Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Camera Capture

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Top Camera Capture Quotes

Camera Capture Quotes By Shane Claiborne

A friend and I prepared a video clip once for a worship service. Our goal was to capture people's responses to the word Christian, so we took a video camera and hit the streets, from the trendy arts district to the suburbs. We asked people to say the first word that came to mind in response to each word we said: "snow," "eagles" (it's Philly), "teenagers," and finally "Christian." When people heard the word Christian, they stopped in their tracks. I will never forget their responses: "fake," "hypocrites," "church," "boring." One guy even said, "used-to-be-one" (sort of one word). I will also never forget what they didn't say. Not one of the people we asked that day said "love." No one said "grace." No one said "community. — Shane Claiborne

Camera Capture Quotes By Zak Bagans

My name is Zak Bagans. I've never believed in ghosts until I came face to face with one. So I set out on a quest to capture what I once saw onto video ... With no big camera crews following us around, I am joined only by my fellow investigator Nick Groff and our equipment tech Aaron Goodwin. The three of us will travel to the some of most highly active paranormal locations, where we will spend an entire night, being locked down from dusk until dawn ... Raw ... Extreme ... These are our Ghost Adventures. — Zak Bagans

Camera Capture Quotes By Hilary Duff

Given my antipathy for the paparazzi, she thinks it's hysterical that I'm so attached to my cameras. But to me, what I do is the anti-paparazzi. TMZsters want to capture surface. If a picture's in focus, it's great. My goal is to capture what the surface is hiding. There's a story behind every face, every landscape, every still life. There's a soul in every subject, and when my camera and I are really speaking, really working together properly, we can capture it. — Hilary Duff

Camera Capture Quotes By David DuChemin

Vision is that original spark that was ignited within you and made you pick up a camera to capture whatever it is you saw, that made you turn to shout "Did you see that!" only to find no one there
so you created an image to do the telling. — David DuChemin

Camera Capture Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

He doesn't take a photo or a video because he wants to remember - by which he means he wants to misremember because the moment is made up of what the camera can't capture. — Jeanette Winterson

Camera Capture Quotes By Matthew Crow

Amber was designed for life. She was designed for color and movement. She was not a girl born for the click of the camera's lens. No device could capture her, the way she was, the way she was meant to be. She was not born to be still or stationary. Without her color she was broken, a faulty image that could never be fixed. Without her voice she was nothing. Amber was gone. At that moment it was all clear to me. Everything to come was just a formality. — Matthew Crow

Camera Capture Quotes By Peter Diamandis

Visual artists use drones to capture beautiful new images and camera angles. — Peter Diamandis

Camera Capture Quotes By Morgan Matson

About half an hour after the show tree, I made Roger pull over so that I could take a picture, and I realized that there was no way to ever capture the entire landscape. So I turned in a circle, taking a picture in every direction, knowing that was the only way I could come close to capturing what it looked like. I lowered my camera and stood still for a moment, just taking in the silence. Even though it probably should have been scary, standing by the side of a deserted desert highway, it wasn't. It felt strangely peaceful. — Morgan Matson

Camera Capture Quotes By Bruce Schneier

Embedded in digital photos is information such as the date, time, and location - yes, many cameras have GPS - of the photo's capture; generic information about the camera, lens, and settings; and an ID number of the camera itself. If you upload the photo to the web, that information often remains attached to the file. — Bruce Schneier

Camera Capture Quotes By Oscar Wilde

The camera, you know, will never capture you. Photography, in my experience, has the miraculous power of transferring wine into water. — Oscar Wilde

Camera Capture Quotes By John Dykstra

I come from an era when we had to figure out how to bolt a camera to a motorcycle or an airplane or dig a hole and find a canyon deep enough to repel into it so that we can capture images that were real. — John Dykstra

Camera Capture Quotes By Haruki Murakami

Even after Shirakawa has left, our point of view remains in the lavatory, and, as a stationary camera, continues to capture the dark mirror. Shirakawa's reflection is still there in the mirror. Shirakawa - or perhaps we should say his image - is looking in this direction from within the mirror. It does not move or change expression. It simply stares straight ahead. Eventually, however, as though giving up, it relaxes, takes a deep breath, and rolls its head. Then it brings its hand to its face and rubs its cheek a few times, as if checking for the touch of flesh. — Haruki Murakami

Camera Capture Quotes By Isaac Marion

You should always be taking pictures, if not with a camera then with your mind. Memories you capture on purpose are always more vivid than the ones you pick up by accident. — Isaac Marion

