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Bone Deep Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bone Deep Quotes

Bone Deep Quotes By Ta-Nehisi Coates

Americans believe in the reality of "race" as a defined, indubitable feature of the natural world. Racism - the need to ascribe bone-deep features to people and then humiliate, reduce, and destroy them - inevitably follows from this inalterable condition. — Ta-Nehisi Coates

Bone Deep Quotes By John Scott Haldane

A mouse can fall down a mine shaft a third of a mile deep without injury. A rat falling the same distance would break his bones; a man would simply splash ... Elephants have their legs thickened to an extent that seems disproportionate to us, but this is necessary if their unwieldy bulk is to be moved at all ... A 60-ft. man would weigh 1000 times as much as a normal man, but his thigh bone would have its area increased by only 100 times ... Consequently such an unfortunate monster would break his legs the moment he tried to move.

[Expressing, in picturesque terms, the strength of an organism relative to its bulk.] — John Scott Haldane

Bone Deep Quotes By Mia Sheridan

Stop calling me son, you piece of shit. I'm the son of a man who worked himself to the bone, day in and day out for the piddly salary you paid him. He went deep into the dark earth every day for his family, for pride, because he'd do anything for those he loved. That's the blood I have coursing through my veins. I am not your son. I'm Daniel Barrett's son. — Mia Sheridan

Bone Deep Quotes By Dorothy West

Beauty is but skin deep, ugly to the bone. And when beauty fades away, ugly claims its own. — Dorothy West

Bone Deep Quotes By T.A. Webb

Pain is like rain, it covers your skin and soaks in bone-deep, but it eventually recedes and allows fresh things to grow. — T.A. Webb

Bone Deep Quotes By Marlo Thomas

As someone who has spent many years marveling at the brilliant and painstaking work of the doctors, scientists and researchers at St. Jude, I can attest firsthand to the bone-deep commitment these men and women have made in their fight against disease. They are at it around the clock - every hour of the day, every day of the year. — Marlo Thomas

Bone Deep Quotes By Amanda Kyle Williams

You learn to forgive (the South) for its narrow mind and growing pains because it has a huge heart. You forgive the stifling summers because the spring is lush and pastel sprinkled, because winter is merciful and brief, because corn bread and sweet tea and fried chicken are every bit as vital to a Sunday as getting dressed up for church, and because any southerner worth their salt says please and thank you. It's soft air and summer vines, pine woods and fat homegrown tomatoes. It's pulling the fruit right off a peach tree and letting the juice run down your chin. It's a closeted and profound appreciation for our neighbors in Alabama who bear the brunt of the Bubba jokes. The South gets in your blood and nose and skin bone-deep. I am less a part of the South than it is part of me. It's a romantic notion, being overcome by geography. But we are all a little starry-eyed down here. We're Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara and Rosa Parks all at once. — Amanda Kyle Williams

Bone Deep Quotes By Diana Gabaldon

Blood of my blood ... " I whispered. "Bone of my bone." His whisper was deep and husky. He knelt quite suddenly before me, and put his folded hands in mine; the gesture a Highlander makes when swearing loyalty to his chieftain. "I give ye my spirit," he said, head bent over our hands. " 'Til our life shall be done," I said softly. "But it isn't done yet, Jamie, is it?" Then he rose and took the shift from me, and I lay back on the narrow bed naked, pulled him down to me through the soft yellow light, and took him home, and home, and home again, and we were neither one of us alone. — Diana Gabaldon

Bone Deep Quotes By Aleksandar Hemon

To him, in whose throat the bone of displacement was forever stuck, it was wrong to talk about nothing when there was a perpetual shortage of words for all the horrible things that happened in the world. It was better to be silent than to say what didn't matter. One had to protect from the onslaught of wasted words the silent place deep inside oneself, where all the pieces could be arranged in a logical manner, where the opponents abided by the rules, where even if you ran out of possibilities there might be a way to turn defeat into victory. — Aleksandar Hemon

Bone Deep Quotes By Blake Crouch

Perfection was a surface thing. The epidermis. Cut a few layers deep, you begin to see some darker shades. Cut to the bone - pitch black. — Blake Crouch

Bone Deep Quotes By Dorien Kelly

What is in the marrow is hard to take out of the bone.
Irish Proverb — Dorien Kelly

