Famous Quotes & Sayings

Berntson Quotes & Sayings

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Top Berntson Quotes

Berntson Quotes By Joe Peterson

We're mortal, yet without a known expiration date. It's an inevitable fate worthy of acceptance, but not deserving of predictions. — Joe Peterson

Berntson Quotes By Rose McGowan

That's my takeaway from 'Scream' - I know I can fit in dog doors. You have to jimmy your body in a certain position and really hope you're not wearing something super fancy. — Rose McGowan

Berntson Quotes By Peter J. Tanous

Well, they've come a long way. To think that he now could access a secret document held in the Vatican archives, via electronic technology. — Peter J. Tanous

Berntson Quotes By Gina Prince-Bythewood

Talent has no gender. People are hiring young male directors right out of film school, off of a student film or off of a film at Sundance for millions of dollars. You can do the same with a female. It's not a risk about the work if you respect the film that they made. — Gina Prince-Bythewood

Berntson Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

Of what avail is my love if it be only so long as I trust my friend? — Mahatma Gandhi

Berntson Quotes By Rene Webb

Can we have breakfast now? No matter how sweet it is, a man can't live on pussy alone. — Rene Webb

Berntson Quotes By Jo Huey

You can't express your true feelings until you know what they are — Jo Huey

Berntson Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Philosophy, in its simplest form, is the exploration of the beauty and ugliness of life. — Debasish Mridha

Berntson Quotes By Patrick Rothfuss

Finally, say that she was beautiful. That is all that can be well said. That she was beautiful, through to her bones, despite any flaw or fault. — Patrick Rothfuss