Famous Quotes & Sayings

Bleyle Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bleyle Quotes

Bleyle Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Search Scriptures continually. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Bleyle Quotes By Thomas Keating

Redemption basically is about holistic health, if you want to translate it into modern parlance. What I suggest - based on the Christian tradition but not often preached - is that you can't enter into the fullness of the Pascal mystery of the redemption unless there is a radical transformation of motivation within you. — Thomas Keating

Bleyle Quotes By Paige Dearth

It is our flaws that make each one of us so perfect. — Paige Dearth

Bleyle Quotes By Nikolai Berdyaev

Philosophy ... is the creative perception by the spirit of the meaning of human existence. — Nikolai Berdyaev

Bleyle Quotes By Betty Smith

She went to the public school that the three youngest girls attended and in halting English told the teacher that the children must be encouraged to speak only English; they were not to use a German word or phrase ever. In that way, she protected them against their father. She grieved when her children had to leave school after the sixth grade and go out working. She grieved when they married no-account men. She wept when they gave birth to daughters, knowing that to be born a woman meant a life of humble hardship. Each — Betty Smith

Bleyle Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

My soul only knows my spirit. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Bleyle Quotes By John McAfee

I am looking at opening a school of social engineering. The McAfee School of Social Engineering has a nice ring to it. Beyond that, it is hard to say what life will bring my way. — John McAfee

Bleyle Quotes By Rod Serling

Infinitely more taboos, on television. — Rod Serling

Bleyle Quotes By Elizabeth Wurtzel

I always carry lots of stuff with me wherever I roam, always weighted down with books, with cassettes, with pens and paper, just in case I get the urge to sit down somewhere, and oh, I don't know, read something or write my masterpiece. — Elizabeth Wurtzel

Bleyle Quotes By Harlan Coben

At one time, this might have been a nice area, but now the neighborhood looked like a man who'd lost his job and stopped bathing. — Harlan Coben

Bleyle Quotes By Nicole Sullivan

When I look back to when I had my first son, I was unhappy. I couldn't understand why the weight wasn't just falling off. — Nicole Sullivan