Bone Deep Quotes By Amy Jarecki

Powerless to resist his advances, Jane's knees gave way as he crushed his mouth over hers. This wasn't a deep, exploring, sultry kiss. This was a claiming, fervent joining of the mouths that screamed, I need more of you. Ignited by a bone-melting fire that spread through her blood, she cupped his face with her hands and returned his ardent kisses whilst he carried her to the bedchamber. — Amy Jarecki

Bone Deep Quotes By Cormac McCarthy

The man smiled at him a sly smile. As if they knew a secret between them, these two. Something of age and youth and their claims and the justice of those claims. And of their claims upon them. The world past, the world to come. Their common transciencies. Above all a knowing deep in the bone that beauty and loss are one. — Cormac McCarthy

Bone Deep Quotes By Sophie Jordan

I would have seen him. I know this deep in my gut where muscle meets bone and wraps tight. I wouldn't have been able to not look at him. And if I'd ever heard his voice, if he ever sang? I don't know if I could have stayed away. Good girl or not. — Sophie Jordan

Bone Deep Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

Deep, bone-melting pleasure surged through Kira's subconscious as he thrust forward again, almost causing her to shout at the crash of rapture filling her.
"That is what I feel when I'm inside you." His voice was low, eyes lit up with blinding green. "And you will feel every measure of the same, I promise. — Jeaniene Frost

Bone Deep Quotes By Dan B. Allender

Healing comes when our story is raw, bone-deep and full of hunger for what only Jesus can offer. — Dan B. Allender

Bone Deep Quotes By V.E Schwab

This is why I run.
Because caring was a thing with claws. It sank them in, and didn't let go. Caring hurt more than a knife to the leg, more than a few broken ribs, more than anything that bled or broke or healed again. Caring didn't break you clean. It was a bone that wouldn't set, a cut that wouldn't close.
It was better not to care - Lila tried not to care - but sometimes, people got in. Like a knife against armor, they found the cracks, slid past the guard, and you didn't know how deep they were buried until they were gone and you were bleeding on the floor. And it wasn't fair. — V.E Schwab

Bone Deep Quotes By L.J. Hayward

That haunting longing for the moon returned. Stronger, broader, flavoured with all the bone-deep desire only a nocturnal creature could feel for their sole light-giver, the lonely satellite that watched over them when the rest of the daylight world abandoned them. — L.J. Hayward

Bone Deep Quotes By Molly Harper

Sophisticated and complicated and able to color-coordinate a room like you wouldn't believe. I craved him with a bone-deep lust I'd once reserved exclusively for Godiva truffles. — Molly Harper

Bone Deep Quotes By Jennifer Weiner

I didn't feel anything but a bone-deep weariness. Like I was suddenly a hundred years old, and I knew at that moment I would have to live a hundred more years, carrying my grief around like a backpack full of stones. — Jennifer Weiner

Bone Deep Quotes By Dawn Kurtagich

You're going to destroy me," I whisper.
And then he is shaking even more, and I realize it's because he is crying. Not just crying, but the kind of bone-deep crying that only comes from grief. From the deepest sorrow. The kind of crying that tears deep down into the soul from some wound that time can never touch. — Dawn Kurtagich

Bone Deep Quotes By Juliet Marillier

But some things did not change ...
Courage, for instance. Dedication to a cause. Comradeship. When they were strong and pure, when they came from deep in the bone, those qualities could hold fast against all odds. — Juliet Marillier

Bone Deep Quotes By Peter Travers

Bridges - a master of subtle brilliance - plays the hell out of it. Not by showing off, but by going bone-deep into a character who only thinks he's running on empty. Crazy Heart may finally win him the Oscar that's unfairly eluded him and it offers the pleasure of watching a great actor at the peak of his form. — Peter Travers

Bone Deep Quotes By Patricia A. McKillip

She had begun to bake to have her eyes looking at a bowl, a flour bin, an oven, a fire, a face, anything but water. Her hands shaped loaves like scallop shells, like moon shells, like starfish; she ate them as if she ate the sea, to make it part of her, to transform bone to shell and lose herself in it, eyeless, thoughtless, wrapped in memories and anchored on some hoary rock against the currents of the deep. — Patricia A. McKillip

