Famous Quotes & Sayings

Bloodgood Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bloodgood Quotes

Bloodgood Quotes By Vilmos Zsigmond

I love Woody Allen. He's very clever, always thinking, and he's great with actors. He lets actors do what they want to do and occasionally he'll give them a specific kind of direction. — Vilmos Zsigmond

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

I was so lucky that I didn't have to audition. It's just such a grueling process, in itself. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

I don't know why I've always been uncomfortable being too feminine. If a dress has too many flowers on it, if I'm giggling too much, I'm like ugh, put some combat boots on. I love masculine women. I think it's because I'm like a fake lesbian, I don't know. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By John Ortberg

Who you become while you're waiting is as important as what you're waiting for. — John Ortberg

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

Girls know when they're attractive. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

You can't just do cheap CGI and think that's going to work. It doesn't. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

I've always been into sports and being physical. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

I have a very European feel about nudity. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

I try to be a good, diligent actor. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

I think maybe one day I'll go back to music. I don't know. I don't know if sometimes you lose a passion or you don't lose it, it becomes more personal and less about sharing it with everyone. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Wendy Owens

He knew she loved him in that moment. Gabe never wanted to be part of the holy fight, but now he was, he was not about to lose. — Wendy Owens

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

I would much rather watch a horror film or science fiction than a comedy. I don't know why. I just like them. I find them relaxing. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Method Man

There are few things that's forever, my lady.
We can make war or make babies. — Method Man

Bloodgood Quotes By Karl Urban

Moon Bloodgood is so dedicated, and I was impressed with her dedication. She was put into some grueling situations - cold, freezing, thrown into mud puddles, cold mountains and she didn't complain once. A lot of actresses would have said, 'Ok, that's a half-hour reset for my hair and make-up' and she didn't; she stuck with it. — Karl Urban

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

I never wanted to be an actor. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Gail Godwin

Squashed behind The Cloud of Unknowing we discovered a pocket-size spiral notebook with a day-by-day account of the time Justin had stayed with her and her husband after Tommy's death. The writing was legible though it required effort (this was before she took her calligraphy course), but Justin was ecstatic and asked if he could have the little notebook. "This is my history," he said. Later, after he had deciphered every last word: "Boy, was I loved. — Gail Godwin

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

My theory is because I'm Asian and white I sort of look like the future. I'm the melting pot. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

When I was 17, I was a Lakers Girl; I was the youngest girl on the squad. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Euginia Herlihy

The more we connect ourselves like little children to our Heavenly Father, the more He reveals Himself to us and we can feel His heartbeat. — Euginia Herlihy

Bloodgood Quotes By Narendra Modi

In this land of the Ganga (Varanasi), there was education of culture. But, more importantly, there was a culture of education. — Narendra Modi

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

With global warming, I'm never going to time-travel. It's probably going to cause some major emission problems. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

To see the end, go to the end; to see beyond the end, don't go further, because beyond the end, there will remain no observer! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

I enjoy eating and have no issues with eating. I am not going to be one of those girls who have to watch her weight. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

I love science fiction. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Alan Kay

Possibly the only real object-oriented system in working order. (About Internet — Alan Kay

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

I love people who are real. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Ciara Renee

My general audition song is almost always 'Man That Got Away.' — Ciara Renee

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

There's a lot of pressure to look good, have the gun, know what you're doing and be one of the boys. I was like, "I don't want to be one of the boys. I want to be a doctor. I want to be cerebral. I want to sit back and just use something else. I don't want to do the stunts. Let the boys do that. I'm just going to be the doctor who's about taking care of other people." — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

I like change, like anybody. You don't want to keep doing the same thing because then it gets harder to take chances, be creative, and feel inspired when you're doing the same thing. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

Whenever you're dealing with fantasy, and you're doing vampires or anything that is not too based in reality, and you try to base it in reality, you have so much of a greater chance of sounding hokey. — Moon Bloodgood

Bloodgood Quotes By S. Vagus

Don't apologize for not understanding. If you stop asking questions then you effectively kill your desire to know the unknown. — S. Vagus

Bloodgood Quotes By Jodi Picoult

She understood what it was like to stand right in front of people you loved, even though they could not see you. — Jodi Picoult

Bloodgood Quotes By Moon Bloodgood

To me a great sci-fi movie has elements of horror and suspense. — Moon Bloodgood