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Best Dom Sub Quotes & Sayings

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Top Best Dom Sub Quotes

Best Dom Sub Quotes By L.A. Witt

Tangling up in bed like this, naked and hard with a predator's mouth against his and a killer's hands all over his skin, was deliciously dangerous - if this was what it was like to dance with the devil, then Dom hoped the music never stopped playing. He — L.A. Witt

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Dom Jean Leclerq

In praying to God for souls, he realizes it is not so important to know the souls for whom he is praying, as Him to Whom he is praying. But — Dom Jean Leclerq

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Ben Bernanke

I am very proud of my nerd-dom. — Ben Bernanke

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Dom DeLuise

I've had some wonderful times at the White House. I've been with Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton and Bush. — Dom DeLuise

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Joey W. Hill

You're not a Dom, not a Master, Josh," she said. "You've never even been close. You're a submissive. A gorgeous, incredibly sensual submissive that any Mistress in her right mind would cherish forever. You were doing as your Mistress told you to do, and she used you cruelly. I won't let you blame yourself for anything, Josh, except maybe for not recognizing it sooner, because you are an intelligent man. Your inly crime is in denying your own worth, because she made you doubt yours. A Mistress doesn't do that, Josh. — Joey W. Hill

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Meg Cabot

Father Dom looked taken aback. "Normal?" he echoed. As in, who would ever want to be that? — Meg Cabot

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Tymber Dalton

I'm not a leather kind of Dom when it comes to practicality. He Smiled " I'm much more a demin kind of Dom." Shayla arched her brow at him. " A demin Dom huh?" he nodded . " Better then a sweating-my-ass-off Dom. — Tymber Dalton

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Marilyn Lakewood

Why did you start looking for a Dom?" "A vanilla lover couldn't give me the extremes." "Yet no Dom has won you. Why?" "I haven't found a Dom who will give me the extremes, Sir." "I want the truth, Caro." "You're right. I've found some extremes, but not the right kind. Not the right Dom." "Why, Caro? What was missing in them?" "Judgment, honor, gallantry. There's a huge difference between a consensual sadist in the BDSM lifestyle, and a complete sadist. To me, a male who just likes to hurt things and has no compassion is a complete sadist, and less than a man. A male who consensually torments a woman to heighten lovemaking and bring them pleasure - a man who cares for her - is a true Dom, and the most desirable kind of man. — Marilyn Lakewood

Best Dom Sub Quotes By L.A. Witt

They spoke three languages between them, and there weren't enough words to convey what they'd take to the grave, what they'd had a chance to taste before fate inevitably closed in. Dom — L.A. Witt

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Lexi Blake

Let me put this as plainly as I can. Me, Dom. You, sub. — Lexi Blake

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Dom Starsia

When you watch Canadian kids [Box Lacrosse Players] score, when you see their skill level around the cage, you wonder to yourself, 'Jeez, are we teaching kids [in the U.S.] the wrong things? — Dom Starsia

Best Dom Sub Quotes By L.A. Witt

Now, they should have been in bed, making out and groping until one of them finally came up for air long enough to put on a condom. But they didn't move. They stood in the middle of the room, skin to skin, arms around each other and kissing like ... like ... Like this. It was as if no one had ever given Dom the memo about the difference between fucking and making love. About how to kiss a one-night stand versus how to kiss a boyfriend. Sergei — L.A. Witt

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Dom DeLuise

Once at the White House I was asked to conduct the Drum and Bugle Corp. The man just handed me the baton and I finished the song. It was great. I got to keep the baton. — Dom DeLuise

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Lauryn Hill

It's funny - more people talk about my 'babe-dom' now than they did before I had a child. Whatever. I guess I'm a role model in hot pants now. That's cool! — Lauryn Hill

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Walter M. Miller Jr.

Dom Paulo had not expected to convince him. But it was with a heavy heart that the abbot noticed the plodding patience with which the thon heard him through; it was the patience of a man listening to an argument which he had long ago refuted to his own satisfaction. — Walter M. Miller Jr.

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Debra Varva

I went into the experience with the notion that I was merely going to get a taste of a deviant lifestyle. The Dom was charismatic and the kinky sex might be good if I could get past the whipping part, because there was no way I would ever think that was fun. I believed I could never be truly submissive or enjoy pain. I was so very wrong

My life changed forever. The connection between Dom and sub is one of the closest relationships two people can have. Give and take became more than words. They became the basis of my existence. My body is no longer my own. He has access to everything I am - privacy does not exist, but when he looks at me it's with love. There is no fear and no shame because I am safe. I will always be safe with him.