Bone Deep Quotes By Christina Lauren

Beauty is only skin-deep, and ugly goes straight to the bone. — Christina Lauren

Bone Deep Quotes By Bonnie R. Gross

Bulges of fat appear around rump, deep gutter along back bone and over rump, breast bone covered in fat, thick fat roll on neck. — Bonnie R. Gross

Bone Deep Quotes By Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly lies to the bone. Beauty dies and fades away, but ugly holds its own! Create and cultivate Inner Beauty that never fades away but grows and matures with Time! — Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate

Bone Deep Quotes By Mark Kirkbride

Because, visible through the slashed covers, the bone-deep wounds that crisscross the couple's bodies pump blood. Some of the flaps of skin resulting from glancing blows are like gills, breathing. Yet even as the cries die away, he carries on. — Mark Kirkbride

Bone Deep Quotes By Redd Foxx

Beauty may be skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone. — Redd Foxx

Bone Deep Quotes By Bonnie Dee

She thought that they could live together for twenty years and he might never consider asking her about marriage. Tom didn't follow the usual patterns.
If marriage was what she wanted, then she would have to be the one to propose to him. — Bonnie Dee

Bone Deep Quotes By Kate Meader

But that kiss did more than turn her into a puddle of lust. It terrified her. Not because of how soul-searingly good it was, but because kisses like that don't just happen. Kisses like that implied history and connection and bone-deep knowledge, and it made her question everything that had existed between them before. — Kate Meader

Bone Deep Quotes By Peter Carey

And here is the thing about them men they was Australians they knew full well the terror of the unyielding law the historic memory of UNFAIRNESS were in their blood and a man might be a bank clerk or an overseer he might never have been lagged for nothing but still he knew in his heart what it were to be forced to wear the white hood in prison he knew what it were to be lashed for looking a warder in the eye and even a posh fellow like the Moth had breathed that air so the knowledge of unfairness were deep in his bone and marrow. — Peter Carey

Bone Deep Quotes By Louis Bayard

After all these years, his best friend is malaria.
Even on the brink of an Alaska summer, it comes calling: a bone-deep chill one night, a ministry of sweat the next. Calling him back to old battles. — Louis Bayard

Bone Deep Quotes By Kristin Hannah

Unaware of Nina, the woman paused at the riverbank and looked out over the scar on the land where the water should run. Her expression sharpened, turned desperate as she reached down to touch the child in her arms. It was a look Nina had seen in woman all over the world, especially in times of war and destruction. A bone-deep fear for her child's future ... Someday her portraits would show the world how strong and powerful women could be, as well as the personal cost of that strength ...
She heard Danny come up beside her. "Hey, you."
She leaned against him, feeling food about her shots. "I just love how they are with their kids, even when the odds are impossible. The only time I cry is when I see their faces with their babies. Why is that, with all we've seen?"
"So it's mothers you follow. I thought it was warriors. — Kristin Hannah

Bone Deep Quotes By George Eliot

Family likeness has often a deep sadness in it. Nature, that great tragic dramatist, knits us together by bone and muscle, and divides us by the subtler web of our brains; blends yearning and repulsion; and ties us by our heart-strings to the beings that jar us at every movement. — George Eliot

Bone Deep Quotes By Pepper Winters

I'd kill for you, Tess. I have killed for you. Don't undermine me by fearing others. Fear me. Let me rule you! — Pepper Winters

Bone Deep Quotes By Harlan Coben

There should have been a dark whisper in the wind. Or maybe a deep chill in the bone. Something. An ethereal song only Elizabeth or I could hear. A tightness in the air. Some textbook premonition. There are misfortunes we almost expect in life - what happened to my parents, for example - and then there are other dark moments, moments of sudden violence that alter everything. There was my life before the tragedy. There is my life now. The two have very little in common. — Harlan Coben

Bone Deep Quotes By William Kent Krueger

The truth is that when you kill a man it doesn't matter if he's your enemy and if he's trying to kill you. That moment of his death will eat at you for the rest of your life. It'll dig into bone so deep inside you that not even the hand of God is going to be able to pull it out, I don't care how much you pray. And you multiply that feeling by several years and too many doomed engagements and more horror, Frankie, than you can possibly imagine. And the utter senselessness and the total hopelessness become your enemy as much as any man pointing a rifle at you. — William Kent Krueger

