Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Bodoni Typeface

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Top Bodoni Typeface Quotes

Bodoni Typeface Quotes By David Hockney

Painting and drawing has been here for 35,000 years. — David Hockney

Bodoni Typeface Quotes By Robert Jackson Bennett

Envy the fire, for it is either going or not. Fires do not feel happy, sad, angry. They burn, or they do not burn. — Robert Jackson Bennett

Bodoni Typeface Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

Some eyes threaten like a loaded and levelled pistol, and others are as insulting as hissing or kicking; some have no more expression than blueberries, while others are as deep as a well which you can fall into. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Bodoni Typeface Quotes By Poppy Z. Brite

And I can't think of a reason I'd ever use a pseudonym, as I wouldn't want to publish something that I didn't like enough to put my name on it. — Poppy Z. Brite

Bodoni Typeface Quotes By Meister Eckhart

God is the word that speaks itself. — Meister Eckhart

Bodoni Typeface Quotes By Khang Kijarro Nguyen

When you eat too much chocolate, you get sick of it.
When you drink too much champagne, you get sick of it.
Gorge yourself on fear. — Khang Kijarro Nguyen

Bodoni Typeface Quotes By P.G. Wodehouse

She did drive me in the Park the other day. I thought it rather a hopeful — P.G. Wodehouse

Bodoni Typeface Quotes By Michael Douglas

Players never die - they just try their luck at another table. — Michael Douglas

Bodoni Typeface Quotes By Marilyn Ferguson

Martin Buber said he sensed a rising hunger for relatedness Men would no longer rise in rebellion merely against one oppressor or another but against the distortion of a great yearning, 'the effort towards community.' — Marilyn Ferguson

Bodoni Typeface Quotes By James S.A. Corey

She had seen Holden on the newsfeeds and reports. At the beginning of the war between Mars and the Belt, he had been the most important man in the solar system, and the celebrity, while it had waxed and waned over the years, had never gone away. James Holden was an icon. For some, he was the symbol of the triumph of the single ship over governments and corporations. For others, he was an agent of chaos who started wars and threatened stability in the name of ideological purity. But whatever people thought he meant, there was no question that he was important. He was the man who'd saved Earth from the protomolecule. He was the man who'd brought down Mao-Kwikowski. Who'd made the first contact with the alien artifact and opened the gates that led to a thousand different worlds. In person, he looked different — James S.A. Corey

Bodoni Typeface Quotes By Jerome A. Miller

this very act of consenting to its loss of control is itself the critical event of all crisis. To give up ones stature as the director of ones own existance: this is, for us, the ultimate death, the crisis that undermines our being in the most radical way. — Jerome A. Miller