Bradley Quotes & Sayings
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Top Bradley Quotes

At the time of our conversations, Chelsea Manning was 22 years of age - my own age when I made the choice to surrender to federal authorities ... I saw someone very familiar that day, and suddenly felt very old. — Adrian Lamo

I pity, approve, respect, admire her, but I neither desire her company, nor am greatly concerned about her destiny, and she makes me impatient at moments when I doubt if she was meant to. — A. C. Bradley

There's nothing that a liar hates more than finding out that another liar has lied to them. — Alan Bradley

We were discussing civilization and the fact that young men among the Greeks at that time were idiots and uneducated, so the men had emotional and friendly relationships with members of their own sex. — Marion Zimmer Bradley

Jane Austen, who is said to be Shakespearian, never reminds us of Shakespeare, I think, in her full-dress portraits, but she does so in characters such as Miss Bates and Mrs. Allen. — A. C. Bradley

Faith is to believe what we do not see; and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe. - Saint Augustine — Bradley Nelson

I found my eyes repelled by hers as if they were the like poles of a pair of magnets. — Alan Bradley

True penitence condemns to silence. What a man is ready to recall he would be willing to repeat. — F.H. Bradley

The friendship of a Comyn lord is as the sweetness of a beehive: it bears a deadly sting! — Marion Zimmer Bradley

It was like a bit of flypaper stuck to your finger that you couldn't shake off. The bloody thing clung to life like a limpet. — Alan Bradley

It's very difficult to consistently hit good iron shots if you get off to a bad start. That's why I'm always paying attention to my setup and takeaway. — Keegan Bradley

Bradley Manning has been imprisoned without charge, under torture, which is what solitary confinement is. — Noam Chomsky

Easy payments, easy lease, easy approval. Debt is very EASY to get into, but makes it HARD to live victoriously. — Bradley Vinson

Whenever I'm with other people, part of me shrinks a little. Only when I am alone can I fully enjoy my own company. — Alan Bradley

Being Flavia de Luce was like being a sublimate: like the black crystal residue that is left on the cold glass of a test tube by the violet fumes of iodine. — Alan Bradley

I came to see that my quarrel was never with the Christ, but with his foolish and narrow priests who mistook their own narrowness for his. — Marion Zimmer Bradley

The older I grow the more I become certain that it makes no difference what words we use to tell the same truths. — Marion Zimmer Bradley

I found a brief piece of by Antonio Vivaldi around this time which became my 'Pinhead Mood Music'. Called Al Santo Sepolcro (At The Holy Sepulchre), it opens more like a piece of modern orchestral music, and although it it moves toward Vivaldi's familiar harmonies, there is always the threat that it will fall back into dissonance. The piece progresses in an exquisite agony, poised on a knife edge between beauty and disfigurement, joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain. Perfect. — Doug Bradley

I had to make water " I said. It was the classic female excuse and no male in recorded history had ever questioned it.
"I see " the Inspector said and left it at that.
Later I would have a quick piddle behind the caravan for insurance purposes. No one would be any the wiser. — Alan Bradley

There are rare and precious moments, when one is a stranger in a room, that one can examine its inhabitants with little or no prejudice. Without knowing so much as their names, it is possible to form an assessment based purely upon observation and instinct. — Alan Bradley

The people in your life are important. Meaningful relationships with those people are very important. — Ed Bradley

Her eyes popped open in time to see flames shoot up behind the first-floor windows of Angie's Books. Angie! Where was Angie? Where were her children? The bookstore owner lived in the apartment above her shop with sixteen-year-old Beth and twelve-year-old Bradley.
The Moosetookalook Fire Department was located right next door, housed in part of the town's redbrick municipal building. The overhead door had already been raised. As Liss watched, unable to move, unable to look away, the truck pulled out, maneuvering so that it could get closer to the burning building. — Kaitlyn Dunnett

It is not unknown for fathers with a brace of daughters to reel off their names in order of birth when summoning the youngest, and I had long ago become accustomed to being called 'Ophelia Daphne Flavia, damn it. — Alan Bradley

There's something in human nature, I'm beginning to learn, that makes an adult, when speaking to a younger person, magnify the little things and shrink the big ones. It's like looking - or talking - through a kind of word-telescope that, no matter which end they choose, distorts the truth. Your mistakes are always magnified and your victories shrunken. — Alan Bradley

Don't make a sound!" she whispered, giving me a little shake. "I need your help."
Damn! She had given the female password - spoken those magic words that stretched back through the mists of time to a bond made in some primordial swamp. — Alan Bradley

Duty is the best and wisest of all teachers. — Alan Bradley

I could not separate our fates now any more than I could sort the blood from the ash. We are tied together by our love of the same girl. — Laura Bradley Rede

