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Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes & Sayings

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Top Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Ringo Starr

I used to wear different rings when I first got called Ringo in about 19, about, umm, '59 I got called Ringo. — Ringo Starr

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Patrick Anderson Jr.

Lauren realizes right then that the prospect of being single - of recent events leading to a divorce and her being a single mother with child support checks and the like - scares her to death. Dating itself is such a frightening, vulnerable time period, no matter what the circumstances. It sucks, really. She doesn't want to go through all that again. — Patrick Anderson Jr.

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Ellen Galinsky

If you never allow your children to exceed what they can do, how are they ever going to manage adult life - where a lot of it is managing more than you thought you could manage? — Ellen Galinsky

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Karina Halle

Last chance to get out and live a normal life," he said. "Are you kidding? I gave that up for Lent," she answered with a roll of her eyes. — Karina Halle

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

Must one first batter their ears, that they may learn to hear with their eyes? Must one clatter like kettledrums and penitential preachers? Or do they only believe the stammerer? — Friedrich Nietzsche

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Susan Cain

Nor are introverts necessarily shy. Shyness is the fear of social disapproval or humiliation, while introversion is a preference for environments that are not overstimulating. Shyness is inherently painful; introversion is not. One reason that people confuse the two concepts is that they sometimes overlap (though psychologists debate to what degree). Some psychologists map the two tendencies on vertical and horizontal axes, with the introvert-extrovert spectrum on the horizontal axis, and the anxious-stable spectrum on the vertical. With this model, you end up with four quadrants of personality types: calm extroverts, anxious (or impulsive) extroverts, calm introverts, and anxious introverts. In other words, you can be a shy extrovert, like Barbra Streisand, who has a larger-than-life personality and paralyzing stage fright; or a non-shy introvert, like Bill Gates, who by all accounts keeps to himself but is unfazed by the opinions of others. — Susan Cain

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Angela Johnson

This is good and hot."
"I remember you used to say that about someone I know."
He shakes his head. "Give it up, Scotts. That boat sailed, sank, and got towed."
"But ... "
"No. It ain't going to happen."
He sits down next to me and I curl up next to him.
"Nicky, it's hard being a child of your divorce and probably the reason somebody is dead."
Nick raises my head with his hands and looks at me and smiles.
"Life bites, baby girl."
" ... and sucks."
Amen. — Angela Johnson

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By George Hammond

You may say we're all dreamers,
And you're not the only one,
But if you care to join us,
Then the world will be more fun. — George Hammond

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Kristan Higgins

There was something about being a child of divorce ... I'd always felt somehow responsible for everyone's mood. If I was cute and cheerful enough, I believed, everyone would be happy. If they weren't, clearly I wasn't trying hard enough. — Kristan Higgins

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Richard Ford

They may already know too much about their mother and father
nothing being more factual than divorce, where so much has to be explained and worked through intelligently (though they have tried to stay equable). I've noticed this is often the time when children begin calling their parents by their first names, becoming little ironists after their parents' faults. What could be lonelier for a parent than to be criticized by his child on a first-name basis? — Richard Ford

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Patrick O'Brian

The sensation of falling into the past is not unlike that of coming home for the holidays. — Patrick O'Brian

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Fanny Brice

Affectation is a very good word when someone does not wish to confess to what he would none the less like to believe of himself. — Fanny Brice

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Debra Anastasia

Nobody wanted to ride bitch to his own testicle festival. — Debra Anastasia

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Fleur East

It's funny because the perception is that the typical 'X Factor' contestant is the person who's just working 9 to 5 and just decides to one day go and audition. So yeah, for me, it was a very different story. — Fleur East

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Julie Burchill

To believe that one, or even three, mates can supply all the things one needs from one's friends is as stupid as believing married couples must do everything together. — Julie Burchill

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Mahmoud Darwish

We have to understand - not justify - what gives rise to this tragedy. It's not because they're looking for beautiful virgins in heaven, as Orientalists portray it. Palestinian people are in love with life. If we give them hope - a political solution - they'll stop killing themselves. — Mahmoud Darwish

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Goldie Hawn

I've come to believe that seeking happiness is not a frivolous pursuit. It's honorable and necessary. And most people forget even to thing about it. — Goldie Hawn

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Tabatha Coffey

We have to stand up for what we believe in, even when we might not be popular for it. Honesty starts with being ourselves, authentic and true to who we are and what we believe in, and that may not always be popular, but it will always let you follow your dreams and your heart. — Tabatha Coffey

Being A Child Of Divorce Quotes By Sarah Dessen

But in the real world, you couldnt really just split a family down the middle, mom on one side, dad the other, with the child equally divided between. It was like when you ripped a piece of paper into two: no matter how you tried, the seams never fit exactly right again. It was what you couldn't see, those tiniest of pieces, that were lost in the severing, and their absence kept everything from being complete. — Sarah Dessen