Famous Quotes & Sayings

Biblical Masculinity Quotes & Sayings

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Top Biblical Masculinity Quotes

Biblical Masculinity Quotes By Marshall B. Rosenberg

Empathizing with someone's 'no' protects us from taking it personally. — Marshall B. Rosenberg

Biblical Masculinity Quotes By Polybius

Nor ought we ever to allow any growing power to acquire such a degree of strength as to be able to tear from us, without resistance, our natural, undisputed rights. — Polybius

Biblical Masculinity Quotes By Tobey Maguire

There's so many things I want to do. I want to work with great filmmakers, great actors, great scripts. And there's no reason for me to do anything short of that, because I'm 24, I don't have a family, I don't need to make tons of money, and I'm not dying to get famous. — Tobey Maguire

Biblical Masculinity Quotes By Jim Butcher

The best magic comes from the inside. — Jim Butcher

Biblical Masculinity Quotes By Linda Colley

In Great Britain, woman was subordinate and confined. But at least she was also safe. — Linda Colley

Biblical Masculinity Quotes By April Cassidy

Male domination - where a husband forcefully asserts dominance in physically, emotionally, or spiritually abusive ways and treats his wife harshly without godly love - is a sinful distortion of male headship. A wife becoming slave-like is also a sinful distortion that undermines the value, dignity, beauty, and worth of a wife and warps the picture of what godly femininity is supposed to be. Male passivity is a sinful distortion of biblical masculinity that abandons God-given responsibility and accountability and endangers a man's wife and family. — April Cassidy

Biblical Masculinity Quotes By Ali Marsman

Week 1:
'One hundred percent of positive-ness, will raise us to the point of successful-ness, in reaching our level of human kindness. — Ali Marsman

Biblical Masculinity Quotes By Elena Ferrante

Maybe, in the face of abandonment, we are all the same; maybe not even a very orderly mind can endure the discovery of not being loved. — Elena Ferrante

Biblical Masculinity Quotes By Mara Wilson

The next time a former child star is in the news, look at the age at which he or she started performing. Then imagine making a life-changing decision at that age. Chances are good he or she wasn't the one who made it. — Mara Wilson

Biblical Masculinity Quotes By Debra Ferreday

Today in this household's obsession with researching pointless questions, I can confirm that Shakespeare cannot, in fact, ever have had a banana. — Debra Ferreday