She was the radiant center of any circle she entered. And she bore the mark. It was visible to those who had eyes to see, a heart to feel. — Don Bradley

The truth is not so good a story. — Marion Zimmer Bradley

I cannot regret it. They tell us in the temple that true joy is found only in freedom from the Wheel that is death and rebirth, that we must come to despise earthly joy and suffering, and long only for the peace of the presence of the eternal. Yet I love this life on Earth, Morgan, and I love you with a love that is stronger than death, and if sin is the price of binding us together, life after life across the ages, then I will sin joyfully and without regret, so that it brings me back to you, my beloved! — Marion Zimmer Bradley

The scandal's so unbelievable that I cannot repeat it here. — Marion Zimmer Bradley

I wanted to shake the stuffing out of him; I wanted to hug him; I wanted to die. — Alan Bradley

Oh, there you are, you odious little prawn... — Alan Bradley

crippled. He'd been better as soon as his hooves were trimmed. — Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

Al Gore clearly has the vision ... it's a much better vision than that of George W. Bush. — Bill Bradley

All I really want to be is boring. When people talk about me, I'd like them to say, Carol's basically a short Bill Bradley. Or, Carol's kind of like Al Gore in a skirt. — Carol Moseley Braun

John Wells let me write a couple of West Wings, which was an incredible gift. I loved it once I got past the brain injury part of it, and so I'm working on a couple of things that are far from fruition, but what I want to pursue. — Bradley Whitford

I have to admit, though, that Cynthia was a great organizer, but then, so were the men with whips who got the pyramids built. — Alan Bradley

If Bradley Manning was the person who copied the secret US diplomatic cables to WikilLeaks, he is a hero for exposing human rights abuses. — Peter Tatchell

The best lessons learned are from other peoples mistakes. — Melissa Bradley

I've heard myself say that I'm quite charming and not at all a bad sort of fellow, so you can be absolutely certain it's true. — Nicole Sager

There's got to be something you want to tell and that's the engine which spurs all of the work you have to do in order to create the story, but you have to love some sort of nugget of what you're telling to be a filmmaker. — Bradley Cooper

You can learn from a glance at anyone's library, not what they are, but what they wish to be. — Alan Bradley

Of all things we mortals are called upon to do, the most difficult is forgiveness; in order to truly do it, you will probably have to behave as if you already have forgiven for quite a while before you have actually done so. — Marion Zimmer Bradley

I dwelt there by choice in privacy and peace. — Alan Bradley

People tell me, "I'm glad you said that." But this is not a spectator sport. This is an activity that requires daily moral awakening as well as a commitment that leads to real change. — Bill Bradley

There are ignorant priests and ignorant people, who are all too ready to cry sorcery if a woman is only a little wiser than they are! — Marion Zimmer Bradley

You need to be real enough to be believable, but you don't necessarily have to be real enough to be real. There is a distinction. — Bradley Whitford

And Miss Ophelia?" he asked, getting round to her at last.
"Miss Ophelia? Well, to tell you the truth, Ned, we're all rather worried about her."
Ned recoiled as if a wasp had gone up his nose. "Oh? What's the trouble? Nothing serious, I hope."
"She's gone all green," I said. "I think it's chlorosis. Dr. Darby thinks so too. — Alan Bradley

Leadership is intangible, and therefore no weapon ever designed can replace it. — Omar N. Bradley

I don't know what your Company is feeling as of today about the work of Dr. Alice Hamilton on benzol [benzene] poisoning. I know that back in the old days some of your boys used to think that she was a plain nuisance and just picking on you for luck. But I have a hunch that as you have learned more about the subject, men like your good self have grown to realize the debt that society owes her for her crusade. I am pretty sure that she has saved the lives of a great many girls in can-making plants and I would hate to think that you didn't agree with me. — Bradley Dewey

I am convinced that the best service a retired general can perform is to turn in his tongue along with his suit and to mothball his opinions. — Omar N. Bradley

While President Obama was starting and expanding unconstitutiona l wars overseas, Bradley Manning, whose actions have caused exactly zero deaths, was shining light on the truth behind these wars. — Ron Paul

Lancelet's skin was so soft - she had thought all men were like Arthur, sunburnt and hairy, but his body was smooth as a child's. — Marion Zimmer Bradley

Religion is rather the attempt to express the complete reality of goodness through every aspect of our being. — F.H. Bradley

I lay for a long time in silence, staring at the ceiling. Was my life always to be like this? I wondered. Was it going to go, forever, in an instant, from sunshine to shadow? From pandemonium to loneliness? From fierce anger to a fiercer kind of love? — Alan Bradley

But, in addition, there is, all through the tragedy, a constant alternation of rises and falls in this tension or in the emotional pitch of the work, a regular sequence of more exciting and less exciting sections. — Andrew Coyle Bradley

