Famous Quotes & Sayings

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes & Sayings

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Top Babaeng May Toyo Quotes

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes By Mary Surratt

Please don't let me fall. — Mary Surratt

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes By Taona Dumisani Chiveneko

When a group of people are forced to navigate a minefield together, everyone feels a grudging sense of comfort when someone else gets blown up. Though there may be other unseen landmines left in the ground, each death creates a safe spot. A landmine cannot explode twice in the same place. Sure, the explosion robs the survivors of a comrade. Still, each death makes everyone's next step marginally safer. So everyone keeps walking with grief on their faces, and relief in their hearts. Their own deaths are further postponed by the end of another life. — Taona Dumisani Chiveneko

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes By Camilla Isley

Gentlemen do not carry a cane or a hat? No gloves?"
"Gentleman may still wear them, but I'm afraid the problem is that there aren't many left. — Camilla Isley

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes By Lauren Fleshman

The Pre highlighted things I needed to tweak. I'm glad I ran there and found the things I needed to tweak and didn't find those things out here. — Lauren Fleshman

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes By Georgette Heyer

Well, have you a tongue in your head?' 'I have,' responded Hugo, 'but I was never one to give my head for washing.' 'You're not such a fool as you look,' commented his lordship. — Georgette Heyer

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes By Teresa Medeiros

I hope you don't mind the intrusion," she said. "I thought we'd air out your chambers while you were
downstairs at breakfast."
"We?" he repeated ominously, wondering just how many witnesses there were going to be to her
murder. — Teresa Medeiros

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes By Oleg Cassini

I am neither the handsomest nor the richest nor the most powerful, but I've had the greatest women in the world. — Oleg Cassini

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes By Jose Eduardo Agualusa

However, he began to walk stooped slightly to the left, as though he were being pushed, from within, by a violent gale. — Jose Eduardo Agualusa

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes By Judith Lynne Hanna

Saying the lion is kind of the beasts says something about lions and also something about kings. — Judith Lynne Hanna

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes By Cassandra Clare

Hodge sent me to wake you up. Actually, he offered to wake you up himself, but since its five a.m., I figured you'd be less cranky if you had something nice to look at. — Cassandra Clare

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes By Elinor Wylie

My lord, adjudge my strength, and set me where
I bear a little more than I can bear. — Elinor Wylie

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes By Julian Jaynes

As a boy when his mother told him to listen to the voice inside him to help him tell the difference between right and wrong, nothing happened. He concluded that "either I was too wicked to have a conscience or too good to need one". — Julian Jaynes

Babaeng May Toyo Quotes By Debasish Mridha

By becoming forgiving, fill yourself with love, and then, with profound kindness, give it away. — Debasish Mridha