Famous Quotes & Sayings

Begin Anew Quotes & Sayings

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Top Begin Anew Quotes

Begin Anew Quotes By Joseph Smith Jr.

Let us this very day begin anew, and now say, with all our hearts, we will forsake our sins and be righteous. — Joseph Smith Jr.

Begin Anew Quotes By James Robison

A new year reminds us that regardless of how often we fail or miss the mark, God freely offers opportunity to begin anew. — James Robison

Begin Anew Quotes By Phil Wohl

As David Zucker watched the casket of his late wife being lowered into the ground, he thought the worst must surely be over and it was time to start the slow healing process to begin life anew. — Phil Wohl

Begin Anew Quotes By Goswami Kriyananda

As you begin this day, tell yourself, Today I am incarnated anew! I am released from the hypnosis of my old habits and mistakes! Everything that I have long dreamed of doing I will accomplish in this, my new life. — Goswami Kriyananda

Begin Anew Quotes By Rainer Maria Rilke

But not you, O girl, nor yet his
stretched his eyebrows so fierce with
Not for your mouth, you who hold him
did his lips ripen into these fervent
Do you really think your quiet
could have so convulsed him, you who
move like dawn wind?
True, you startled his heart; but older
rushed into him with that first jolt
to his emotions.
Call him . . . you'll never quite
retrieve him from those dark consorts.
Yes, he wants to, he escapes; relieved,
he makes a home
in your familiar heart, takes root
there and begins himself anew.
But did he ever begin himself? — Rainer Maria Rilke

Begin Anew Quotes By John F. Kennedy

So let us begin anew - remembering on both sides that civility is not a
sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof — John F. Kennedy

Begin Anew Quotes By Robin Hobb

Why not break free now, and make Bingtown a place where folk begin anew, all men standing on an equal footing?"
"And all women, too."
She must be Sparse's daughter, thought Keffria. Even her voice echoed his in tone. Devouchet looked at her in surprise.
"It was but a manner of speaking, Ekke," he said mildly.
"A manner of speaking becomes a manner of thinking. — Robin Hobb

Begin Anew Quotes By Douglas Alexander

Too often, the idea seemed to be that the cost of being part of Europe was being less like Britain. So after years of fighting to defend Europe against attacks from the Eurosceptic right, it would be fatal to retreat into the same arguments and begin the battle anew. — Douglas Alexander

Begin Anew Quotes By Mara Amberly

The knife; tool of the Thief, Skeben. I believe this is a mark of the prisoner's guilt."
There was a howl of "no!" from the prisoner. For the first time, Minister Terell smiled.
"The last rune," Alexa said, louder. The disc had a simple circle with a dot at its heart. "It's a mark of the world and the path. What ends will begin anew. — Mara Amberly

Begin Anew Quotes By Mary Shelley

I agree with you," replied the stranger; "we are unfashioned creatures, but half made up, if one wiser, better, dearer than ourselves
such a friend ought to be
do not lend his aid to perfectionate our weak and faulty natures. I once had a friend, the most noble of human creatures, and am entitled, therefore, to judge respecting friendship. You have hope, and the world before you, and have no cause for despair. But I
I have lost everything, and cannot begin life anew. — Mary Shelley

Begin Anew Quotes By Richard Moss

Life is the most precious and wondrous thing that any of us have. Along the way, one of the real miracles occurs when we realize that what really matters is to deepen our relationship to ourselves and that to do this we have to enter a spiritual journey. We have to discover anew, or for the first time, our own relationship to the Infinite. We must begin to risk trusting a whole new level of intimacy with ourselves, life and the people whose lives we touch. — Richard Moss

Begin Anew Quotes By Thomas S. Monson

We all have received the divine injunction: 'Follow thou me.' It guided Peter. It motivated Paul. It can determine our personal destiny. Can we make the decision to follow in righteousness and truth the Redeemer of the world? With his help, a rebellious boy can become an obedient man, a wayward girl can cast aside the old self and begin anew. Indeed, the gospel of Jesus Christ can change lives. — Thomas S. Monson

Begin Anew Quotes By Sarah J. Maas

It is a new world, and we must decide how we are to end this old one and begin it anew. — Sarah J. Maas

Begin Anew Quotes By Martin Luther King Jr.