Bone Deep Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

It was the sort of bone deep emotion that made him want to hold her tighter with one hand, and draw a sword against the world with the other. — Jeaniene Frost

Bone Deep Quotes By Tess Oliver

Thank you," he said in that deep tone that was always laced with sadness.
"For what?" I asked.
This time he reached up and pushed a strand of hair from my face. "For seeing me. Most people I meet look right through me. But when you look at me, I feel real, I feel like flesh, bone and blood. — Tess Oliver

Bone Deep Quotes By George A. Lindbeck

Your religion of origin has such a bone-deep hold on you that, as with a native language, it's your only hope for true religious fluency. — George A. Lindbeck

Bone Deep Quotes By Anthony Ryan

He recalled those brief years when his song had fallen silent, his refusal to heed it leaving him bereft, without guidance. It had been hard to be so rudderless in a sea of chaos and war. This, however, was much worse, because now there was the chill, the bone-deep cold that had seeped into him in the Ally's domain and lingered on here in this world of myriad paths, all seemingly so dark. And the words, of course, those words that hounded him from the Beyond. We will make an ending, you and I. — Anthony Ryan

Bone Deep Quotes By Sharon Salzberg

Abiding faith does not depend on borrowed concepts. Rather, it is the magnetic force of a bone-deep, lived understanding, one that draws us to realize our ideals, walk our talk,and act in accord with what we know to be true. — Sharon Salzberg

Bone Deep Quotes By A.J. Compton

I'm a feeler. I feel everything deep within my core. Even when I don't want to. I don't know where my emotions stop and my empathy begins. I feel from the tips of my toes to the follicles of my head. I feel with every fiber, every molecule, every tissue, marrow, muscle, and bone in my body. I feel. — A.J. Compton

Bone Deep Quotes By Bill Nye

There is good evidence that Venus once had liquid water and a much thinner atmosphere, similar to Earth billions of years ago. But today the surface of Venus is dry as a bone, hot enough to melt lead, there are clouds of sulfuric acid that reach a hundred miles high and the air is so thick it's like being 900 meters deep in the ocean. — Bill Nye

Bone Deep Quotes By Kristen Reed

Though I'd proven to be a wretched, foolish woman, I knew deep in my broken heart that God was still just as good and loving as he'd been the moment he plucked a rib from Adam's side and used that bone to give me life. — Kristen Reed

Bone Deep Quotes By Mervyn Peake

How's the blood-stream, my dear, invaluable little woman? How's the blood-stream?" ...
"It's quite comfortable, sir ... I think, sir, thank you." ...
"Aha!" ... "a comfortable stream, is it? Aha! v-e-r-y good. V-e-r-y good. Dawdling 'twixt hill and hill, no doubt. Meandering through groves of bone, threading the tissues and giving what sustenance it can to your dear old body ... I am so glad. But in yourself - right deep down in yourself - how do you feel? Carnally speaking, are you at peace - from the dear grey hairs of your head to the patter of your little feet - are you at peace?"
"What does he mean, dear?" said poor Mrs. Slagg, clutching Fuschia's arm ...
"He wants to know if you feel well or not. — Mervyn Peake

Bone Deep Quotes By Thrity Umrigar

This is love
not what we say to each other but what we not say. Sometime it just one look exchange. Sometime one word. But underlining everything we say or not say, something else. Something heavy and deep, like when we in bed and looking into each other's eyes. For six years, everything between husband and me was on top, like skin. Now it hidden, like bone and muscle. [ ... ] He care for me now. He finally see me. And he like what he see. — Thrity Umrigar

Bone Deep Quotes By Helen Oyeyemi

Aya overflows with acheor power. When the accent is taken off it, achedescribes, in English, bone-deep pain. But otherwise acheis blood..fleeing and returning ... red momentum. Acheis, acheis is is, kin to fear
a frayed pause near the end of a thread where the clothe matters too much to fail. The kind of need that takes you across water on nothing but bare feet. Ache is energy, damage, it is constant, in Aya's mind all the time. She was born that way
powerful, half mad, but quiet about it. — Helen Oyeyemi

Bone Deep Quotes By William Kirk Kilpatrick

People who grow up without a sense of how yesterday has affected today are unlikely to have a strong sense of how today affects tomorrow. They are unlikely to understand in a bone-deep way how the decisions they make now will shape and affect their future. — William Kirk Kilpatrick

