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Blumenauer Earl Quotes & Sayings

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Top Blumenauer Earl Quotes

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

As has been pointed out with Libya, the debate over Libya, sometimes we allow diplomatic relations with imperfect regimes because progress can best be made through engagement instead of isolation. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

Marriages are under strain today in terms of economics. There are social cross-currents. We see failed marriages. But it is not under attack by our gay and lesbian citizens. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

Mr. Speaker, for the last 5 years I have been working with a bipartisan group of my colleagues to make it illegal to continue the barbaric practice of game bird and illegal dog fighting. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

Whether it's in in livability, transportation, or the environment, Portland is always leading the country. We have more to do before we achieve our goals, but we should all be encouraged by our progress and this recognition. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

The National Flood Insurance Program is a voluntary program. If a community really feels that the building insurance requirements are too burdensome, they don't have to participate. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

While the United States has largely been missing in action from the diplomatic game, the European Union and Iran have been making progress at developing a formula that would lead to the suspension of Iran's nuclear enrichment program and the start of serious negotiations. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

Our community is like many around the country that have, as the gentleman from New York referenced, sophisticated planning and zoning regulations. These are elements that are developed as a result of local community pressure to balance interests. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Jo Nesbo

You can't visit readers where you think they are. You have to invite them home to where you are and try to lure them into your universe. That's the art of storytelling. — Jo Nesbo

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting distributes an annual appropriation that we provide in accordance with a statutory formula, the vast majority of which goes directly to public radio and television stations. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

Mr. Speaker, in the years since we enacted our attack against Iraq, the threat from Iran has only grown more difficult, and our capacity to meet that threat actually has diminished. It is one of the reasons many of us opposed that action against Iraq. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By J. Cammenga

Dynamic equivalence is a central concept in the translation theory, developed by Eugene A. Nida, which has been widely adopted by the United Bible Societies...Purporting to be an academically linguistic concept, it is in fact a sociocultural concept of communication. Its definition is essentially behavourist: determined by external forces, such as society--with strong pragmatist overtones--focusing on the reader rather than the writer. [M]ost twentieth-century American philosophical endeavours are predominantly pragmatist, dwelling in the shadows cast by William James and John Dewey. — J. Cammenga

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

Let's have a moment of silence for all those Americans who are stuck
in traffic on their way to the gym to ride the stationary bicycle. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Clint Howard

Acting is a great gig. It pays well, I get to meet some nice people, and it allows me to play a lot of golf. I'm a real lucky guy. — Clint Howard

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

We can no longer afford the war in Iraq. Our financial costs have already passed a third of a trillion dollars; the lifetime costs for this war, in both human and economic terms, will be borne by Americans for generations to come. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

Mr. Speaker, from hurricanes and floods in Latin America to earthquakes in Asia, natural disasters are increasingly becoming a regular feature of life for large numbers of people around the globe. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By David Burr Gerrard

All nineteen-year-old males are children who are men capable of war. — David Burr Gerrard

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

After September 11, when the United States took action to overthrow the Taliban, our interests and Iran's aligned, and we were able to coordinate quietly but effectively. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

Everybody on this floor wants to send the same loud and clear message: that Congress is united in its opposition to terror and we are all deeply concerned about the future and security of our close friend and ally, Israel. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

At a time when 2500 American soldiers have given their lives for the cause of bringing democracy to Iraq, it is sad and frustrating to watch the Republican establishment disgrace the exercise of democracy in our own House of Representatives. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

A property in the 100-year floodplain has a 96 percent chance of being flooded in the next hundred years without global warming. The fact that several years go by without a flood does not change that probability. — Earl Blumenauer

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Harley King

Nothing stays the same and nothing changes. What is old today will be new tomorrow. What is new today will be forgotten tomorrow. — Harley King

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Is there love without an action? No! Love is an active word. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Indira Gandhi

We have to prove to the disinherited majority of the world that ecology and conservation will not work against their interest but will bring an improvement in their lives. — Indira Gandhi

Blumenauer Earl Quotes By Earl Blumenauer

We won the war, but we are losing the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq. It is past time for a new approach, one that relies on accountability, responsibility, and phasing down the scope of our military commitment. — Earl Blumenauer