Camera Capture Quotes By A.O. Scott

The camera has an uncanny ability to capture the world as it is, to seize events as they happen, and also to conjure visions of the future. But by the time the image reaches the eyes of the viewer, it belongs to the past, taking on the status of something retrieved. — A.O. Scott

Camera Capture Quotes By Susan Sontag

Although there is a sense in which the camera does indeed capture reality, not just interpret it, photographs are as much an interpretation of the world as paintings and drawings are — Susan Sontag

Camera Capture Quotes By Wright Morris

After many months of writing, it occured to me that it might be possible to photograph, in the flesh, what I was attempting to capture in words. I bought a Rolleiflex camera and began to take pictures of objects or structures that were used and abused by human hands — Wright Morris

Camera Capture Quotes By Laszlo Moholy-Nagy

The photogram, image formation outside the camera is the real key to photography,it embodies the essence ... that allows us to capture light on light sensitive material without the use of any camera. — Laszlo Moholy-Nagy

Camera Capture Quotes By Leelee Sobieski

Now when I see something beautiful or funny or sweet, sometimes I reach for my camera, but other times I think, 'I need to let this moment exist. I don't have to capture everything. I just want to experience it.' — Leelee Sobieski

Camera Capture Quotes By Graciela Iturbide

I don't pretend to make my photographs speak the truth of what Mexico is all about. But in its villages I can feel the way culture is changing, and it's fascinating to live through it and try to capture it on camera. — Graciela Iturbide

Camera Capture Quotes By Hiroshi Sugimoto

People have been reading photography as a true document, at the same time they are now getting suspicious. I am basically an honest person, so I let the camera capture whatever it captures whether you believe it or not is up to you; it's not my responsibility, blame my camera, not me. — Hiroshi Sugimoto

Camera Capture Quotes By Leonard Nimoy

It is important to understand what are you trying to capture with a camera. What you want to use this tool for. It helps to begin to search for and concentrate on thematic photography. — Leonard Nimoy

Camera Capture Quotes By Jurnee Smollett

Vanessa Williams in person is like ... the camera cannot capture how gorgeous this woman is! She is just so breathtaking. — Jurnee Smollett

Camera Capture Quotes By Henry Rollins

The Internet, the camera cellphone and the like have not only sped up the world's information uptake, but they have cheapened that which they capture. — Henry Rollins

Camera Capture Quotes By Bill Vaughan

Sony is a clear leader in the digital camera and camcorder categories. As Sony continues to develop next-generation video and still image capture technologies, the demand for high speed, large capacity, small form factor memory cards will grow as well. — Bill Vaughan

Camera Capture Quotes By Marius Vieth

Photoshop and Lightroom help me transform my photos into what my heart felt, but my camera couldn't quite capture! — Marius Vieth

Camera Capture Quotes By Danica McKellar

The camera fails to capture the 'business' in show business! We typically will give 10 percent of our salary to the agent, 10 percent to the manager, and 5 percent to the lawyer, plus the publicist gets a flat fee, which needs to be budgeted for. — Danica McKellar

Camera Capture Quotes By Christopher Kenneally

The image isn't just created with the camera. That's just part one. The editor gets an imprint. The colorist does something to it. Visual effects does something to it. It's not just what you capture that people are going to see. The image gets made in many ways. In production and then in post. — Christopher Kenneally

Camera Capture Quotes By Henry Rollins

There are things that happen so quickly. A better cameraman can capture them, but if the light is not bright and you hoist up your camera by the time you've dialed in your settings. there are eye blink moments where you're like "Aaahhhh, I wish," but those are too many to catalogue. Nothing really sticks out. — Henry Rollins

Camera Capture Quotes By Tyler Shields

I create other worlds, magical never-never lands where the camera is my weapon and the battles I fight are with the elements. i stretch the laws of the mind and displace people from their realities to capture a side of them they didn't even know they had. Photography has the ability to freeze people in this time and space - no matter what happens after that moment, it cannot change - they are exactly how i want them to be. — Tyler Shields

Camera Capture Quotes By Rebecca McNutt

Photographs are very interesting, and you can look into them a million times and still find a new meaning in them, something in the past that was caught in the film itself ... — Rebecca McNutt

Camera Capture Quotes By Hanya Yanagihara

He tried to make each painting capture that gently fuzzed qualit the camera gave everything, as if someone had patted away a top layer of clarity and left behind something kinder than the eye alone would see. — Hanya Yanagihara