It was I who was conquered. In just seven nights, that fledgling goddess not only discovered that I had a heart, but she stole it forever, then cradled it in the palm of her hand. — Celeste Bradley

Apart from the soul, the brewing of tea is the only thing that sets us apart from the great apes. — Alan Bradley

Death is meaningless unless it happens to someone you know. — Bradley Denton

I'm not a planner. I should be more articulate about what the imagery means, but I don't have a good reason for it; it's just there. — Joe Bradley

What had happened to the old Jack Grammar, the one who would have flubbed it somehow?
Well, I reasoned: I could still flub it. Let the flubbing begin! — Alex Bradley

Bradley Cooper was an asshole, but he was - like Sidney Lumet, like George Clooney - the nicest guy in the world. I sound like the biggest ass-kisser ever. But I'm telling the truth, I swear to God! — Peter Jacobson

For ever the world of Fairy drifts further from the world in which the Christ holds sway. I have no quarrel with the Christ, only with his priests, who call the Great Goddess a demon and deny that she ever held power in this world. — Marion Zimmer Bradley

You look ... " he shook his head looking her up and down, "You look delicious. If I don't get you out of here, I'm going to devour you like it's my birthday, and you're my cake. — J.B. McGee

If you can read, there is no worldly wisdom that cannot be gathered from the pages of a book. — Marion Zimmer Bradley

There was no one around me who didn't work hard. — Ed Bradley

When the reason for a thing's being illuminated, it doesn't hold the same mystery it does when it is unknown, which is both a wonderful and a horrible revelation. It's wonderful because it's like peeking into the universe and understanding a tiny bit of its complexity. It's also horrible because a little bit of magic is removed from the world with each discovery. — Bradley Somer

If there isn't a natural explanation and there doesn't seem to be the potential of finding one, then I believe it's appropriate to look at a supernatural explanation. I think that's the most reasonable inference based on the evidence. — Walter L. Bradley

My hair has been mocked a lot. — Bradley Cooper

I like watching baseball on TV. I love watching all the sports. — Bradley Steven Perry

I had thought for years, probably 30 or 40 years, that it would be a lot of fun to try my hand at a classic English mystery novel ... I love that form very much because the reader is so familiar with all of the types of characters that are in there that they already identify with the book. — Alan Bradley

If what we are doing isn't enough for you, I need you to tell me now. — J.B. McGee

You can work hard to sharpen your talent, to get better at whatever it is that you do, and I think that's what it comes back to. — Ed Bradley

Sin is in the wish to do no harm. — Marion Zimmer Bradley

Research, though toilsome, is easy; imagination, though delightful, is difficult. — A. C. Bradley

I dreamt of turrets and craggy ledges where the windswept rain blew in from the ocean with the odor of violets. A pale woman in Elizabethan dress stood beside my bed and whispered in my ear that the bells would ring. An old salt in an oilcloth jacket sat atop a piling, mending nets with an awl, while far out at sea a tiny aeroplane winged its way towards the setting sun. — Alan Bradley

I will not go into a story unprepared. I will do my homework, and that's something I learned at an early age. — Ed Bradley

I also write under T. A. Bradley. Check out my other books under that name! — Thomas A. Bradley

And getting stunt coordinator Dan Bradley and everybody from the whole 'Bourne Supremacy' crew, I think was real cool for our film because we do a bunch of really big jumps in this movie. — Sean William Scott

You lie like one of us. — Alan Bradley

Personally, I've made myself a very small window of what I enjoy in this business, which is I love being a big part of the storytelling process. — Bradley Cooper

Impertinent children ought to be given six coats of shellac and set up in public places as a warning to others. — Alan Bradley

A picture can be funny and also weep inducing. One cries for many reasons. The state of weeping, for me, is induced by recognition of a rarified level of integration - thinking about what must it have taken to reach that integration. — Joe Bradley

All the tears women shed, they leave no mark on the world ... — Marion Zimmer Bradley

I've always been amazed by the ease with which a stranger's life can be reconstructed by simply snooping through their belongings. Art and imagination combine to tell a tale that's more complete than even a fat printed biography could ever hope to equal. And Mr. Denning was no exception: His secrets were laid so bare that I felt I ought to be apologizing. — Alan Bradley

A king must protect his people from outsiders, from invaders, and lead his people to defend themselves - a king must be the first to thrust himself between the land and all danger, just as a farmer stands to defend his fields from any robber. But it is not his duty to dictate to them what their innermost hearts may do. — Marion Zimmer Bradley

I don't know what the strategy will be in Washington. The reality is, is, I have got to go down there, as my mentor, as people like Bill Bradley have told me to do, get to know your colleagues on both sides of the aisle, recognize that they, too, beat with the same heart and the same type of blood. — Cory Booker

Nobody ever simply dies. — Alan Bradley