World peace through nonviolent means is neither absurd nor unattainable. All other methods have failed. Thus we must begin anew. Nonviolence is a good starting point. Those of us who believe in this method can be voices of reason, sanity, and understanding amid the voices of violence, hatred, and emotion. We can very well set a mood of peace out of which a system of peace can be built. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Begin Anew Quotes By Og Mandino

Today I begin a new life. Today I shed my old skin which hath, too long, suffered the bruises of failure and the wounds of mediocrity. Today I am born anew and my birthplace is a vineyard where there is fruit for all. — Og Mandino

Begin Anew Quotes By Giordano Bruno

I beg you, reject antiquity, tradition, faith, and authority! Let us begin anew by doubting everything we assume has been proven! — Giordano Bruno

Begin Anew Quotes By James Dashner

And if all has gone according to plan, we have sent the brightest, the strongest, the toughest of our subjects to a safe place, where they can begin civilization anew while the rest of the world is driven to extinction. — James Dashner

Begin Anew Quotes By Mahmoud Darwish

I look out on my language, two days later
A short absence is enough
for Aeschylus to open the door to peace
a short speech is enough
for Antonio to incite war
A hand of a woman in my hand
is enough
to embrace my freedom
and for the ebb and flow to begin anew in my body
(I See my Ghost Coming from a Distance) — Mahmoud Darwish

Begin Anew Quotes By J.D. Stroube

As I turned to leave, I looked down. Beside my foot, a sprout of greenery was clawing its way through the pristine nothingness to begin anew. It was later that I realized my haven had sent me a message, and it had shown me that nothing is ever completely lost, unless you cease searching. — J.D. Stroube

Begin Anew Quotes By Stella Payton

What dreams lie dormant hidden in the womb of your soul, quietly waiting, incubating seeking opportunity to come forth?
Like the female cycle that comes every 28 days, over and over again, dreams come to rest in the soil of your mind. They compel you. They disturb you. They haunt you with visions of possibility.
They prompt you to walk restlessly through life knowing that you may someday stop, listen and decide to nourish them with faith and action.
Yield to the silent urging. Listen. Hear. Receive.
Let the dream speak. For it will burst forth from the womb of your spirit. It frees into existence something that lives, brooding in the corner your mind. Hold the seed. Grow the seed. Birth the seed. And life will begin anew. — Stella Payton

Begin Anew Quotes By Cecelia Ahern

This house isn't mine anymore, but the memories are; the memories can't be sold. The building that housed my once-upon-a-time dreams stands for someone else now, as it did for the people before us, and I feel happy to let it go. Happy that I can begin again, anew, though bearing the scars of before. They represent wounds that have healed. — Cecelia Ahern

Begin Anew Quotes By Steve Jobs

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. — Steve Jobs

Begin Anew Quotes By Desmond Tutu

Forgiveness is truly the grace by which we enable another person to get up, and get up with dignity, to begin anew. To not forgive leads to bitterness and hatred. Like self-hatred and self-contempt, hatred of others gnaws away at our vitals. Whether hatred is projected out or stuffed in, it is always corrosive to the human spirit. — Desmond Tutu

Begin Anew Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

If the world does improve on the whole, yet youth must always begin anew, and go through the stages of culture from the beginning. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Begin Anew Quotes By Ibrahim Ibrahim

The 'Trinity' resembles nothing but the perpetuation of the Aryan heritage of the 'Trimurti' and 'Trismegistus', where conformal mapping is applied to guarantee the preservation of local angles between lines even though the final shape and its curvature are molded anew.
After all, sculpturing gods is precisely that what Polytheists do.
Numbers are modeled using mathematical relations so begin to construe.
It is manifested nowadays in the Pauline Christian and Jew. — Ibrahim Ibrahim

Begin Anew Quotes By Brendon Burchard

I like to remind people that creativity also isn't a spark; it's a slog. Every artist, inventor, designer, writer, or other creative in the world will talk about his work being an iterative experience. He'll start with one idea, shape it, move it, combine it, break it, begin anew, discover something within himself, see a new vision, go at it again, test it, share it, fix it, break it, hone it, hone it, hone it, hone it. This might sound like common sense, but it's not common practice, and that's why so many people are terribly uncreative - they're not willing to do the work required to create something that's beautiful, useful, desirable, celebrated. No masterpiece was shaped or written in a day. It's a long slog to get something right. This knowledge and willingness to iterate is what makes the world's most creative people so creative (and successful). — Brendon Burchard

