Famous Quotes & Sayings

California Casualty Quotes & Sayings

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Top California Casualty Quotes

California Casualty Quotes By Kate Millett

Mother had committed me for life. This is where I felt betrayed the most. — Kate Millett

California Casualty Quotes By Benny Fine

A mockumentary is supposed to be real, and we were frustrated with mockumentaries on TV, which are so rampant because of the success of 'The Office.' It's not real. You watch and ask why is there even a crew there. They never set it up in the narrative. You have a documentary crew following families for reasons we don't understand. — Benny Fine

California Casualty Quotes By Ramakrishna

No one can say with finality that God is only 'this' and nothing else. He is formless, and again He has forms. For the bhakta He assumes forms. But He is formless for the jnani, that is, for him who looks on the world as a mere dream. The bhakta feels that he is one entity and the world another. Therefore God, reveals Himself to him as a Person. But the jnani - the Vedantist, for instance - always reasons, applying the process of 'Not this, not this'. Through this discrimination he realizes, by his inner perception, that the ego and the universe are both illusory, like a dream. Then the jnani realizes Brahman in his own consciousness. He cannot describe what Brahman is. — Ramakrishna

California Casualty Quotes By Billy Graham

I've known the thrill of winning a tough ball game and of winning a golf match on the last hole. But to me the biggest thrill is to win the big one - the spiritual battle of life. — Billy Graham

California Casualty Quotes By Gemma Burgess

The French have the perfect word for it: 'flaneur'. It means to stroll around aimlessly but enjoyably, observing life and your surroundings. Baudelaire defined a flaneur as 'a person who walks the city in order to experience it'. — Gemma Burgess

California Casualty Quotes By Julie Tallard Johnson

Sometimes our blessings are limited. There is a tangible poverty that surrounds us. We are not offered an obvious tapestry of choices. Still, even when the choices seem bleak between a tiger's teeth or deadly fall -- every moment offers up some third options (the true potentiality within the situation), and it is in our choices (conscious or not) that a future harvest depends. — Julie Tallard Johnson

California Casualty Quotes By J.R. Ward

Rhage cleared his throat. My lord and ruler, Wrath, son of Wrath, blooded father of Wrath, I present you with Throe, Piece of Shit. — J.R. Ward

California Casualty Quotes By Stephen King

Most people are sheep and sheep don't eat meat — Stephen King

California Casualty Quotes By Jose Ortega Y Gasset

A fascinating mystery of nature is manifested in the universal fact of hunting: the inexorable hierarchy among living beings. Every animal is in a relationship of superiority or inferiority with regard to every other. Strict equality is exceedingly improbable and anomalous. — Jose Ortega Y Gasset

California Casualty Quotes By Kool Moe Dee

Any man without a woman is incomplete, and vice-versa she's obsolete. — Kool Moe Dee

California Casualty Quotes By April Nichols Baker

It does not matter what anyone thinks about you... It's what you think about yourself that really matters. — April Nichols Baker