Famous Quotes & Sayings

Benusa Bemidji Quotes & Sayings

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Top Benusa Bemidji Quotes

Benusa Bemidji Quotes By Edward St. Aubyn

This was it, the big moment: the corpse of his chief enemy, the ruins of his creator, the body of his dead father; the great weight of all that was unsaid and would never have been said; the pressure to say it now, when there was nobody to hear, and to speak also on his father's behalf, in an act of self-division that might fissure the world and turn his body into a jigsaw puzzle. This was it. — Edward St. Aubyn

Benusa Bemidji Quotes By Thomas C. Oden

Niebuhr [Oden's Doctoral adviser at Yale and leading 20th century Christian theological ethicist] wanted all of his graduate students to have some serious interdisciplinary competence beyond theology, so I chose to be responsible for the area of psychology of religion. I hoped to correlate aspects of contemporary psychotherapies with a philosophy of universal history. The psychology that prevailed in my college years was predominately Freudian psychoanalysis, but my clinical beginning point in the late 1950's had turned to Rogerian client-centered therapy. The psychology that prevailed in my Yale years was predominantly the empirical social psychologists like Kurt Lewin and Musafer Sherif. I gradually assimilated those views in order to work on a critique of therapies and assess them all in relation to my major interest in the meaning of history. — Thomas C. Oden

Benusa Bemidji Quotes By Chogyam Trungpa

Synchronizing mind and body is not a concept or a random technique someone thought up for self-improvement. Rather, it is a basic principle of how to be a human being. — Chogyam Trungpa

Benusa Bemidji Quotes By Aaliyah

I stay true to myself and my style, and I am always pushing myself to be aware of that and be original. — Aaliyah

Benusa Bemidji Quotes By John Le Carre

Everything he admired or loved had been the product of intense individualism ... when had mass philosophies ever brought benefit or wisdom? — John Le Carre

Benusa Bemidji Quotes By Eugene H. Peterson

It is easier to find guides, someone to tell you what to do, than someone to be with you in a discerning, prayerful companionship as you work it out yourself. This is what spiritual direction is. — Eugene H. Peterson