Famous Quotes & Sayings

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes & Sayings

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Top Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Amy Winehouse

All the songs I write are about human dynamics, whether it's with girlfriends, boyfriends, or family. — Amy Winehouse

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Thomas Sangster

When I hit 16, I got a scooter to ride to school. It was bright pink, and I saw on the ownership papers that Jonathan Ross once owned it. My friends slated me for it because of the colour, but it was cool. My father used to ride, and my mother's boyfriend has a bike, so we're a bit of a biker family. — Thomas Sangster

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Z.A. Maxfield

Dear Lord," began Randy, who paused for long enough that Tristan sneaked an eye open to look at him. His saw his mother's cheek twitch with what he thought might be apprehension. "We are so grateful to be gathered here today with our family, and the family of our brother's homosexual boyfriend, and our new little goth friend who has a gay dad, whatever the heck that is all about. We'd like to say we're grateful this year for condoms, lube, and Ellen Degeneres, and for those guys on Queer Eye ... "
Randall Evan Phillips!" his mother shouted. — Z.A. Maxfield

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Alanis Morissette

Over the last couple of years, I've really worked toward balancing my life out more, having a little bit more time with friends, family and my boyfriend. There was a period of time when they were way down the list. It was all about music and touring and if everything fell by the wayside, so be it. — Alanis Morissette

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Josephine De La Baume

Remember that when you're young and your career feels like the most important thing, the most important thing is love and the relationships you have with people - boyfriend, friends and family. It's good to remember that. — Josephine De La Baume

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Kara Lindsay

Seeing family is what brings me peace. If I'm not traveling home on my day off, I love going to Central Park to be around trees and throw a Frisbee with my boyfriend. — Kara Lindsay

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Deborah Ford

A Mother's Advice

Manners matter, regardless of your position in society. There is no excuse in this world to practice bad manners, especially at the table. I found that out in high school. I was invited to my boyfriend's house for dinner. His parents were somewhat formal, and I knew the dinner would be "fancy," at least in my mind. My family wasn't upper class (or even middle class), and my mother never had what would be called "social graces."
Before I left, my mother gave me a piece of advice: hold your head high, be quiet, and take the lead from his mother. Even though I was scared to death, I did what my mother advised and got through the experience with flying colors.
To this day, my mother's advice has gotten me through many difficult situations, especially ones that are totally new to me! With my mother's simple advice, I know I could dine with the Queen of England, just by following her lead. Thanks, Mother!

-Deborah Ford — Deborah Ford

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Maisey Yates

You don't have to be involved with my parents. Not if you don't want to be. Yes, you're the father,
but you aren't my boyfriend or husband. My family is my problem."
"I do," he said, before he even realized what he was saying. "I do want to be involved. With all of it.
We're talking about really making this work, about making a ... I don't know if we're talking about a
family, not in the traditional sense, but we're in this together, right?"
"I guess."
"That means I get to help you with parent things, and other unpleasantness. And you have to know
my brother. — Maisey Yates

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Margot Robbie

I kind of left everyone behind in Australia - all my friends and my family and I had to break up with my boyfriend. — Margot Robbie

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Levi shouldn't get to make her feel this way - he shouldn't even have access to her chest. Levi wasn't her boyfriend. He wasn't family. She didn't choose him. — Rainbow Rowell

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Cameron Diaz

We've all gone through some kind of betrayal, whether it's with a boyfriend or a friend or a family member. That's why this is so relatable to everybody because we all know what it feels like to feel that betrayal. — Cameron Diaz

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Ilona Andrews

I was conceived because it would be good for my House to have an heir and because my parents' genes ticked the right set of boxes. You were probably conceived because your parents loved each other."
"According to our mother," Bern said, "he was conceived because she was too wasted to remember a rubber."
Mad Rogan stopped chewing.
"I was conceived because my mother skipped bail. Her boyfriend at the time threatened to call the cops on her so she had to do something to keep him from doing it," Bern said helpfully.
Awesome. Just the right kind of information to share.
"Aunt Giselea isn't the best mother," I said. "There's one in every family. — Ilona Andrews

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Holly Madison

I'm thrilled to start my family with a little girl! My boyfriend and I couldn't be happier! — Holly Madison

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Christian Louboutin

During breakfast there is something I cannot resist, apart from my boyfriend - it's actually the phone. I have a phone breakfast. Always. I call friends, boyfriend, family. Checking who is where. 'Is everything fine?' This is breakfast. — Christian Louboutin

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Zack Love

It's not a bad thing, if you're responsible about it. Just don't start having boyfriends. Wait until you've found your husband."
"And how am I supposed to find a husband if I can't have a boyfriend until then?" I asked ironically. — Zack Love

