Famous Quotes & Sayings

Bestakast Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bestakast Quotes

Bestakast Quotes By K'naan

I know that often times a lot of people who work in music, whether they be labels and so on or even artists, want personal recognition. We want to be recognized for something, for what we did. I'd rather my song be recognized for what it's doing and that's important. It's not so important how many people know me. — K'naan

Bestakast Quotes By Cambria Hebert

My heart would bear the marks from those words, the echo of finality in them, forever. — Cambria Hebert

Bestakast Quotes By William C. Brown

Since the universe is stupid, it's no wonder that social Darwinism tends to support, promote and finance the evolution of fools. — William C. Brown

Bestakast Quotes By William Blake

Men are admitted into heaven not because they have curbed and governed their passions or have no passions, but because they have cultivated their understandings. The treasures of heaven are not negations of passion, but realities of intellect, from which all the passions emanate uncurbed in their eternal glory. — William Blake

Bestakast Quotes By Lisa Unger

In the end, I cared about him so much that I just thought he deserved someone who loved him more than I did. — Lisa Unger

Bestakast Quotes By Henri J.M. Nouwen

Today I personally believe that while Jesus came to open the door to God's house, all human beings can walk through that door, whether they know about Jesus or not. Today I see it as my call to help every person claim his or her own way to God. — Henri J.M. Nouwen

Bestakast Quotes By Elijah Parish Lovejoy

I am sure I ought not to be, but I have great reason to tremble lest Satan and my own wicked heart get the better of me. It is no easy matter to fight such enemies as these, but with Christ strengthening me, I know I shall come off more than a conquerer. — Elijah Parish Lovejoy

Bestakast Quotes By Eknath Easwaran

Eventually, meditation will make our mind calm, clear, and as concentrated as a laser which we can focus at will. This capacity of one-pointed attention is the essence of genius. When we have this mastery over attention in everything we do, we have a genius for life. — Eknath Easwaran

Bestakast Quotes By Steve Schirripa

I'm not big with negotiating. — Steve Schirripa