Begin Anew Quotes By Anton Corbijn

I've gotten used to not looking too far into the future; it's best when you can begin each day anew. — Anton Corbijn

Begin Anew Quotes By George R R Martin

Beneath it his skin was milky white, serene and unlined, ready to begin anew, ready for the world to write upon it. — George R R Martin

Begin Anew Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Be courageous enough to learn from failures and bold enough to begin anew. — Debasish Mridha

Begin Anew Quotes By F. Sionil Jose

Only with steadfast memories can we now be strong so as to undo the mistakes of the past, to begin anew and build from the rubble of their betrayal ... — F. Sionil Jose

Begin Anew Quotes By Dacha Avelin

For centuries we have been ripped apart by the hands of others as well as ourselves. Our personalities have been conditioned to become disconnected from our most Earthly ancestral knowledge. The days of disconnectedness are over. We must begin anew. — Dacha Avelin

Begin Anew Quotes By Aporva Kala

It is easy to begin anew, rather than try to redo the existing. — Aporva Kala

Begin Anew Quotes By Hermann Hesse

I have had to experience so much stupidity, so many vices, so much error, so much nausea, disillusionment and sorrow, just in order to become a child again and begin anew. I had to experience despair, I had to sink to the greatest mental depths, to thoughts of suicide, in order to experience grace. — Hermann Hesse

Begin Anew Quotes By Debasish Mridha

To refresh our lives, let us forget and forgive and begin anew. — Debasish Mridha

Begin Anew Quotes By J.J. Brown

The ancient trees are the deep earth's language for speaking to the universe. The earth communicates through trees to the animals and to the birds living above - and to the very heavens. The trees draw the earth's water up from the ground. Then breathing, they return it to the air for the clouds and the blessed rain that falls to begin the cycle anew. She thinks of the thin layer of living things as a fragile space between earth's molten rock core and the frozen outer universe of stars. The thin layer is like her own life here - precious, finite — J.J. Brown

Begin Anew Quotes By Toni Morrison

If writing is thinking and discovery and selection and order and meaning, it is also awe and reverence and mystery and magic ... Authors arrive at text and subtext in thousands of ways, learning each time they begin anew how to recognize a valuable idea and how to reader the texture that accompanies, reveals or displays it to its best advantage. — Toni Morrison

Begin Anew Quotes By Toni Sorenson

Go for broke, my friends. Straighten your spine when you step to the podium. Trust your own tongue. Believe that your weary legs will hold you until you reach the finish line. And reach it you will if you give it your all. Fall if you must, crawl if you must, but don't you dare give up or give in until you've made it to the end. For at the end is where your great reward will be to begin anew. A new chance. A new life. A new you. — Toni Sorenson

Begin Anew Quotes By Sun Tzu

Like the sun and moon, they end but to begin anew; like the four seasons, they pass away to return once more. — Sun Tzu

Begin Anew Quotes By Russell Kirk

The automobile, practical since 1906, was proceeding to disintegrate and stamp anew the pattern of communication, manners, and city life in the United States, by 1918; before long, men would begin to see that the automobile, and the mass production techniques which made its possible, could alter the national character and morality more thoroughly than could the most absolute of tyrants. As a mechanical Jacobin, it rivaled the dynamo. The productive process which made these vehicles cheap was still more subversive of the old ways than was the gasoline engine itself. — Russell Kirk

Begin Anew Quotes By Francis De Sales

Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew. — Francis De Sales

Begin Anew Quotes By Louise Hay

This is a new day. Begin anew to claim and create all that is good — Louise Hay

Begin Anew Quotes By Jacqueline Carey

There are others. There will be others. Other heroes, other heroines. Other prophecies to fulfill, other adversaries to despise. There will be stories told and forgotten, and reinvented anew until one day, perhaps, the oldest are remembered, and the beginning may end, and the ending begin. — Jacqueline Carey

