Famous Quotes & Sayings

Bobbi Miles Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bobbi Miles Quotes

Bobbi Miles Quotes By Peter Dinklage

I have a need to always make people laugh. I have a desperate need. I love a great sense of humor. The people I sort of surround myself with have that. — Peter Dinklage

Bobbi Miles Quotes By Bobbi Gibb

I thought about how many preconcieved prejudices would crumble when i trotted right along for 26 miles. — Bobbi Gibb

Bobbi Miles Quotes By Nicole Castle

I'd even jerked off to the thought of it, something I hadn't done since I learned that I was good enough looking to have someone do ti for me — Nicole Castle

Bobbi Miles Quotes By Michael Lindsay-Hogg

I completely trust Gloria Vanderbilt. I have always found her very honest. — Michael Lindsay-Hogg

Bobbi Miles Quotes By Yasunari Kawabata

The road was frozen. The village lay quiet under the cold sky. Komako hitched up the skirt of her kimono and tucked it into her obi. The moon shone like a blade frozen in blue ice. — Yasunari Kawabata

Bobbi Miles Quotes By Billy Graham

God's purpose for us is that we ought to be
conformed to the image of His Son. The world may exert its pressure to deform us, but we are told to "be transformed" [Romans 12:2 NIV]. — Billy Graham

Bobbi Miles Quotes By Bobbi Gibb

If I can show that a woman can run 26 miles, and run it well
stride for stride with the men
that is going to throw all the rest of the prejudices and all the misconceptions and all of the so-called reasons for keeping women down that have existed for the past how many centuries? Centuries of this stuff! And so I sort of chuckled to myself and thought, 'Oh, this is going to be fun! I'm going to turn the whole thing on its head.' — Bobbi Gibb