Best Mark Hoppus Quotes & Sayings
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Top Best Mark Hoppus Quotes

We're really good friends and we hang out. It's like I get to hang out with my friends and get paid for it. — Mark Hoppus

'Built This Pool' was an idea that I had for a song starting several years ago, and as we were in between takes of recording something, I was actually holding a guitar at the time, and I played this silly thing, and sang the lyrics to 'Built This Pool' kinda in the background. — Mark Hoppus

Antarctica is otherworldly, like nothing I've ever seen before. Stark, cold, beautiful desolation. — Mark Hoppus

It's a real challenge to complete a story arc and end up with a cool punchline in 120 characters. — Mark Hoppus

Once you declare your loyalty to a team, every person who doesn't support that team, it's their job to ruin you, to tell you you're an idiot and to tell you that you made the wrong choice. — Mark Hoppus

All the really pretty girls get pregnant. — Mark Hoppus

I hate it when people try to act cool. I hope they all get gonorreah and die. — Mark Hoppus

Home for me is wherever my wife and kid are. — Mark Hoppus

The process of introducing people to new music is amazing. It's a gift. One of the best parts of any day is when someone says, 'Hey, check out this new band ... ' — Mark Hoppus

I lived in small town out in the desert and my friend used to steal his mom's car in the middle of the night. He'd drive over to my house, I'd sneak out and we'd go out to the desert and just burn things down. — Mark Hoppus

Everything in high school seems like the most important thing that's ever happened in your life. It's not. You'll get out of high school and you never see those people again. All the people who torment and press you won't make a difference in your life in the long haul. — Mark Hoppus

Farts and poop are still funny and will always be funny. — Mark Hoppus

We never really set out to talk about California on the album ['California'], it was something that we noticed that was happening about three-quarters of the way through the recording process. We were looking at which songs we thought would make the record and we realised that there was this theme coming through. I think it's just a product of being in California for as long as I have. — Mark Hoppus

I like to get Honey Combs, and Apple Jax, and Captain Crunch Berries and mix them all together, but I'm freak and I use water instead of milk. — Mark Hoppus

Writing music and lyrics that mean something personal to me. It's an exciting, intense, cathartic, this-is-who-I-am experience. — Mark Hoppus

All I can hope to do is instill great morality in my son and trust him along the way. The music he listens to or how he chooses to wear his hair doesn't define his moral compass, and if he wants to listen to country music and wear a cowboy hat too, that's fine. — Mark Hoppus

Life's too short to sit through songs you don't love. — Mark Hoppus

I like the beaches in Orange County the best. I think Orange County has great beaches. Everything from Dana Point to Newport to Laguna; all over the place. — Mark Hoppus

Take it from me because I learned the hard way: circumcisions are best left to professionals. — Mark Hoppus

Ideally, each week, I'd like to have rad, intelligent, creative, funny guests with different takes on the world of music. I will ask them all what their favorite blink-182 song is, and what they like best about me as a person. — Mark Hoppus

Getting to meet other artists that I admire is one of the best parts of my job. I don't know if I'd say 'star struck' as much as excited to hear other peoples' ideas. — Mark Hoppus

Parents don't understand kids and kids don't understand parents. My parents were divorced when I was really young and I went to live with my dad. — Mark Hoppus

I don't want to spend a month and a half in a studio with music I don't like, and fortunately I don't have to. — Mark Hoppus

It really expresses a man in pain. — Mark Hoppus

Thats not a place where I'm considered good-looking. — Mark Hoppus

I'm probably the sexiest and best in bed. Even if I'm by myself in bed. — Blink-182

The fact that music can induce Goosebumps draw a tear inspire and connect is one of my favorite parts of being human — Mark Hoppus

Yeah, I actually do know where I am. — Blink-182

It totally ruins my voice. I quit smoking, drinking, and doing ecstasy. — Mark Hoppus

As Mark and Tom continued to practice together, they both knew they wanted to pursue the band as something more than just a way to kill a summer's night. And perhaps take their relationship itself to the next level, to finally become more than just friends...The feelings were there, it was just all so confusing... — Anne Hoppus

I've learned some of the greatest life lessons from growing up in the skate and punk rock communities. — Mark Hoppus

Make yourself look really stupid so you don't feel bad doing something a little stupid. — Mark Hoppus

Play music that means something to you. Make it happen for yourself. — Mark Hoppus

Hard work, studying and perseverance will get you no where in life ... it's all about kissing ass — Mark Hoppus

Every single day that you walk outside your house is something new and different and exciting. — Mark Hoppus

True happiness for me is playing a concert in Blink-182, and then hanging out with my friends and my wife and son, and going out for Mexican food. — Mark Hoppus

Thank God I never got in a fight. All of the jock dudes hated me, but all of their girlfriends thought I was nice so they wouldn't touch me. It was infuriating to them. — Mark Hoppus