Bone Deep Quotes By Siobhan Curham

Beauty isn't skin-deep. It's bone-deep. Heart-deep. Soul-deep. Only put to sleep. When we prick our finger on fear. Beauty can't be bought or made. It can only be awoken through laughter, and living, and love. Through being you and being true. — Siobhan Curham

Bone Deep Quotes By Eileen Wilks

She didn't take it well, I guess," Jasper said. "Hard to deliver that kind of news."
"No ... no, you don't understand. But then you haven't met her." Slowly Rule looked up, relief blooming inside. He felt like he had as a small child, waking from some terrible nightmare to find his father's hand on his shoulder. The sudden bone-deep reassurance wasn't logical, wasn't reasonable. But it was real. "It's okay. It's good. Grandmother is coming. — Eileen Wilks

Bone Deep Quotes By Bonnie Dee

She snuggled against Tom, grateful to have him back and ready to face any obstacles to their happiness. "You won't leave again, " she demanded, "No matter how difficult things might get for us."
"Never again," he promised. — Bonnie Dee

Bone Deep Quotes By Craig Clevenger

Imagine the one god himself has reversed his clock and reversed your regrets. Imagine knowing the bone-deep truth that whatever impossibility would make you truly happy has been granted. Imagine knowing you can once again hold your lost lover or your newborn child. Imagine what you feel during those first seconds of knowing. Now, imagine those first seconds last for days on end.
Like I said, I'm a chemist. It's all coming back to me.p62 — Craig Clevenger

Bone Deep Quotes By John Piper

True worship comes from people who are deeply emotional and who love deep and sound doctrine. Strong affections for God rooted in thrush are the bone and marrow of biblical worship. (Desiring God, 81-82) — John Piper

Bone Deep Quotes By Sylvia Plath

She has folded
Them back into her body as petals
Of a rose close when the garden
Stiffens and odours bleed
From the sweet, deep throats of the night flower.
The moon has nothing to be sad about,
Staring from her hood of bone. — Sylvia Plath

Bone Deep Quotes By Jim Butcher

There is a primal reassurance in being touched, in knowing that someone else, someone close to you, wants to be touching you. There is a bone-deep security that goes with the brush of a human hand, a silent, reflex-level affirmation that someone is near, that someone cares. — Jim Butcher

Bone Deep Quotes By Shey Stahl

I'm done pretending you don't mean anything to me.That you still don't.I loved you.I love you now,here.The bone deep shit that you try to capture in a song or a movies or a book, that kind of shit. It's the type of love that words can't compare to. I still love you. I never stopped. Time apart never changed that for me. — Shey Stahl

Bone Deep Quotes By China Mieville

The bullets are gun-eggs," Collingswood said to Baron, looking at Vardy. Farmers squeezing their holy metal beasts to percussive climax, fertilisation by cordite expulsion, violent ovipositors. Seeking warm places full of nutrients, protecting baby guns deep in the bone cages, until they hatched. — China Mieville

Bone Deep Quotes By Kristin Hannah

He had abandoned her after all; it filled her with the kind of bone-deep disappointment she knew so well. — Kristin Hannah

Bone Deep Quotes By Amish Tripathi

To find his two back-up soldiers dozing against the fence. He cursed and kicked them hard. Shiva turned back towards the lake. God bless Bhadra! At least he takes some responsibility. Shiva brought the chillum made of yak-bone to his lips and took in a deep drag. Any other day, the marijuana would have spread its munificence, dulling his troubled mind and letting him find some moments of solace. But not today. He looked to his left, towards the edge of the lake where the soldiers of the strange — Amish Tripathi

Bone Deep Quotes By Kristen Schaal

You're looking good today Bret. Very hot ... hotter than Jemaine. You have a refined bone structure, while Jemaine's facial features are too deep set to be classically handsome. — Kristen Schaal

Bone Deep Quotes By 50 Cent


Bone Deep Quotes By Henry Miller

The best stories I have heard were pointless, the best books those whose plot I can never remember, the best individuals those whom I never get anywhere with. Though it has been practised on me time and again I never cease to marvel how it happens that with certain individuals whom I know, within a few minutes after greeting them we are embarked on an endless voyage comparable in feeling and trajectory only to the deep middle dream which the practised dreamer slips into like a bone slips into its sockets — Henry Miller