Begin Anew Quotes By Emile M. Cioran

Thinking should be like musical meditation. Has any philosopher pursued a thought to its limits the way Bach or Beethoven develop and exhaust a musical theme? Even after having read the most profound thinkers, one still feels the need to begin anew. Only music gives definitive answers. — Emile M. Cioran

Begin Anew Quotes By Ronald Barnett

The imagination has a power to see into things, to feel into things, to be at one with things anew, so as to produce a new understanding of the object of the imagination.1 Indeed, those sensations and understandings that the imagination can furnish may be so detailed and vivid and complex that we simply lack the words adequately to capture them. In those circumstances, we may 'begin to realize what a huge gap there is between our understanding of what happens around us and inside us, and the words we have at our command to say something about it' (119). — Ronald Barnett

Begin Anew Quotes By Malcolm Guite

The Lord of life and love calls us out of nothingness into being, calls us out of darkness into light, and calls us, personally, to turn and begin our lives anew in him. — Malcolm Guite

Begin Anew Quotes By Andrew Klavan

The Old Testament traces one complete cycle of that history, one people's rise and fall. This particular people is unique only in that they're the ones who begin to remember what man was made for. Moses' revelation at the burning bush is as profound as any religious scene in literature. There, he sees that the eternal creation and destruction of nature is not a mere process but the mask of a personal spirit, I AM THAT I AM. The centuries that follow that revelation are a spiraling semicircle of sin and shame and redemption, of freedom recovered and then surrendered in return for imperial greatness, of a striving toward righteousness through law that reveals only the impossibility of righteousness, of power and pride and fall. It's every people's history, in other words, but seen anew in the light of the fire of I AM. It — Andrew Klavan

Begin Anew Quotes By Francis Bacon

It is idle to expect any great advancement in science from the superinducing and engrafting of new things upon old. We must begin anew from the very foundations, unless we would revolve for ever in a circle with mean and contemptible progress. — Francis Bacon

Begin Anew Quotes By Desmond Tutu

Forgiveness is the grace by which you enable the other person to get up and get up with dignity, to begin anew. — Desmond Tutu

Begin Anew Quotes By Paula W. Millet

Slowly, she made her way out of the water and stood for a moment on the shore, looking out at the vast expanse of the briny deep. She smiled. This had been her baptism, she reckoned, and with a certainty in her soul that could only come from God Himself, she knew that she would begin her life anew. — Paula W. Millet

Begin Anew Quotes By Liu Cixin

The only way to escape this fate was to mate with a member of the opposite sex. When that happened, the organic material making up their bodies would meld into one. Two-thirds of the material would then become fuel to power the biochemical reaction that would completely renew the cells in the remaining one-third and create a new body. Then this body would divide into three to five tiny new lives: their children. They would inherit some of the memories of their parents, continue their lives, and begin the cycle of life anew. — Liu Cixin

Begin Anew Quotes By Paulo Coelho

A warrior is always aware of what is worth fighting for. He does not go into combat over things that do not concern him, and he never wastes his time over provocations. A warrior accepts defeat. He does not treat it as a matter of indifference, nor does he attempt to transform it into a victory. The pain of defeat is bitter to him; he suffers at indifference and becomes
desperate with loneliness. After all this has passed, he licks his wounds
and begins everything anew. A warrior knows that war is made of many
battles; he goes on. Tragedies do happen. We can discover the reason, blame others, imagine how different our lives would be had they not occurred. But none of that is important: they did occur, and so be it. From there onward we must put aside the fear that they awoke in us and begin to rebuild. — Paulo Coelho

Begin Anew Quotes By Thich Nhat Hanh

Due to attachment, anger, and foolishness, I have committed numberless mistakes in speech, deed and thought. I bow my head and repent. I vow from today to begin anew, to live day and night in mindfulness, and not to repeat my previous mistakes. — Thich Nhat Hanh

Begin Anew Quotes By George Edward Woodberry

Always begin anew with the day, just as nature does. It is one of the sensible things that nature does. — George Edward Woodberry

Begin Anew Quotes By Debasish Mridha

We can never live in the past; so everyday we begin anew. — Debasish Mridha