As my Master will be safe with me. — Debra Varva

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Khul Waters

Miles just smiled and felt her love flow around his own. Yet inside his love was a rock, and it had the words "payback is sweet" written in large letters on it. He laughed and she looked up at him and saw the hard glint in his eyes. "Uh oh!" was all she said. He laughed again deep in his chest. She kissed him happily. She sucked at his throat. She, as much as he, would enjoy the struggle that would follow.
Part of the joy of their love was this constant battle to top the other. Kate was excellent at beginning these battles and sometimes even won them. Yet her weakness was that she submitted naturally. She knew it and he knew it. From her point of view the skill of the game was in keeping his Dom side distracted enough so she could submit to him before he took her. Miles smiled as he realised that whoever won was largely irrelevant to their love. Yet he liked to win; and so did she. (Journey Into Submission, eXtasy) — Khul Waters

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Jay Crownover

You won't be my client forever, Dom, but you will be a cop for the foreseeable future. I already lost someone I cared about and I barely came back from the pain of that. I'm not a strong enough man to care about someone that purposely puts themselves at risk . . . even if you are more than tempting. — Jay Crownover

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Ella Dominguez

Dom is generous, loving and respectful to not only his submissive, but all women. He is gentlemanly in public, but playful in private and a savage in the bedroom. — Ella Dominguez

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Walter M. Miller Jr.

The trouble with the world is me. — Walter M. Miller Jr.

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Laura Andersen

Wouldn't you like to be my lord Duke of Exeter? Come on, Dom. Say something."
"You have lost your mind."
"Say something less insulting. — Laura Andersen

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Thomas Merton

The seventeenth-century Benedictine mystic, Dom Augustine Baker, who fought a determined battle for the interior liberty of contemplative souls in an age ridden by autocratic directors, has the following to say on the subject: The director is not to teach his own way, nor indeed any determinate way of prayer, but to instruct his disciples how they may themselves find out the way proper for them. . . . In a word, he is only God's usher, and must lead souls in God's way, and not his own. — Thomas Merton

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Suzanne Wright

Now you're just being selfish," Dominic said to Jaime, shaking his head. "You have that body for the rest of your life. I only want it for one night."
Not in the mood to hear his packmate making moves - no matter how playful - on the female he intended to claim, Dante growled. "Dominic, no. Not to Jaime."
"But - "
Dominic sighed in resignation. "Okay, fine."
Noticing that Trey seemed to find the whole thing extremely amusing, Dante raised a brow at him. "It's funny now that he's not saying this shit to Taryn?"
Trey smiled. "Of course."
"I've always got some stored up for my gorgeous Alpha female," said Dominic with an impish grin.
Instantly Trey's smile fell from his face. "Dom, don't do it."
Dominic held his hands up, pleading innocence. "I was just going to ask her if she went to Boy Scouts ... because she has my heart all tied in knots."
Taryn groaned and chuckled at the same time. — Suzanne Wright

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Tymber Dalton

She doesn't flip your switch. I get it."

"Never say switch to a Dom, Leah. In either context. I don't do one and I'm liable to use the other. — Tymber Dalton

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Orson Scott Card

Do you think we're making a mistake?" snapped the Bishop.
"Not at all," said Dom Cristao. "I think we've taken a step toward something truly magnificent. But humankind almost never forgives true greatness."
"Fortunately," said the Bishop, "humankind isn't the judge that matters. And now I intend to pray for this boy, since medical science has obviously reached the boundary of its competence. — Orson Scott Card

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Dom Perignon

Come quickly, I am tasting the stars! — Dom Perignon

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Marie Calloway

I'm interested in the female dom/male sub dynamic, and how superficially it can seem like a total reverse of gender roles and maybe even subversive or something. — Marie Calloway

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Tom Clancy

Brian had been killed the year before on a Campus black op in Libya. Dom had been there, he'd held his brother in his arms as he died, and then Dominic returned to The Campus, hell-bent on doing the hard, dangerous work that he believed in. — Tom Clancy

Best Dom Sub Quotes By Kiki Smith

I like Betsy Ross as a model, too, the quilting bee, sitting around with your friends making art, asking what they think, so that you get the benefit of everyone's opinions and so it's not just about you in your you-dom. — Kiki Smith

Best Dom Sub Quotes By T.J. Klune

He sighs and bows his head, burying his face in his hands. I touch his hair. His ears. Bear may be my rock, but Dom is the force that moves me. — T.J. Klune