Bone Deep Quotes By Emmie White

Bridget's tight fists began to shake as something from deep inside, born of utter anger and hatred, crept from the depths of her soul. She lunged at him, prepared to pound his handsome face to blood and bone, but the straps prevented her. Instead, she was quickly zapped with a heady pulse of electricity. As she howled in anguish, Doctor Spencer beamed with satanic amusement. — Emmie White

Bone Deep Quotes By Jeri Smith-Ready

He knelt and slowly ran his hand down my arm, his lids heavy and his lips parted. "Aura ... where can I touch you?"
His hand left my arm and drifted to the rise of my hip bone. "And where can I kiss you?"
I took a deep breath, long past ready for the future. "Everywhere. — Jeri Smith-Ready

Bone Deep Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

A certain bone-deep understanding occurred and my hand tightened around the smaller one I held. It weren't stars we were staring at. The sky was falling. — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Bone Deep Quotes By Jill Shalvis

Her hands slid to his shoulders, his biceps, and dug in as if to hold him here, right here. But he wasn't going anywhere. He liked her hands on him, liked her tongue in his mouth, and when she made that noise deep in her throat, the one that said she was as lost as him, he groaned, both in pleasure and with a good amount of what-the-fuckery, because he knew.
He was in trouble.
Down to the bone trouble, and he didn't give one single shit. — Jill Shalvis

Bone Deep Quotes By Sarah J. Maas

Stirred him so bone deep it was like he'd found a part of him he hadn't even realized was missing. — Sarah J. Maas

Bone Deep Quotes By Bonnie Dee

Sarah drew a deep breath and released it slowly, waiting for her voice to steady before she spoke. "It's a ve ry good story. Are those the things you want for yourself? "
He nodded and began folding the advertisement. "But I can't have them," he said matter-of-factly.
"Why not?"
He shrugged as if it was obvious and she remembered that earlier he had declared, "I'm not normal." She had to admit it was hard to picture this strange man living a normal family life in an average community. His differences were stamped all over his body as well as hidden deep inside him. — Bonnie Dee

Bone Deep Quotes By Bethany Wiggins

I glare at him."I can't reach my hair," I snap, wiggling my bound fingers.
Bowen's eyebrows shoot up."A bit snarky this morning, Fotard?"
I sigh, a feeling bone-deep, weary ache in my whole body." Can you blame me, Botard?"
He runs his fingers over his scruffy chin and studies me."No. I'd be pretty snarky if I smelled like you. And I bet you're dying to brush your teeth. — Bethany Wiggins

Bone Deep Quotes By Julia Spencer-Fleming

Maybe they were back to not talking. That's what she missed the most: talking. Serious, silly, bone-deep, flippant, all their words and thoughts like gifts to each other, the only gifts they, with their hobbled hearts, could give. — Julia Spencer-Fleming

Bone Deep Quotes By Lili St. Crow

I rubbed at my temple, where the zit was gone. It still hurt a little , though, deep under the skin. I hate those zits that burrow underground. You think they've vanished, but no, they just barricade themselves right next to the bone and hurt. — Lili St. Crow

Bone Deep Quotes By Dorothy Parker

Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone. — Dorothy Parker

Bone Deep Quotes By Victoria Schwab

There is a mirror across from me, and I check my reflection in it before heading home. Despite the bone-deep fatigue and the growing fear and frustration, I look ... fine. Da always said he'd teach me to play cards. Said I'd take the bank, the way things never reach my eyes. There should be something - a tell, a crease between my eyes, or a tightness in my jaw.
I'm too good at this.
Behind my reflection I see the painting of the sea, slanting as if the waves crashing on the rocks have hit with enough force to tip the picture. I turn and straighten it. The frame makes a faint rattling sound when I do. Everything in this place seems to be falling apart. — Victoria Schwab

Bone Deep Quotes By Kit Rocha

Agony. There was no other word for it, not just the pain but the craving. The bone-deep knowledge that she'd die without the drugs, the moments where she would have done anything to end the torment. — Kit Rocha

