Famous Quotes & Sayings

Audibly Crossword Quotes & Sayings

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Top Audibly Crossword Quotes

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Ronald Reagan

Someone asked me whether I was aware of all the people out there who were praying for the President. And I had to say, "Yes, I am. I've felt it. I believe in intercessory prayer." But I couldn't help but say to that questioner after he'd asked the question that - or at least say to them that if sometimes when he was praying he got a busy signal, it was just me in there ahead of him. — Ronald Reagan

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Lillian Hellman

Since when do we have to agree with people to defend them from injustice? — Lillian Hellman

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Gregory The Great

There are some so restless that when they are free from labour they labour all the more, because the leisure they they have for thought, the worse interior turmoil they have to bear. — Gregory The Great

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Rollo May

The function of the rebel is to shake the fixated mores of the rigid order of civilization; and this shaking, though painful, is necessary if the society is to be saved from boredom and apathy. Obviously I do not refer to everyone who calls himself a rebel, but only to the authentic rebel. Civilization gets its first flower from the rebel. — Rollo May

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Wayne Dyer

By giving children lots of affection, you can help fill them with love and acceptance of themselves. Then that's what they will have to give away. — Wayne Dyer

Audibly Crossword Quotes By P.C. Cast

I'm going to remember this, I told myself sternly. I'm going to remember how awful they made me feel today. So when I'm scared and alone and whatever else is going to happen to me starts to happen, I'm going to remember that nothing about be as bad as being stuck here.Nothing. — P.C. Cast

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Joe Manganiello

When I'd be out-and-about at a club and the music would come on, I was never the guy that was gonna dance. But after Magic Mike - I have like two or three go-to moves. That's what Magic Mike gave me. — Joe Manganiello

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Oliver Goldsmith

Write how you want, the critic shall show the world you could have written better. — Oliver Goldsmith

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Julie Anne Peters

She'll go to hell. They all will. If hell will even have them. — Julie Anne Peters

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Frank Knox

Patriotism was a living fire of unquestioned belief and purpose. — Frank Knox

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Morgan Saylor

I know it sounds silly, but in auditions for film or TV, the words aren't as important - you need to get into the character and have the gist of the scene. But in theater, if you don't do it word for word, then you throw off your scene partner. — Morgan Saylor

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Simon Beaufoy

They say crying makes the heart lighter — Simon Beaufoy

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Charlotte Bronte

The man of regular life and rational mind never despairs. — Charlotte Bronte

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Dana Gould

The weird thing about old Playboys is knowing that the naked woman is now an old lady. I said weird. I didn't say bad. — Dana Gould

Audibly Crossword Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

At one time,' Golenishchev continued, either not observing or not willing to observe that both Anna and Vronsky wanted to speak, 'at one time a freethinker was a man who had been brought up in the conception of religion, law, and morality, who reached freethought only after conflict and difficulty. But now a new type of born freethinkers has appeared, who grow up without so much as hearing that there used to be laws of morality, or religion, that authorities existed. They grow up in ideas of negation in everything
in other words, utter savages. — Leo Tolstoy