Camera Capture Quotes By Michel Gondry

I try to learn from both, from features and documentaries. In both cases you have to find a way to make the camera as discreet as possible, and flexible enough to be able to capture the moment when it happens. I know from documentary how to not have a preconceived idea of what the scene could be. — Michel Gondry

Camera Capture Quotes By Dave Bruno

We're so distracted, we're missing out own lives. The parent who records his kid's dance recital or first steps or graduation is so busy trying to capture the moment--to create a thing that proves that they were there--they miss out on actually living and enjoying the moment.
I've done this before with my camera. I have jockeyed for position, bumping elbows with other parents so I could get into the best spot to look through the viewfinder of my SLR to capture the moment of my daughter's dance recital. Five-year-old Phoebe was so cute in her little sailor outfit, tapping away. And I got some great pictures. It's just that while I remember getting the pictures, I do not recall the moment. So much of the time we don't trust ourselves to experience our world without stuff. Things so often don't enhance our lives, but are barriers to fully living our lives. — Dave Bruno

Camera Capture Quotes By Helen Levitt

I never had a "project." I would go out and shoot, follow my eyes ... I tried to capture with my camera, for others to see. — Helen Levitt

Camera Capture Quotes By Philippe Halsman

Most people stiffen with self-consciousness when they pose for a photograph. Lighting and fine camera equipment are useless if the photographer cannot make them drop the mask, at least for a moment, so he can capture on his film their real, undistorted personality and character. — Philippe Halsman

Camera Capture Quotes By Gabriel Orozco

My photographs are not just about the instant of movement you capture in the camera. It's much more total, about constant movement that became static. — Gabriel Orozco

Camera Capture Quotes By J.R. Rain

now. They were spirits in their purest forms. Some called them orbs, and sometimes they showed up on photographs. Many non-believers assumed such orbs were dust on the lens. But the camera could never fully capture what I could see. To my eyes, the balls of light were alive with energy, endlessly forming and reforming, gathering smaller particles of energy around them like mini-black holes in outer space. — J.R. Rain

Camera Capture Quotes By Henri Cartier-Bresson

To photograph is to hold one's breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It's at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy. — Henri Cartier-Bresson

Camera Capture Quotes By Joseph Monninger

I've never liked the moment of seeing something beautiful - a sunset, a moose, an elephant - and then raising a camera and trying to capture it for some future moment. That's always struck me as strange. — Joseph Monninger

Camera Capture Quotes By Ansel Adams

Photography is an investigation of both the outer and the inner worlds. The first experiences with the camera involve looking at the world beyond the lens, trusting the instrument will 'capture' something 'seen.' The terms shoot and take are not accidental; they represent an attitude of conquest and appropriation. Only when the photographer grows into perception and creative impulse does the term make define a condition of empathy between the external and the internal events. — Ansel Adams

Camera Capture Quotes By Brandon Mull

Rachel showed Ulani how to work the camera. Jason explained that the device would capture and preserve the image, along with their souls. — Brandon Mull

Camera Capture Quotes By Terry Zwigoff

The first scene I ever shot for 'Louie Bluie,' on that first day, I had never seen the camera before. I didn't know where to put it. I just knew what was strong about these guys and what I wanted to capture, so I tried to work backward from there and figure it out. Trial and error. Hopefully I got a little bit better at it. — Terry Zwigoff

Camera Capture Quotes By Ziad K. Abdelnour

Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important. Capture the good times. And if things don't work out, just take another shot. — Ziad K. Abdelnour

Camera Capture Quotes By Emmanuel Lubezki

I was able to shoot a movie like 'Tree of Life' because I had done 'Y Tu Mama Tambien.' The camera needed to capture that sense of freedom and joy and life you have when you're young. — Emmanuel Lubezki

Camera Capture Quotes By Leonard Nimoy

The camera can capture thought in a way that's quite surprising and shocking. You can become very simple and minimal in your work and communicate a lot with just a finger or an eyebrow, or a look, or a glance. — Leonard Nimoy

Camera Capture Quotes By Chris Milk

We build camera rigs tailored specifically to the story we're trying to tell or the shot we're trying to capture. — Chris Milk

Camera Capture Quotes By Mary Ellen Mark

I realized all of the possibilities that could exist for me with my camera: all of the images that I could capture, all of the lives I could enter, all of the people I could meet and how much I could learn from them. — Mary Ellen Mark

Camera Capture Quotes By Alberto Korda

Forget the camera, forget the lens, forget all of that. With any four-dollar camera, you can capture the best picture. — Alberto Korda