Famous Quotes & Sayings

Blinged Up Quotes & Sayings

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Top Blinged Up Quotes

Blinged Up Quotes By Douglas Rushkoff

If you go back and look at the historical record, it turns out that a lot of important ideas have very long incubation periods. I call this the 'slow hunch.' We've heard a lot recently about hunch and instinct and blink-like sudden moments of clarity, but in fact, a lot of great ideas linger on, sometimes for decades, in the back of people's minds. They have a feeling that there's an interesting problem, but they don't quite have the tools yet to discover them." Solving the problem means being in the right place at the right time - available to the propitious moment, the kairos. Perhaps counterintuitively, protecting what is left of this flow from the pressing obligation of new choices gives us a leg up on innovation. — Douglas Rushkoff

Blinged Up Quotes By Augustus William Hare

The grand difficulty is to feel the reality of both worlds, so as to give each its due place in our thoughts and feelings, to keep our mind's eye and our heart's eye ever fixed on the land of promise, without looking away from the road along which we are to travel toward it. — Augustus William Hare

Blinged Up Quotes By Antonello Fiore

We are all acting on stage and the world is our audience. — Antonello Fiore

Blinged Up Quotes By Seth Godin

Nine years of experience is very different from one year of experience, nine times. — Seth Godin

Blinged Up Quotes By Patrick O'Brian

For Captain Aubrey, as for the rest of brute creation, there were only two kinds of birds, the edible and the inedible. — Patrick O'Brian

Blinged Up Quotes By Arshad Ahsanuddin

Grabbing Jeremy's lapels, Nick pulled him closer, grasping him not with fingers but with claws. His face inches away from Jeremy's, his eyes burning red, his fangs sharp and gleaming, he screamed, "BECAUSE YOU'RE MINE! NO ONE THREATENS WHAT'S MINE AND WALKS AWAY!" His growl rumbled through the room, ratcheting down into the subsonic. "I WILL BURN DOWN WHOLE ARMIES BEFORE I LET THEM TAKE YOU FROM ME!"...

"Jesus, big brother," said Toby. "I know vampires are territorial when it comes to their mates, but you're way out in front for the possessive macho bullshit award."

Nick sighed. "I know. I've got to work on that. — Arshad Ahsanuddin

Blinged Up Quotes By Lindy West

In a certain light, feminism is just the long, slow realization that the stuff you love hates you — Lindy West

Blinged Up Quotes By Julie Kagawa

Some writers like to work in other places like coffee shops, but I can't - I'd end up people-watching. And if I were at a bookstore, I'd be reading. Sometimes I have some music on, but usually I like it quiet. — Julie Kagawa

Blinged Up Quotes By Margaret Heffernan

If we aren't going to be afraid of conflict, we have to see it as thinking. — Margaret Heffernan

Blinged Up Quotes By Gaspard Mermillod

A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take. — Gaspard Mermillod

Blinged Up Quotes By Dhani Jones

I like to keep things classic, not lavish or blinged out. I don't even say that word. The last thing I want to be is over the top. — Dhani Jones

Blinged Up Quotes By Alan Keyes

[Barack] Obama is a radical communist and I think it is becoming clear. That is what I told people in Illinois and now everybody realizes it is coming true. He is going to destroy this country and we are either going to stop him or the United States of America is going to cease to exist. — Alan Keyes

Blinged Up Quotes By Nasri Atallah

Everyone lives in a proverbial music video for a few hours. Then they leave the blinged out universe of faux-independence and fleeting adulthood and return to their parents' homes. Their parents' homes replete with marble floors and gold chandeliers and expectations of virginal daughters. — Nasri Atallah

Blinged Up Quotes By Alfred Doblin

I read like the flame reads the wood. — Alfred Doblin