I, having no literary skill, cannot properly express that which I desire to treat of, but they do not know that my subjects are to be dealt with by experience rather than by words. And [experience] has been the mistress of those who wrote well. And so, as mistress, I will cite her in all cases. Though I may not, like them, be able to quote other authors, I shall rely on that which is much greater and more worthy: on experience, the mistress of their masters. — Leonardo Da Vinci

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Clarice Lispector

Beyond thought I reach a state. I refuse to divide it up into words - and what I cannot and do not want to express ends up being the most secret of my secrets. I know that I'm scared of the moments in which I don't use thought and that's a momentary state that is difficult to reach, and which, entirely secret, no longer uses words with which thoughts are produce. Is not using words to lose your identity? is it getting lost in the harmful essential shadows? — Clarice Lispector

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Leonora Carrington

How could I write this when I don't even dare think about it? I am terribly anguished, yet I cannot continue living alone with such a memory ... I know that once this has been written down, I shall be delivered. You must know, otherwise I shall be persecuted to the end of my living days. But shall I be able to express with mere words the horror of that day? — Leonora Carrington

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Alyssa Milano

Words cannot fully express the devastation and horror caused by NTDs. Until now, these diseases have been hidden in the shadows, but working with the Global Network, I am focused on bringing this tragedy to the public eye. — Alyssa Milano

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

It would be good," thought Prince Andrei, glancing at the little image that his sister had hung around his neck with such reverence and emotion, "It would be good if everything were as clear and simple as it seems to Princess Marya . How good it would be to know where to seek help in this life, and what to expect after it, beyond the grave! How happy and at peace I should be if I could now say:" Lord have mercy on me! ... But to whom should I say this? To some power
indefinable and incomprehensible, to which I not only cannot appeal, but which I cannot express in words
The Great All or Nothing," he said to himself, "or to that God who has been sewn into this amulet by Marya? There is nothing certain, nothing except the nothingness of everything that is comprehensible to me, and the greatness of something incomprehensible but all important! — Leo Tolstoy

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Cindy Bauer

I believe the Lord has chosen me to spread His word through my words and who am I to question His plans for me? — Cindy Bauer

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Demi Lovato

Don't make assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life. - MIGUEL ANGEL RUIZ It's better to take the time to ask questions and to find the words to say what you really feel. Often we leave so much room for interpretation either because we are rushing or because we are afraid to speak the whole truth, but this is where miscommunications start. So even if you aren't sure about what someone means or how they feel, just ask them. Goal: When was the last time you assumed something and were wrong? Make a point to know the truth and not assume it. — Demi Lovato

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Sharon M. Draper

Everybody uses words to express themselves. Except me. And I bet most people don't realize the real power of words. But I do. Thoughts — Sharon M. Draper

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Russ Ramsey

The world we inhabit is one where children feel sorrow long before they have the words to express it. — Russ Ramsey

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Paul Auster

Yes. A language that will at last say what we have to say. For our words no longer correspond to the world. When things were whole, we felt confident that our words could express them. But little by little these things have broken apart, shattered, collapsed into chaos. And yet our words have remained the same. Hence, every time we try to speak of what we see, we speak falsely, distorting the very thing we are trying to represent. [ ... ] Consider a word that refers to a thing- " umbrella", for example. [ ... ] Not only is an umbrella a thing, it is a thing that performs a function. [ ... ] What happens when a thing no longer performs its function? [ ... ] the umbrella ceases to be an umbrella. It has changed into something else. The word, however, has remained the same. Therefore it can no longer express the thing. — Paul Auster

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Frank Herbert

The truth always carries the ambiguity of the words used to express it. — Frank Herbert

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Daniel J. Rice

It occurred to me that no words by the tongue of man can express the simplicities of a quiet land, so I returned to the river. — Daniel J. Rice

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Walter Prescott Webb

It would be very interesting to speculate on what the human imagination is going to do with a frontierless world where it must seek its inspiration in uniformity rather than variety, in sameness rather than contrast, in safety rather than peril, in probing the harmless nuances of the known rather than the thundering uncertainties of unknown seas or continents. The dreamers, the poets, and the philosophers are after all but instruments which make vocal and articulate the hopes and aspirations and the fears of a people.

The people are going to miss the frontier more than words can express. For four centuries they heard its call, listened to its promises, and bet their lives and fortunes on its outcome.

