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Bethune Mcleod Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bethune Mcleod Quotes

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Invest in the human soul. Who knows, it might be a diamond in the rough. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

The whole world opened to me when I learned to read. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

World peace and brotherhood are based on a common understanding of the contributions and cultures of all races and creeds — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

You white folks have long been eating the white meat of the chicken. We Negroes are now ready for some of the white meat instead of the dark meat. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

I thought, maybe the difference between white folks and colored is just this matter of reading and writing. I made up my mind I would know my letters. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

The progress of the world will call for the best that all of us have to give. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Greatness is largely a social accident, and almost always socially supported. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Education is the great American adventure, the world's most colossal democratic experiment. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Whatever glory belongs to the race for a development unprecedented in history for the given length of time, a full share belongs to the womanhood of the race. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

There is a place in God's sun for the youth "farthest down" who has the vision, the determination, and the courage to reach it. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

The drums of Africa still beat in my heart. They will not let me rest while there is a single Negro boy or girl without a chance to prove his worth. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Langston Hughes

My chief literary influences have been Paul Laurence Dunbar, Carl Sandburg, and Walt Whitman. My favorite public figures include Jimmy Durante, Marlene Dietrich, Mary McLeod Bethune, Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Marian Anderson, and Henry Armstrong. — Langston Hughes

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Blanche Wiesen Cook

Eleanor Roosevelt fights for an anti-lynch law with the NAACP, with Walter White and Mary McLeod Bethune. And she begs FDR to say one word, say one word to prevent a filibuster or to end a filibuster. From '34 to '35 to '36 to '37 to '38, it comes up again and again, and FDR doesn't say one word. And the correspondence between them that we have, I mean, she says, "I cannot believe you're not going to say one word." And she writes to Walter White, "I've asked FDR to say one word. Perhaps he will." But he doesn't. And these become very bitter disagreements. — Blanche Wiesen Cook

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Cease to be a drudge. Seek to be an artist. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

We have a powerful potential in out youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

I plunged into the job of creating something from nothing ... Though I hadn't a penny left, I considered cash money as the smallest part of my resources. I had faith in a living God, faith in myself, and a desire to serve. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

For I am my mother's daughter, and the drums of Africa still beat in my heart. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

I never stop to plan. I take things step by step. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

For I am my mother's daughter, and ... — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

I leave you love. I leave you hope. I leave you the challenge of developing confidence in one another. I leave you a thirst for education. I leave you a respect for the use of power. I leave you faith. I leave you racial dignity. I leave you a desire to live harmoniously with your fellow men. I leave you finally, a responsibility to our young people. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Our children must never lose their zeal for
building a better world. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

We live in a world which respects power above all things. Power, intelligently directed, can lead to more freedom. Unwisely directed, it can be a dreadful, destructive force. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Believe in yourself, learn, and never stop wanting to build a better world. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

If we have the courage and tenacity of our forebears, who stood firmly like a rock against the lash of slavery, we shall find a way to do for our day what they did for theirs. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

[To the patronizing train conductor who had twice said, 'Auntie, give me your ticket':] Which of my sister's sons are you? — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

In each experience of my life, I have had to step out of one little space of the known light, into a large area of darkness. I had to stand awhile in the darkness, and then gradually God has given me light. But not to linger in. For as soon as that light has felt familiar, then the call has always come to step out ahead again into new darkness. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

I have had more than half a century of such happiness. A great deal of worry and sorrow, too, but never a worry or a sorrow that was not offset by a purple iris, a lark, a bluebird, or a dewy morning glory. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Enter to learn; depart to serve. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Forgiving is not about forgetting, it's letting go of the hurt — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Studying goes deeper than mere reading. There are surface nuggets to be gathered but the best of the gold is underneath, and it takes time and labor to secure it. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

A woman is free if she lives by her own standards and creates her own destiny, if she prizes her individuality and puts no boundaries on her hopes for tomorrow. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

To those of you with your years of service still ahead, the challenge is yours. Stop doubting yourselves. Have the courage to make up your minds and hold your decisions. Refuse to be BOUGHT for a nickel, or a million dollars, or a job! — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

From the first, I made my learning, what little it was, useful every way I could. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Knowledge is the prime need of the hour. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Whatever the white man has done, we have done, and often better. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

I do feel, in my dreamings and yearnings, so undiscovered by those who are able to help me. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

What does the Negro want? His answer is very simple. He wants only what all other Americans want. He wants opportunity to make real what the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights say, what the Four Freedoms establish. While he knows these ideals are open to no man completely, he wants only his equal chance to obtain them. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

The true worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Without faith nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

Next to God we are indebted to women, first for life itself, and then for making it worth living. — Mary McLeod Bethune

Bethune Mcleod Quotes By Mary McLeod Bethune

If we accept and acquiesce in the face of discrimination, we accept the responsibility ourselves. We should, therefore, protest openly everything ... that smacks of discrimination or slander. — Mary McLeod Bethune