Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Being Funky

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Top Being Funky Quotes

Being Funky Quotes By Sonny Rollins

I have seen great jazz musicians die obscure and drinking themselves to death and not really being able to get any work and working in small, funky jazz clubs. — Sonny Rollins

Being Funky Quotes By Scott McClanahan

I have no interest in being a trained ballerina. People should dance how they want to dance. I want to be the funky chicken. — Scott McClanahan

Being Funky Quotes By Ron White

Years ago, while I was watching a baseball game between the Baltimore Orioles and the Texas Rangers, I remember staring in awe at Cal Ripken. I realized during this game that 'you don't have to be flashy' or have 'power numbers' to be great. It's about the simple things that are the hard things. It's about leadership, work ethic and commitment. — Ron White

Being Funky Quotes By Roger Daltrey

I feel there must be an enormous amount of really talented songwriters out there who can't sing. — Roger Daltrey

Being Funky Quotes By Alistair Begg

When grace begins to rule, then our preoccupation with ourselves begins to leave. — Alistair Begg

Being Funky Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

God has a need one that only mankind can fulfil — Sunday Adelaja

Being Funky Quotes By Daniel Levitin

The brain has an attentional mode called the "mind wandering mode" that was only recently identified. This is when thoughts move seamlessly from one to another, often to unrelated thoughts, without you controlling where they go. This brain state acts as a neural reset button, allowing us to come back to our work with a refreshed perspective. Different people find they enter this mode in different ways: reading, a walk in nature, looking at art, meditating, and napping. A 15-minute nap can produce the equivalent of a 10-point boost in IQ. — Daniel Levitin

Being Funky Quotes By Ian McEwan

Words, as I'm beginning to appreciate, can make things true. — Ian McEwan

Being Funky Quotes By Ree Drummond

I missed the anonymity-the ability to run to the market without running into my third-grade teacher.
I missed the nightlife-the knowledge that if I wanted to, there was always an occasion to get dressed up and head out for dinner and drinks.
I missed the restaurants-the Asian, the Thai, the Italian the Indian. I was already tired of mashed potatoes and canned green beans.
I missed the culture- the security that comes from being on the touring schedule of the major Broadway musicals.
I missed the shopping-the funky boutiques, the eclectic shops, the browsing.
I missed the city. — Ree Drummond

Being Funky Quotes By Tommy Lee

Being a drummer, I'm always like, 'Oh, that's got a funky beat. That's cool,' and I like to dance. — Tommy Lee

Being Funky Quotes By Sukant Ratnakar

Simplicity is boring, but i still love it. — Sukant Ratnakar

Being Funky Quotes By Nikesh Shukla

I was proud to be brown in my own way. Well, I was at school; at school I was brown about the funky stuff that came with being vegetarian, like being really arrogant about it, declaring proudly to a room full of beefeaters when Mad Cow disease initially broke that it was 'Vishnu's way of telling y'all to stop eating and start worshipping'. — Nikesh Shukla

Being Funky Quotes By Patrick Stump

Between Prince and my dad's fusion-jazz records, I didn't have a choice in being funky. — Patrick Stump