It calls no more... — Walter Prescott Webb

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

For me, language is a freedom. As soon as you have found the words with which to express something, you are no longer incoherent, you are no longer trapped by your own emotions, by your own experiences; you can describe them, you can tell them, you can bring them out of yourself and give them to somebody else. That is an enormously liberating experience ... — Jeanette Winterson

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Virginia Woolf

One could say nothing to nobody. The urgency of the moment always missed its mark. Words fluttered sideways and struck the object inches too low. Then one gave it up; then the idea sunk back again; then one became like most middle-aged people, cautious, furtive, with wrinkles between the eyes and a look of perpetual apprehension. For how could one express in words these emotions of the body? express that emptiness there? — Virginia Woolf

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Saint John Chrysostom

Such is friendship, that through it we love places and seasons; for as bright bodies emit rays to a distance, and flowers drop their sweet leaves on the ground around them, so friends impart favor even to the places where they dwell. With friends even poverty is pleasant. Words cannot express the joy which a friend imparts; they only can know who have experienced. A friend is dearer than the light of heaven, for it would be better for us that the sun were exhausted than that we should be without friends. — Saint John Chrysostom

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Scott Westerfeld

The world always had more details than you could remember, more than you could even see, and a thousand times more than you could ever write down. You were always deleting and forgetting far more than you could express in words. — Scott Westerfeld

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Walt Disney Company

Deeds, rather than words, express my concept of the part religion should play in everyday life. I have watched constantly that in our movie work the highest moral and spiritual standards are upheld, whether it deals with fable or with stories of living action. — Walt Disney Company

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Titus Burckhardt

Archaism, in the linguistic order, is not, in any event, synonymous with simplicity of structure, very much to the contrary. Languages generally grow poorer with the passing oftime by gradually losing the richness of their vocabulary, the ease with which they can diversify various aspects of one and the same idea, and their power of synthesis, which is the ability to express many things with few words. In order to make up for this impoverishment, modern languages have become more complicated on the rhetorical level; while perhaps gaining in surface precision, they have not done as as regards content. Language historians are astonished by the fact that Arabic was able to retain a morphology attested to as early as the Code of Hammurabi, for the nineteenth to the eighteenth century before the Christian era, and to retain a phonetic system which preserves, with the exception of a single sound, the extremly rich sound-range disclosed by the most ancient Semitic alphabets discovered, [...] — Titus Burckhardt

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Debasish Mridha

When you really want to help someone, express your love. With kind words, touch their heart and give a sincere compliment. — Debasish Mridha

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Jagdish Joghee

Not everything needs to be said, some things are just understood. Sometimes one's eyes are enough to express hidden emotions. When two people are truly, madly and deeply in love each other, nature will conspire to bring them together. — Jagdish Joghee

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Ruth St. Denis

I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what is too deep to find for words. — Ruth St. Denis

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Somya Kedia

More than feelings can express,
Are some words to take your heart away! — Somya Kedia

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Lilith Saintcrow

I had to settle for two of the most inadequate words in the English language, words to pale to express what I needed to say. Thank you. — Lilith Saintcrow

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Frank Beddor

Ah, ah, no buts. You've just returned to us and it is too soon to express whatever doubts you undoubtedly have with that most cowardly of words, that qualifier of qualifiers, but. — Frank Beddor

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Rick Poynor

Type is saying things to us all the time. Typefaces express a mood, an atmosphere. They give words a certain coloring. — Rick Poynor

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Flemming Rose

The point here is what makes human beings different from other creatures is our ability to use language. We can use words to express ourselves in very eloquent and complex ways. We grow up telling and listening to stories. That's what turns us into the people we are. — Flemming Rose

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By Ruth Prawer Jhabvala

It's technically extremely difficult to get down what you really mean, not what you think you mean, or what you think sounds good, but what's really there, what you really have to express, in words that somehow convey that meaning in an approximate way. — Ruth Prawer Jhabvala

Cannot Express With Words Quotes By W. Somerset Maugham

I don't believe in the god of the Christians who gave his son in order to save mankind. That's a myth. But why should it have arisen if it didn't express some deep-seated intuition in men? I don't know what I believe, because it's instinctive, and how can you describe instinct with words? I have an instinct that the power that rules us, human beings, animals and things, is a dark and cruel power and that everything has to be paid for, a power that demands an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, and that though we may writhe and squirm we have to submit, for the power is ourselves. — W. Somerset Maugham