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Box For Mouths Quotes & Sayings

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Top Box For Mouths Quotes

Box For Mouths Quotes By Chevy Chase

Once I got married and had kids, I moved away from romantic roles, because it seemed wrong to have my three-year-old wondering why Daddy was kissing someone else. — Chevy Chase

Box For Mouths Quotes By Vasko Popa

Sing little box

Don't let sleep overtake you
The world's awake within you

In your four-sided emptiness
We turn distance into nearness
Forgetfulness into memory

Don't let your nails come loose

For the very first time
We watch sights beyond this world
Through your keyhole

Turn your key in our mouths
Swallow words and numbers
Out of your song

Don't let your lid fly open
Your bottom drop

Sing little box — Vasko Popa

Box For Mouths Quotes By Ruth Negga

I've gone into auditions and I think they have an assumption about me when they see my photo and then I open my mouth and they say, 'Where exactly are you from? And you were born in Ethiopia? But you're Irish, but you also kind of sound English. That's really strange.' They want to put you in a box in LA, that's how they tend to do it there, so if you don't fit in that box, it makes it more difficult. — Ruth Negga

Box For Mouths Quotes By Robert Pinsky

The medium of poetry is not words, the medium of poetry is not lines-it is the motion of air inside the human body, coming out through the chest and the voice box and through the mouth to shape sounds that have meaning. It's bodily. — Robert Pinsky

Box For Mouths Quotes By Lee Child

He rolled the bloodied tape into a cylinder — Lee Child

Box For Mouths Quotes By Miguel De Cervantes

It is the part of a wise man to keep himself today for tomorrow, and not to venture all his eggs in one basket. — Miguel De Cervantes

Box For Mouths Quotes By Jim Butcher

Michael half-smiled. "The Lord will never give you a burden bigger than your shoulders can bear, Harry. All we can do is face what comes and have faith."
I gave him a sour glance. "I need to get myself some bigger shoulders, then. Someone in accounting must have made a mistake. — Jim Butcher

Box For Mouths Quotes By Beth Hoffman

I stared at the room full of caskets on display-their lids gaping open like hungry mouths, waiting to swallow up the newly departed. I decided I'd much rather exit this world in a crackle of flames and a swirl of smoke through my ribs than be cooped up for all eternity in a dark box surrounded by puffy white satin. — Beth Hoffman

Box For Mouths Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Religion is either something we scorn because we are too rational or it's the realm of the fanatic who insists that their God and their religion is the only way and everyone else is dammed. — Frederick Lenz

Box For Mouths Quotes By Michael Ignatieff

Your generation and mine have had very little real experience; we've been severed from the direct experience of war by some very good things. By the end of the draft, and by the defeat in Vietnam. — Michael Ignatieff