Bone Deep Quotes By David Foster Wallace

Fiction is one of the few experiences where loneliness can be both confronted and relieved. Drugs, movies where stuff blows up, loud parties
all these chase away loneliness by making me forget my name's Dave and I live in a one-by-one box of bone no other party can penetrate or know. Fiction, poetry, music, really deep serious sex, and, in various ways, religion
these are the places (for me) where loneliness is countenanced, stared down, transfigured, treated. — David Foster Wallace

Bone Deep Quotes By Blake Shelton

We all got a hillbilly bone down deep inside. — Blake Shelton

Bone Deep Quotes By Gena Showalter

She was temptation wrapped in seduction, a Southern beauty with a viper's tongue, a
rapier wit and a bone-deep grit that rivaled his own. Yes, she'd basically blown his mind with her
brilliant concept of time — Gena Showalter

Bone Deep Quotes By Sarah Mayberry

He was strong and warm and male and his mouth moved gently against hers, his kiss provocative and soothing at the same time. Her hands found his shoulders, her fingers gripping muscle and bone. She felt the brush of his tongue against her lips, then he was inside her, hot and wet and demanding, and a part of herself she'd pushed down deep inside came roaring to life. — Sarah Mayberry

Bone Deep Quotes By Lauren Layne

This wasn't to say that Julie had perfected only the major, most obvious dating milestones, however. She also knew how to finesse the subtler moments - those key moments where the breath caught and you thought, Yes, this. Julie could explain every single nuance, from the toe-curling euphoria when his hand brushed yours to the tingle when eyes held for just a beat too long. And then there was her personal favorite moment: the bone-deep satisfaction when you made him laugh for the first time - a real laugh. — Lauren Layne

Bone Deep Quotes By William Blake

The Smile -
There is a Smile of Love
And there is a Smile of Deceit
And there is a Smile of Smiles
In which these two Smiles meet
And there is a Frown of Hate
And there is a Frown of disdain
And there is a Frown of Frowns
Which you strive to forget in vain
For it sticks in the Hearts deep Core
And it sticks in the deep Back bone
And no Smile that ever was smild
But only one Smile alone
That betwixt the Cradle & Grave
It only once Smild can be
But when it once is Smild
Theres an end to all Misery. — William Blake

Bone Deep Quotes By J.D. Robb

Our differences are only skin deep, but our sames go down to the bone. — J.D. Robb

Bone Deep Quotes By Neil Gaiman

That night he had dreamed of an orchard under the moonlight, of skeletal white trees, their branches ending in bony hands, their roots going deep down into the graves. There was fruit that grew upon the trees in the bone orchard, in his dream, and there was something very disturbing about the fruit in the dream, but on waking he could no longer remember what strange fruit grew on the trees, or why he found it so repellent. — Neil Gaiman

Bone Deep Quotes By Johann Hari

A sense of dislocation has been spreading through our societies like a bone cancer throughout the twentieth century. We all feel it: we have become richer, but less connected to one another. Countless studies prove this is more than a hunch, but here's just one: the average number of close friends a person has has been steadily falling. We are increasingly alone, so we are increasingly addicted. "We're talking about learning to live with the modern age," Bruce believes. The modern world has many incredible benefits, but it also brings with it a source of deep stress that is unique: dislocation. "Being atomized and fragmented and all on [your] own - that's no part of human evolution and it's no part of the evolution of any society," he told me. — Johann Hari

Bone Deep Quotes By Karen Curry

where we have more than sufficient resources and support that we eagerly share with one another - all because we understand on a bone-deep, soul-deep level that we are infinitely sustained by Source. (All that just from loving yourself!) When — Karen Curry

Bone Deep Quotes By Michele Jaffe

And we'd look at each other the way you do when you see someone on the street you think you recognize, but not quite. Someone you wish with all your heart were there but who is actually just a stranger. And you feel a kind of deep longing that hurts like a huge gash and your inability to fix it leaves you frustrated and angry and bone-deep lonely. — Michele Jaffe

Bone Deep Quotes By Gene Edwards

With that, Adam was placed into a deep sleep, his side wounded, and from that open wound was brought forth a soft-glowing bone. — Gene Edwards

Bone Deep Quotes By Ta-Nehisi Coates

Racism - the need to ascribe bone-deep features to people and then humiliate, reduce, and destroy them - inevitably follows from this inalterable condition. In — Ta-Nehisi Coates