Famous Quotes & Sayings

Business Photography Quotes & Sayings

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Top Business Photography Quotes

Business Photography Quotes By Willi Munzenberg

Photography works upon the human eye: what is seen is reflected in the brain without the need for complicated thought. In this way the bourgeoisie takes advantage of the mental indolence of the masses and does good business as well. — Willi Munzenberg

Business Photography Quotes By David Douglas Duncan

War is the easiest photography in the business. Just get close, be lucky, know how your camera works. There are subjects everywhere. Everyplace you go, there is something to photograph in a war, like being in the middle of a hurricane or a train crash or an earthquake. You can't miss it. — David Douglas Duncan

Business Photography Quotes By Angela Cartwright

After my kids were born I found myself incorporating my photography into different art endeavors and from there it just blossomed. I have always had to have an outlet for my creativity and when my life became more about raising my family than the bright lights of show business exploring my photo art was a great outlet for me. — Angela Cartwright

Business Photography Quotes By Aaron Siskind

The business of making a photograph may be said in simple terms to consist of three elements: the objective world (whose permanent condition is change and disorder), the sheet of paper on which the picture will be realized, and the experience which brings them together. — Aaron Siskind

Business Photography Quotes By Whitney Otto

If the photographer isn't going to pay attention to the picture he is making, that if he thinks the camera is just a machine and not an avenue of expression, then he has no business asking anyone for anything, let alone their time and interest. Don't show the world, he said, invent the world. — Whitney Otto

Business Photography Quotes By Matt Mullenweg

Philip Greenspun had a huge impact on me. He was the first person I knew of that embraced online communities, created a real business around open source, gave back to the community through education, and inspired me to explore photography. — Matt Mullenweg

Business Photography Quotes By Lee Friedlander

With a camera like that you don't believe you're in the masterpiece business. It's enough to be able to peck at the world. — Lee Friedlander

Business Photography Quotes By George Lucas

I loved photography and everybody said it was a crazy thing to do because in those days nobody made it into the film business. I mean, unless you were related to somebody there was no way in. — George Lucas

Business Photography Quotes By Lori Greiner

In the beginning I was really, really lean. For the longest time I did it all. I played every hat. I was in the factory, doing the graphic design, the photography, the selling - literally everything. I saved money doing what I could myself. It was hard but I learned. I learned that nobody's better than you to get your business off the ground. The experience you get is priceless. — Lori Greiner

Business Photography Quotes By Garry Winogrand

For me the true business of photography is to capture a bit of reality (whatever that is) on film ... if, later, the reality means something to someone else, so much the better. — Garry Winogrand

Business Photography Quotes By Elliott Erwitt

You must have a visual sense if you want to be a photographer. It is a very subtle thing, this visual business. — Elliott Erwitt

Business Photography Quotes By Marc Riboud

For me photography is not an intellectual process. It is a visual one ... Whether we like it or not, we are involved in a sensual business. — Marc Riboud

Business Photography Quotes By Louis Fabian Bachrach Jr.

In the business of portrait photography, one must combine the artist and the craftsman. — Louis Fabian Bachrach Jr.

Business Photography Quotes By H.G.Wells

I often think we do not take this business of photography in a sufficiently serious spirit. Issuing a photograph is like marriage: you can only undo the mischief with infinite woe ... — H.G.Wells

Business Photography Quotes By Tyra Banks

My mom was a medical photographer, but on the side, she did a before-and-after glam photography business in the house. She would do makeup and hair - and I was her assistant. — Tyra Banks

Business Photography Quotes By Rankin

At the end of the day, photography is ninety-nine percent business, connections, and politics and one percent creativity. — Rankin

Business Photography Quotes By Ellen Key

Lack of courage or means often deters the European woman from more independent business activity, and this in spite of increasing freedom to choose her occupation, in spite of brilliant examples of successful undertakings of women, in photography, hotel or boarding-house management, dress-making, etc. — Ellen Key