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Kiera Cass

He wasn't my boyfriend, he wasn't me husband, and he wasn't my friend. He was family. — Kiera Cass

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Ally Carter

Your mother brought a strange man to this house once, Katarina. I had hoped it might be a few years before history repeated itself."
Kat rolled her eyes at the mention of her father. "Uncle Eddie, I brought Hale home ages ago," she reminded him; but her uncle just shook his head.
"I've known my great-niece's friend. A boyfriend, on the other hand ... that is a most different matter."
"Yes, sir," Hale said. He stood up a little straighter, spoke a little louder.
"You have a powerful family, boy."
"Yes, sir," Hale said. "Please don't hold them against me."
Then Eddie gave a wry smile. "Who says I was talking about them? — Ally Carter

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Monica Keena

I love being with my family, my friends, and my boyfriend. — Monica Keena

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Kiera Cass

Aspen had shifted to fill a desperate place in my life. Not my boyfriend, not my friend, but my family. — Kiera Cass

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By James Marshall

Francis Bacon is a good-looking young man. I don't think he has a girlfriend but I don't know. I don't think he has a boyfriend, either, but I don't know. If he has a group of friends at school, that where he keeps them. He doesn't get many phone calls here. He doesn't go out often. He keeps to himself, even in the family. He's pleasant and polite. Sure, he and I get into fights. He doesn't have his music loud enough. He doesn't drink or smoke enough. We never walk in on him having sex with some girl. It's regular family stuff. "Francis Bacon, are the cops ever going to come looking for you?" You know. That sort of thing. — James Marshall

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Michelle M. Pillow

My name is Kyran. You look like an honorable woman," he whispered, practicing what he would say to any prospective mate. "I have a home with my parents and my brother. There we will live and you will be part of our family. Would you like to give me many children? — Michelle M. Pillow

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Nicole Polizzi

I try and have family time, all the time, so you know, I get to see them a lot. And I'm always with my friends, my boyfriend, it helps me keep grounded and kind of sane. — Nicole Polizzi

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Tina Yothers

I definitely have a family. I have a boyfriend who has kids, and we do normal things every day, like get up and go to school. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. — Tina Yothers

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Lucy Fry

This year, I'm most thankful for the people around me who've supported me-my friends, and my family and boyfriend. It's been a really crazy year. There have been a lot of changes with moving to America and a lot of adjustments for my family and friends in Australia to let me go off on this journey and miss me a lot. I miss them a lot, but am so grateful for them. — Lucy Fry

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Libba Bray

You set fire to my house, killed my family, and ate my dog. But steal my boyfriend? That's a step too far. — Libba Bray

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Suzanne Morrison

That's one of the problems with doing anything for a long time. Staying home, for instance. The longer you stay, the more you believe your identity is wrapped up in the people and things around you. You become trapped. It seems as if you fear change because you can't let go of this illusion of yourself as being what? The good granddaughter? The girlfriend who can't choose between her boyfriend and her family? Seems as if your fear of change is really just the same fear of death you mention in your first class. — Suzanne Morrison

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Gena Showalter

Here goes. See, my boyfriend and I decided to stay together for the summer, you know, even though he had to go visit some family in nowhereville. At least, that's what he told me. Anyway, everything was fine at first, because you know, we talked every night, and then boom, he just stopped calling. So I called and texted him like the good girlfriend I am, and it wasn't stalkerish, I swear, because I stopped after, like, the thirtieth time. A week goes by before he finally hits me back, and he was totally drunk and all, hey, baby, I miss you and what are you wearing, like no time had passed, and I was all, you so do not deserve to know. — Gena Showalter

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Dwayne Johnson

The challenges that I face today are the same challenges we all face. Trying to balance your life between work, family, loved ones, your husband, your wife - boyfriend or girlfriend. If you have kids - balancing that, balancing your work with the time you spend with your kids. The idea of wanting to be a good parent and then the motivation to be a great parent. Whether you're black, white, any color. Rich, poor, regardless of religion, cousins of culture, we go through those. We have the same challenges. — Dwayne Johnson

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Lily James

I think I feel most like a princess when I'm sort of bursting with happiness and love, so whether that would be, like, with my boyfriend or my family or at a really fun party - just when you're full of life. — Lily James

Boyfriend Vs Family Quotes By Elizabeth Wurtzel

After a while, meaning and implication detach themselves from everything. One can be a father and assume no obligations, it follows that one can be a boyfriend and do nothing at all. Pretty soon you can add friend, acquaintance, co-worker, and just about anyone else to the long list of people who seem to be part of your life, though there is no code of conduct that they must adhere to. Pretty soon, it seems unreasonable to be bothered or outraged by much of anything because, well, what did you expect? In a world where the core social unit - the family - is so dispensable, how much can anything else mean? — Elizabeth Wurtzel